unfamiliarity with area, poor voyage plan and poor
assessment of speed.
Regarding time constrains of the operator, there is
a fundamental difference in near-grounding situations
to in near collisions/ close quarter situations. While
decisions can often be made some ten minutes or so to
avoid groundings, collisions have a much shorter
time-to-act span down to seconds [5]. Hollnagel [2]
has found that for the humans in a system “that the
reason why they sometimes fail, in the sense that the
outcome of their actions differ from what was
intended or required, is due to the variability of the
context and conditions rather than to action failures”.
Thus, the ability to minimize the variability will have
a potential to minimize the occurrence of undesired
The objectives of this study within the PrePare-
Ships project is to give evidence-based criteria for
designing decision support tools based on a dynamic
ship predictor which require high accuracy
positioning information from the shipboard GNSS
receiver and the other sensors. The feedback from ship
crews implies that dynamic predictors increases the
understanding on how the future movement of the
vessel will be in different weather conditions. The
results of the literature study and data analysis
indicate that the prevailing event categories can be
influenced by decision support making the common
understanding of the current situation more visible to
the crews. Especially for collision situations, short
time spans are available to make decision, therefore a
constant prediction of how the ships will move can
support the crews in decision making and situational
awareness. Accident investigations show a significant
amount of accidents where the crews internal
situational picture deviated on the same as well as on
all bridges of the ships involved.
The high-accuracy GNSS positioning technique is
widely used in marine navigation. In general, there
are several techniques for providing GNSS corrections
that can be used to achieve high precision positioning
like e.g. DGPS, SBAS, RTK and PPP. In the PrePare-
ships project we are working to develop methods in
order to use Network-RTK and PPP for positioning of
ships. As NRTK technology requires land-based
reference stations it will focus on positioning in
inshore areas. Since the core of fast and high-accuracy
NRTK positioning is the ability to provide the
correction data for all constellations, satellites and
signals, this study focuses on the NRTK accuracy
performance when it provides the correction data to
the shipboard GNSS receiver.
In order to decrease the risk of ship collisions, the
situational awareness can be increased by predicting
future positions and exchanging them with the
surrounding. Therefore, the PrePare-Ships project
develops a robust and accurate navigation solution
based on the features of Galileo signals in
combination with NRTK corrections and other in-ship
sensors. The solution reduces the risk for ship
collisions, provide decision-support in fairway
navigation, decrease environmental impact and
emissions and provide a cornerstone for future
automated navigation. The PrePare-Ships System will
receive position, attitude and velocity data from the
ANavS GNSS receiver using the Galileo Open Service.
The ANavS receiver use the signals from Galileo
satellites, the carrier-phase positioning corrections
from Network-RTK supported from SWEPOS, and
information about the integrity of the RTK
corrections. SWEPOS is the national CORS network of
Sweden operated by Lantmäteriet (the Swedish
Mapping, Cadastral and Land registration authority).
By that, ANavS provides a reliable positioning service
using sensor fusion.
The network RTK service in the project is based on
SWEPOS. The Swedish GNSS reference station
network has been developed in different stages to be
able to meet the requests on better positioning
uncertainty, reliability and availability. In general,
SWEPOS is based on:
− Physical infrastructure (permanent reference
stations and hardware of the control center);
− Distribution infrastructure capable of
disseminating real-time data flow from the stations
to the control center and from this to the user
according to RTCM SC 104 (Radio Technical
Commission for Maritime Services Special.
Committee 104) standard [11];
− Processing infrastructure, consisting of third party
software that improve the estimation of the various
errors and make them available to users spread
over the coverage area.
The current SWEPOS NRTK Service is based on
the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) concept, with two-
way mobile network communication between the
processing center and the NRTK users. The VRS
technique is currently the most popular/used NRTK
technique due to its compatibility with existing
software. The shipborne EGNSS receiver applies the
standard differential positioning of its observations
with observations from the VRS. Based on the
observations from the surrounding Physical Reference
Stations (PRS) in the area, the SWEPOS control center
will interpolate and generate a set of GNSS
observations/corrections calculated as if they were
acquired by a hypothetical receiver placed at the
required reference position, thus obtaining a VRS. The
network computing center is located in Lantmäteriet
(Gävle) and it generally perform the following steps:
− Determine various errors of different origin,
including atmospheric errors, clock errors, and
local multipath with cm-accuracy by fixing the
ambiguities of the baselines within SWEPOS
− Simulate the position of the VRS by geometrically
displacing the data of the reference station closest
to the rover,
− Interpolate the estimated errors at the VRS location
using mathematical models,
− Transmit the corrections to the users in real-time.
The current SWEPOS infrastructure consists of
approximately 460 permanent GNSS reference
stations located as shown in Figure 1. The distances
between these stations can be classified into the
following configurations [9].