Table 1. The Exponential Smoothing (ES) and the Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GNNR) GPS positioning error
prediction models performance based on residual analysis.
Scenario (i): No corrections Scenario (ii): Klobuchar corrections Scenario (iii): Dual-frequency corrections
Mean Median Max Mean Median Max Mean Median Max
ES 0.2208 0.0527 2.5948 0.1208 0.0515 2.6363 -0.1390 0.3251 2.4469
GRNN 0.0527 -0.1154 2.4266 0.0292 -0.0401 2.5448 -0.1128 0.3212 2.4648
A time series of horizontal GPS positioning errors
was constructed from time series of northing and
easting positioning errors. Using the horizontal GPS
positioning error time series, two candidate
prediction model development methods were
selected and tuned, i.e., the exponential smoothing
and the generalized regression neural networks
(GRNN), to develop candidate models of the
horizontal GPS positioning error. The original time
series of 2872 single-point horizontal GPS positioning
errors was split into the first 2857 elements training
set, and the remaining 15 elements test set to assess
the prediction models performance. The reduction of
number of GPS pseudorange observations in
comparison with the nominal determination for
provision of 30 s-sampled data was not explained by
The most suitable theoretical statistical
distribution to fit the experimental one was selected
using the Cullen & Fray diagram, as shown in Figure
3. for the northing component of the GPS positioning
vector in the no-correction scenario.
The model performance analysis was conducted
on the basis of residuals between the estimated
positions and the true position of the IGS reference
station. Two candidate models extend similarly in
their performance, as evident from the performance
assessment results outlined in Table 1.
Figure 3. Cullen & Fray diagram for the northing
component of the GPS positioning vector in the no-
correction scenario.
We suggest the preference should be given to the
GRNN model for its ability to accommodate a larger
variance in GPS positioning performance during the
extended period of observations, and for the
method’s ability to learn from new cases.
The commercial-grade GPS positioning performance
in the Northwest Passage was assessed in three
scenarios of the ionospheric effects mitigation. In
general, the GPS positioning performance observed
during a massive deterioration of space weather does
not meet the requirements for maritime navigation
and non-navigation applications. Notable biases and
variations were identified in three components of the
GPS positioning error vector in all three scenarios of
presumed GPS use in the Arctic region of the
Northwest Passage during a massive space weather
disturbance. Deterioration of the GPS positioning
error was understood to result from the inadequate
GPS receiver design, as well as from the unaccounted
space weather deterioration of the unknown
statistical properties, thus its effects were not being
accounted when using common correction models
and procedures. Those were exploited for the GPS
positioning error prediction model development
based on the observed northing, easting, and vertical
positioning errors, and on two competing model
development methods: the exponential smoothing,
and the Generalised Regression Neural Networks
(GRNN). Based on this study results, a set of
recommendations on the GNSS receiver design and
the standalone and assisted GNSS use in the newly
opened and emerging transport routes in polar
regions are proposed for improvement of safety,
accuracy, and sustainability of maritime navigation.
The recommendations are as follows:
GNSS receiver design that benefits from dual-
frequency GNSS ionospheric effects corrections is
recommended for use in the Northwest Passage.
Use of the Klobuchar correction model is not
recommended in the Northwest Passage during the
periods of intensive space weather disturbance,
and/or geomagnetic and ionospheric storm.
Use of the Generalised Regression Neural
Networks (GRNN) GPS positioning error prediction
model on either un-corrected, or dual frequency-
corrected GPS pseudoranges-based position estimates
is a recommended practice in the Northwest Passage
during a period of intensive space weather
disturbance and/or geomagnetic and ionospheric
Utilisation of recommended GRNN model may
lead to the transition from infrastructure-assisted
mitigation of the GNSS ionospheric effects towards
the adaptive GNSS positioning process, capable of the
GNSS positioning environment awareness, as
proposed in [10]. The adaptive GNSS positioning
process is particularly suitable for maritime vessels,
which may offer power stability and sufficiency, as
well as required computational capacity.
1. Cannon, P.: Extreme space weather: impacts on
engineered systems and infrastructure,