being sent to the engine cylinder, the air outlet
temperature at the cooler outlet cooled down to 40
degs C. The turbocharger must run at its optimum
efficiency to ensure efficient operation of the Main
engine. The Kongsberg engine simulator at AMC was
utilised to study the impact of the defective
turbocharging system on the safety of the Mai Engine.
This was done by running the engine at its normal
speed of 74 RPM, under loaded condition. For the
present study, two malfunctions of the turbocharging
system were introduced to look at its effect on the
operation of the Main Engine. These included one
each on the air side and exhaust side of the
turbocharger. The first malfunction introduced was a
dirty air filter. It was seen that this malfunction did
not hamper, the operation of the engine to a great
degree. There was no drop in the RPM of the Main
engine, only a marginal rise in the pressure drop
across the filter and the temperature of exhaust gas
after the turbocharger. The second malfunction
involved a dirty exhaust inlet grid to the turbocharger.
This condition had a major impact on the exhaust gas
cylinder outlet temperature which rose by about 50%.
This also led to an increase in the cylinder liner and
cylinder cover temperature to its alarming levels.
After 11 minutes of running the Main Engine slowed
down automatically, as per the safety provision
provided by the engine manufacturer. Hence it is
important to avoid this condition by carrying out the
Planned Maintenance and periodic inspection of the
exhaust manifold and ensure that the inlet grid is
always clean and free from any coke deposits. Also,
the turbocharging system must be reliable. With the
help of a Fault Tree analysis and developing a
Reliability Block Diagram, an equation was
established, using which the Reliability of the
Turbocharging, hence the reliability of the Main
engine may be computed.
Malfunctions of turbocharger compressor failure,
turbine failure, failure of rotor bearings, and failure of
air cooler to be considered to see its impact on the
Main Engine operation. The study can be employed to
other sub-systems of the main engine to establish a
safe and reliable Main Engine at sea.
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