5 Hydrological and meteorological conditions are
taken into account in the algorithm.
6 The algorithm accounts for the human factor
involved into the decision making process of ship
conduct as well as navigators’ errors that may
result in a ship collision.
7 Cause-and-effect relations of ship collisions are
described by methods of fault tree and event tree.
8 Cause-and-effect relations of ship collisions
implemented in the algorithm enable indicating
possible areas of risk reduction.
9 Events that may bring about ships’ collision are
described with the probability of their occurrence.
10 The effect of algorithm operation is a determined
value of collision probability of two encountering
The algorithm of determining the probability of ship
collision in an open sea area is based on probabilistic
methods of risk analysis and assessment. Fault trees
and event trees of ship collisions in an open sea area
have been developed.
While constructing a fault tree model, the cause-
and-effect relationships for ship collision events
were analyzed. On this basis a model of ship
collision event tree was developed, presenting the
influence of basic failure components on the effect,
i.e. ships’ collision.
Both external and internal events were taken into
account, as well as operating states that might lead to
a collision, such as equipment failures, human errors
(human factor), the environment. The considerations
herein concern the technical and procedural
solutions in use, aimed at an enhancement of the
reliability of system elements and the whole human-
ship-environment system.
A model of ships’ encounter was built (Fig. 1),
taking into account navigators’ decision processes
(Fig. 2), aimed at a solution of collision situations.
Much attention was paid to the human factor and
errors done by humans, errors that might lead to
ships collision.
area type:
open, restricted
size (length,
breadth, draft),
size (length,
breadth, draft),
wind, current,
visibility, waves,
tides, icing
parameters, state
vecotor values
parameters, state
vecotor values
Fig. 1. Model of ship encounter situations
Human errors done at each stage of the decision.
sit. analysis
and assessment
Fig. 2. Stages of the decision making process
On this basis detailed fault trees for normal and
failure states were drawn.
Making use of the available literature and
gathered experimental data, density distributions or
probability values for elementary events in the
modeled event trees were determined.
Basic operators of probability sum and probability
product were used for the determination of ship
collision probability based on the models designed.
The algorithms was verified using accident
statistical data (collisions of ships) in the examined
Marine accident statistics show that human errors
and failures of shipboard equipment and systems are
main reasons of ship collisions.
In this analysis of ship collisions and the
construction of a relevant fault tree human errors
were classified into two groups: