Shipping, or the maritime industry as a whole, has
been described as the “lifeblood of world trade”
without which “half the world will freeze and the
other will starve” [26]. What is often not as clearly
stated is that seafarers are the lifeblood of the
shipping/maritime industry! Indeed, in earlier
decades of shipping, the availability of competent
seafarers was taken for granted. However,
developments since the late 1970s show that this
assumption of an unlimited supply of seafarers was
flawed. Seafarer competence is increasingly
recognized as a sine qua non in a context of increasing
complexity of shipping and greater dependence of
world trade on the shipping industry. Together with a
number of significant accidents attributable to the so-
called “human element”, an increasing perception of a
“shortage of seafarers” (both in terms of numbers and
quality) has culminated in a near global drive to
increase the attractiveness of a seagoing career to
young people and to highlight the merits of a life at
sea. Such efforts were primarily initiated under the
auspices of the International Maritime Organization
(with a “Go to Sea Campaign”), but with significant
expression in national contexts. These efforts sought
to optimize strategies for attracting young persons to
a seafaring career. More recently the IMO, with
reference to creating a concept of a sustainable
maritime transportation system, indicated three goals
Sustainable Maritime Career Development: A case for
Maritime Education and Training (MET) at the
Secondary Level
S. Heirs
& M. Manuel
1 World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden
2 The Caribbean Maritime University, Kingston Jamaica
ABSTRACT: This study interrogated the relevance of maritime education and training (MET) at the secondary
level as an effective strategy for developing a sustainable supply of maritime labour and to mitigate current and
future supply-demand imbalances arising from philosophical and sociological changes in society and in the
maritime industry. Secondary education and its associated curriculum may be developed to form the
underlying fundamentals of early awareness of maritime concepts targeted at youth of ages 11-18 years. To find
answers to five research questions relating to this topic, a mixed method approach was applied in collecting and
analysing data. The findings indicate strong evidence of the importance and relevance of MET at the secondary
level. They further show this importance as it relates to an appreciation by the youth of the maritime industry as
a domain for technical career options and to the creation of a sense of stewardship of the world’s oceans.
Despite these positive findings, the study also finds that a number of key stakeholders are unaware of the
potential and role of the maritime industry leading to a notable barrier to the implementation of MET at the
secondary level and a lack of the necessary rigour and focus on promoting the industry to the youth via MET in
secondary education. The study concludes by noting that there is a need for a focus on reforming the curricula
of national secondary education system, where appropriate, as a first step towards the achieving the benefits of
implementation of MET at the secondary level.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.08
relating to the “education and training in maritime
professions, and support for seafarers” [16].
It is noteworthy, however, that in the main, the
attempts make no reference to or was vague in their
interrogation of early exposure to students of the
maritime industry. The approach has been essentially
a “maritime industry marketing approach” targeted at
individuals at the cusp of a career choice, which
approach sought to have the maritime industry
“compete” against other potentially attractive careers.
However, the sustainable supply of seafarers, rests on
much more than the marketing of the shipping
industry to near post-secondary students. It is related
to the nature of demand of seafarers (kind and
number of ships, for example), a consciousness and
understanding of the workings of the shipping
industry, its importance, challenges, opportunities
and future. One other more recent area of focus is the
need for a supply of seafarers who have values that
underpin the sustainable use of the ocean; a more
intrinsic valuing and resulting stewardship of oceans,
the context of shipping today. All these and other
factors and influences cannot (or should not) to be
exposed to potential seafarers just when they are
about to complete the second-cycle of education via a
marketing programme. The merits of such an
approach may be deemed to be questionable. Indeed,
opportunity and long-term commitment to a career is
driven by early introduction and exposure to that
career [29].
Despite that tendency to target entry point career
individuals, it does appear that there is evidence that
supports the introduction of MET at the secondary
level and indeed suggests a necessity to do so. This is
akin to the observation made by [29] when the suggest
with respect to early childhood education in America
to bring about meaningful change through early
exposure to potential careers (Haun, 2014).
The above suggests that it is important to target the
youth at the secondary level by creating dynamic and
robust mechanisms (including appropriate curricula
design and extra-curricular activities) that potentially
lead to a sustainable supply of first, seafarers and
secondly long-term professionals in the wider
maritime cluster.
As Haun [12] has noted, secondary schools that
provide maritime education teach subjects related to
the training and skills required to work in the
maritime sector, whether it be as a crew member at
sea or shore side such as in a marine shipyard or port
The term maritime” is sometimes used “variably
and interchangeably” with the term “marine” [14]. In
this paper, we use the term “maritime” to refer to the
human activities (transport, tourism, fishing etc.).
Activities that takes place within the natural
environment context, we term “marine”. Though the
confusion with the use of the terms persist these two
terms are complementary when education is in view.
Ultimately it is necessary that training for sustainable
maritime purposes, has to be down with a deep
appreciation of the need for optimum stewardship of
the marine environment. As Hildebrand & Schröder-
Hinrichs (2014) note, “after all, it is but one marine
environment that supports a thriving maritime
industry” [14]. Maritime education and training
(MET), is used here to refer to education and training
for the human related activities associated with the
maritime industry. Additionally, maritime education
and training can be defined as the acquisition of the
knowledge and skills related to subjects in the
maritime field that enhance competence in the
maritime context. The acute deficit of basic maritime
knowledge in lower levels of educational systems in
many jurisdictions, requires more focussed
discussions and action from stakeholders in the
maritime industry. Such foundational knowledge is
beneficial for prepared young students for a
transitionary path to higher levels of learning in the
field, hence, contributing to better competence and a
sustainable supply of qualified human resource.
Furthermore, citizens of the globe need an awareness
of the global industry that shipping is. One medium
of accomplishing these targets successfully is through
purposeful focus on the youth at the secondary level.
The maritime industry has been defined, in general
terms, as “all enterprises engaged in the business of
designing, constructing, manufacturing, acquiring,
operating, supplying, repairing and/or maintaining
vessels, or component parts thereof: of managing
and/or operating shipping lines, and customs
brokerage services, shipyards, dry docks” [24]. The
expansion of the industry has given rise to new
services and careers. This can be seen through the
increasing growth of seaborne trade that (somewhat
tempered by the global depression of 2008-9) which is
has resulted in the shortage of competent seafarers [1].
Additionally, the perception in some quarters of a
lack of maritime industry awareness by the global
community, concerns regarding the risks associated
with ship operation and rapidly increasing
technological innovation, among others, are evidence
of the need for new thinking and strategies in
education and training to meet the demands of the
In a study done to ascertain student’s motivation
and expectation of studying maritime undergraduate
programme in three countries Greece, Hong Kong,
and China it was revealed that most of the students
enrolled in the undergraduate programme came
straight from the secondary school. “Students who
have enrolled for an undergraduate programme in
maritime studies have typically completed secondary
level education in the previous academic year” [32].
The authors observed that the whole area of student
inclination, access and experience of maritime
education and training programmes is under-
researched, and as such, the real motivation of
students is unknown. However, their own research
showed that most of the students were motivated by
maritime history in their close family and area of
habitation. This was further supported by M’Pherson
[27], when he states, except a young person comes
from a family living near the sea or has some nautical
background or tradition then the sea has little or no
interest to him. Farthing, Brownrigg & Mukherjee
[28], in similar vein also note that there exists a
cultural trend in families characterised by members
having careers or business in shipping, to have the
younger generation pursuing similar careers. An
important question to be asked is: should the future of
the maritime industry be left to family or to
community traditions? The historical channels by
which people enter the industry is, arguably, not
compatible with the increased contemporary needs of
the industry nor for projected needs and global
sustainability issues for the future. A formalized
strategy to sustain the workforce is necessary.
Traditionally, formal secondary education occurs
between about ages 11-13 and 15-18 [39]. This is a very
important stage in the development of young people.
As noted by Salyers and Mckee [38] “young people
between 10-15 years are at the peak of forming values
and making decisions that will impact them for the
rest of their lives”. This is as a result of the brain going
through what has been referred to as “hardwiring,”
which continues throughout adolescence. Meaning,
intellectual activities and practical skills to which the
youth is significantly exposed, and which they have
the greatest opportunity to strengthen, will influence
learning and choices for the rest of their life. Piaget, in
his theory on the development of children, noted that
during the period from 11 to 15, abstract thought and
hypothetical thinking is concretized into lifelong
learning [37]. It can concordantly be assumed that
engaging the youth during this stage with maritime
concepts will provide a greater opportunity of
inculcating in them respect for and attraction to a
maritime career from operational seafaring to
custodial awareness of the ocean to leadership roles in
maritime policy development and implementation.
To support a view that encourages the introduction of
maritime concepts at the secondary level, it is
necessary to develop an appropriate analytical
framework of the purpose of secondary education.
This is to help assess whether there is a valid premise
for introducing MET at this level. Secondary
education is a massive system that ideally emphasizes
open access and universal coverage of education [41].
It purports to be meaningful and relevant to society
and culture. It must consist of multiple and divergent
bodies of knowledge and provide equal opportunity
of content and quality of knowledge [33]. Even very
early research sources acknowledge that this level of
education, in many cases, prepares boys and girls for
their calling in life (see for example [10]). On the other
hand, it is the platform for preserving culture by
training the younger generation through a social
learning process that integrates them into the wider
society and generate an identificatory process with
role models [2]. Additionally, it trains skilled labour
for the workforce [6], while connecting the youth with
their individual interests and stimulating a passion for
new ones [39]. On a broader scope this level of
education liberalizes and trains for participation in
governance e.g. in democracy [20].
Upon careful examination of the purpose of
secondary education articulated, one can extract three
main elements; education for civic and political aims,
education for economic and work related purposes,
and finally education for the self-development of the
individual in expressing and fulfilling their own
passions and hopes. The first two of these elements
which relate primarily to the well-being of the larger
society, will be examined to substantiate the possible
effect and influence secondary education and training
in maritime subjects may have on the wider maritime
Citizens must be actively engaged in their
communities [39] and every human needs to
understand their culture, political system, rights,
responsibility and heritage [25]. Civic knowledge
informs learners about national views while at the
same time expanding global perspectives.
Additionally, cultural studies afford students at the
secondary level opportunities to develop national
pride, patriotic identity and societal core values that
are engraved in the sociological and philosophical
orientations of the particular society. Fiqueredo &
Anzalone [8] have found that for democracy to
survive, for example, citizens must be informed and
participate in holding officials accountable.
Furthermore, Kahne & Middaugh [18] note that
“knowledge in civics, supports future engagement
among the youth”. As such, students at this level
develop the capacity to critically examine matters and
to make meaningful decisions that will impact change
[6]. Secondary education in the 15th century trained
religious leaders [15]. In the 17th century in the
American setting, secondary education prepared
young people for service in law, religion and college
[7]. Another example of a jurisdiction focusing on
secondary education to achieve a specific social
outcome, is given by Johnson [5] who describe how
the threat of the Soviet Union propelled the United
States, in 1958, to fund secondary education as a
strategy to optimize security.
As stated by Kamens, Meyer, & Benavot [41],
secondary education is generally characterized by
open access and, ideally, universal coverage, implying
that all future leaders are trained at this level: future
policy makers, presidents, prime-ministers, royalty,
doctors, lawyers, maritime experts, principals,
scientists, researchers and parents. Furthermore, an
appreciation for national pride, culture, and heritage
spills over into an obligation to safe guard natural
resources the environment, the sea, land, air and
natural habitat among others. The youth cannot care
for what they are not aware of. Against that
background, an appreciation of the maritime
environment, activities and infrastructure must be
taught at this level to influence civic and political
decisions for present and future prospects including
the development and implemental of right policies
and legislation at both local and international levels.
For this to become a reality, optimal maritime
educational policies and the supporting frameworks
are key. However, given that many national legal and
administrative systems only started to develop a legal
domestic maritime commercial framework in the early
part of the 20th century [21], one can suggest that
quickly creating good policies for MET at the
secondary level to impact the wider maritime
community may be a significant challenge
Technical education has been found to equip students
with a wide range of career possibilities [39]. The
academic framework at the secondary level provides
employability skills. In recognition of this, a rigorous
career focus at the immediate post-secondary, but
more importantly at the secondary level, has been
widely promoted in countries such as America [4]. It
was noted that two thirds of the jobs created in the US
by 2018 will require some form of post-secondary
education. Furthermore, a number of government
such as Australia [19], Jamaica [9] and the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) countries created a public
policy of national career guidance to be taught in
public schools [30]. Such education prepares the
labour force for the job market both in terms of
professionalism and competence for the relevant
industries. Technical education prepares students for
future career opportunities [4]. The above indicates
that MET at the secondary level fits perfectly within
the benefits of technical education for present and
future career possibilities in the maritime industry. To
further demonstrate the necessity of MET at the
secondary level in this career context in specific
jurisdictions, reference may be made to numerous
examples of schools visited for career expositions in
Jamaica, where it has been observed that students had
minimal levels of awareness of the maritime industry
and its opportunities. For the most part, institutions
offering courses/programmes in medicine, business,
technology, teaching, agriculture, music, law, and
political science among others, received far more
responses to requests for applications. Those offering
maritime programmes spent more time educating
prospective students about the industry. For more
reasons than one, it is crucial to get the maritime
training and career out in front of the younger
generation, and to do so early in their education in
order that they would appreciate this industry as
offering viable career options and personal
development. Peterson [34], for example, reiterated
the need for younger workers in the merchant marine
industry to be recruited and developed to replace
those retiring as well as those who no longer choose
to work in the industry. There are a number of
attractive and illustrious career options in the
maritime industry that need to be advertised [13].
Secondary education over the centuries demonstrated
an expansion, inclusion and diversification of subject
topics for the existing needs and growing concerns of
labour, security, leadership, economics, politics and
other socio-cultural issues. However, generally
speaking, there has been a great lack of the maritime
content at that level. It has been found that the
industry has been passive in ‘pushing’ young people
to pursue higher maritime education through the
introduction of relevant courses [32]. One has to bear
in mind the nature of the maritime industry; it is
multinational, multicultural and operates in a
multifunctional and harsh environment. To facilitate
working in such a high-risk environment, seafarers
must be competently trained and if this training starts
at the secondary level it can have far-reaching results.
The industry has increasingly become the focus of
new environmental rules and regulations, and must
now comply with a broad array of requirements in the
areas of air and water quality, hazardous waste
disposal, and aquatic species protection [11]. Safety in
the maritime industry also requires standards to be set
at an international level, and maritime education and
training at all levels should play a key role in
asserting the need for consistent, uniform education
and awareness. The basic tenets of secondary
education policy are the established understanding
that every young person with a secondary education
will be enable to increase their productive capacity
and ultimately contribute to individual, and societal
advancement. The absence of particular knowledge
content will ultimately lead to a lack of response of
the youth in that field.
In advocating for the appreciation of the relevance of
MET at the secondary level, it is crucial that the matter
of curriculum development is discussed. Curriculum
development is influenced under three main domains:
philosophical orientation, psychological consideration
and sociological influences [36].
The philosophical orientation examines the aims
and values of society. It provides clarification of
concepts that examine the epistemology and ontology
of the curriculum, for example, what particular
knowledge is required to address societal concerns.
Within that framework the following questions,
among others, are relevant (Print 1993). On what
grounds should the content be selected and taught?
To what degree should the new reality of society be
reflected in the curriculum? What is the status quo of
the society that requires such knowledge? Who are the
stakeholders in the education sector and what are
their primary concerns? Should the curriculum seek to
address current needs or future anticipated trends?
The psychological consideration takes note of the
pedagogical approach, application of different
learning theories, the kind of learners, the learning
environment, teaching methods, instructors,
assessment and evaluation that may be employed to
achieve the desired outcomes of the curriculum.
The sociological orientation of the curriculum
addresses the societal concerns, namely: culture, social
changes, ideology, technological structure, emerging
trends and challenges. These factors encapsulate the
scope of an integrated, systematic and systemic
thinking that influences curriculum development.
The process of curriculum development is referred
to as ‘institutionalization’ where the rubber meets the
road [3]. If it is poor then the education will be poor
no matter the infrastructure, budget, support or
qualified instructors. The heart of what is taught and
what students learn is embedded in the curriculum
One of the fundamental obstacles for
implementing MET at the secondary level is the
highly bureaucratic process of curriculum
development. It is believed that the process is highly
politicized [35]. The process is influenced by a number
of stakeholders including teachers, parents, students,
government and industries [36]. Each stakeholder
may bring to the process their own interests be they
political, economic or socio-cultural.
As stated by Print [36] the curriculum should
address societal needs. There is clear evidence of
existing needs experienced by the maritime industry
which requires societal response for the benefit of the
wider society. It is noteworthy to develop appropriate
curricula for MET at the secondary level, it is critical
that all stakeholders, in particular direct maritime
industry operators, contribute to the discussion and
An important factor alluded as a major concern in
merchant marine shipping is the human element.
Milhar Fuazudeen, Head of the Maritime Training
and Human Element Section at the IMO, (during a
lecture at the WMU on July, 16, 2015) stated that many
people mistakenly focus exclusively on seafarers
when considering the “human element” in the
maritime industry. The term should be deemed to
include all persons involved in the maritime industry.
“The shipping industry is run by people, for people.
People design ships, build them, own them, crew
them, maintain them, repair them and salvage them.
People regulate them, survey them, underwrite them
and investigate them when things go wrong” [23].
Humans are the centre and hub of shipping from
passage planning to policy making. Arguably the
notion of “human element” can be extended even
wider to people who are not directly involved in the
maritime industry. To illustrate, take for example the
medical personnel who examine seafarers and are
entrusted with the provision of accurate diagnoses,
the spouse/family that contributes to the state of mind
of the seafarer (positive/negative), the instructor who
trains for competence, the media that influences
potential applicants, (positive or negative) about the
industry, the policy makers or government officials
and representative of the citizenry who ratify and
implement conventions for safer and cleaner oceans.
Given this rather wide scope, it can be further argued
that the best place to ensure a wider awareness and
appreciation of the maritime industry is at the
secondary level.
With specific reference to seafarers, the need is
even greater. An important challenge facing the
shipping industry today is how to attract and retain a
sufficient number of adequately trained and qualified
seafarers and qualified maritime industry
professionals with the right motivation, knowledge
and skills for the professional application of evolving
technologies and procedures. This challenge will
increase as world trade continues to grow and
shipping activities increase accordingly [16]. In the
words of the immediate-past Secretary-General of the
IMO during the 2nd session of the Sub-Committee on
Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW):
Take a look 15 years ahead, 2030, what will the
volume of trade be in 2030? Obviously, nobody can
tell, but amongst the approximately half million
officers available today, probably 150,000 would have
left by 2030 due to retirement. Just to maintain the
current workforce of officers, 10,000 new officers must
be trained and provided every year to fill the gap
created by retiring officers. If seaborne trade expands
by 70% by 2030 then we need to train and produce
40,000 officers every year. If seaborne trade expands
just by 35% by 2030, we will still need to train and
produce 25,000 new officers every year. Maritime
training is absolutely fundamental for sustainable
shipping [17].
The optimum and sustainable supply of competent
people (the human element) especially seafarers - is
a key challenge for the maritime industry and requires
long term strategic planning. Such a long-term
approach should necessarily consider the early
introduction of elements of maritime education and
training in national curricula and not leave that to an
abrupt introduction to this domain at the university or
college level.
An important point to note is the effort of IMO in
promoting the industry to the youth. One such
strategy was the ‘Go to Sea’ campaign inaugurated in
November 2008. Another of IMO strategy was the
commencement by the IMO of a Maritime
Ambassadors Programme which seeks to have a
selected group of people globally promoting the
industry to the youth. These efforts at the IMO level
indicate that recruiting for the industry is not
automatic and therefore requires meaningful effort
and policy in securing and sustaining a competent
qualified workforce and is an example for national
MET at the secondary level by itself is not the
panacea to the many challenges the industry faces.
However, it will evoke a consciousness for urgent
protection, better governance and sustainable
stewardship of the oceans on which human existence
depends. Good governance includes formal
institutions and regimes empowered to enforce
compliance, as well as informal arrangements, that
people and institutions either have agreed to or
perceive to be in their interest” [31]. Therefore, to
achieve a more optimal approach to maritime
governance, there is a necessity for the involvement of
the global village and not just policy makers or
legislators. Getting the human element (which in the
widest context, is everyone) involved in sustainable
maritime operations and governance (and doing so
early), will result in far greater successes than have
been achieved in the past. This paper argues that this
is achievable, in part by educating all potential and
future players, or just citizens in general, at the
secondary level with a curriculum that at the least,
introduces them to key issues, value of and
opportunities in the maritime and marine sectors. To
support this argument and to investigate views of the
appropriateness of this suggestion, an exploration
study was conducted. We now proceed to describe
this study.
The main goal of the study was to seek answers to
questions related to the relevance of maritime
education and training at the secondary level of
education. The specific questions asked were:
1 What are the merits and demerits of MET at the
secondary level?
2 What are the national practices and underlying
policies that inform the delivery of maritime
education and training at the secondary level?
3 What are the current trends and challenges within
the maritime industry that may warrant maritime
education and training at the secondary level?
4 How can maritime education and training at the
secondary level translate to sustainable
development within the maritime industry?
5 What is the role of stakeholders in implementing
maritime education and training at the secondary
The research method applied in this study was the
mixed method approach. Specific methods included a
survey (questionnaire-based) and interviews. “Mixed-
methods research helps in complementing one
method with another even where these methods are
derived from different methodological positions” [22].
The study included one hundred and two (102)
participants. The target group of participants were
those with at least some basic knowledge of the
maritime industry from all levels of education starting
from the secondary level and varied categories of
maritime workers. Ninety-eight (98) of these
participated completed the survey and six (6) were
purposively sampled and interviewed. Eight (8) of the
ninety-eight (98) participants took part in an initial
pilot test which resulted in ninety (N = 90) as the final
count for data analyses. The category of participants
that were interviewed were selected on the criteria of
years of service, leadership role and experience
working within the maritime industry. Three of the
six were professors of maritime colleges/universities,
one was a student at the World Maritime University
(WMU), another was a Dean at the University of
South California, and finally the sixth participant was
the Head of Training and Human Element in the Sub-
Division for Operational Safety and Human Element
at the IMO. Research participants, all of whom had
basic knowledge of the maritime industry, came from
thirty-four (34) countries. 60% were male while 40%
were female. The average age was 42.2 with
educational background ranging from secondary
school certificates to doctoral degrees (see figure 1
Figure 1. Respondents' educational level
Atlas.ti (qualitative) and SPSS (chi-square
quantitative) data analyses software, were employed
to analyse data.
Table 1. Respondent demographics
The quantitative data showed 76% of the
participants were employees of which 33% were
managers and 10% supervisors (figure 2). 73% were
aware of the industry while 81% have some affiliation
with the industry. 43% were interested in the industry
due to economic benefit, 36% for career interest while
33% wanted to travel to see the world. 34% stated that
MET was offered at the secondary level while 54%
had no MET at the secondary level in their jurisdiction
(figure 3). 78% had MET at a higher level and
indicated that having basic knowledge of maritime
concepts would have made easier understanding of
the maritime concepts at the higher level of learning.
Figure 2. Response by organizational position
Figure 3. Availability of Secondary School with MET in own
Question 1: What are the merits and demerits of
maritime education and training at the secondary
The perception that MET at the secondary level
had merit was related to geography, perception of
economic benefits, and the interest of the government.
Predictably, it was noted that programmes for
maritime awareness are normally conducted in areas
close to ports and MET institutions, therefore people
in those areas were more or less aware of the industry.
On the other hand, if there was no awareness of
economic benefit for the jurisdiction, then the
government shows no interest in formalising policy in
promulgating MET at the secondary level. As
indicated 43 of the 90 participants indicated that their
interest in the industry is due to the perceived
economic benefits that could accrue to them. The
findings imply that economics is the primary reason
for a consideration of educating the youth about the
maritime industry at this level. It can be argued that
this rationale is limited since the foundational
purpose of secondary education should be deemed to
be much more profound than just to have optimum
economic outcomes.
Question 2: What are the national practices and
underlying policies that inform the delivery of
maritime education and training at the secondary
Respondents indicated that policy in their own
national jurisdiction was lacking for most part, both
for the sector in general and for implementing MET at
the secondary level in particular. A number of the
jurisdictions have only recently developed polices for
their maritime sectors. Moreover, the bureaucratic
processes associated with policy decision-making and
implementation involves various ministries and
government agencies, which require collaboration
between key players of the industry and government.
This collaboration was perceived as non-existent by
many respondents. Another major challenge was that
policy makers were not knowledgeable about the
industry as a result of which they were either
lethargic in their creation of relevant policies or did
not do so at all.
Question 3: What are the current trends and
challenges within the maritime industry that may
warrant maritime education and training at the
secondary level?
Respondents agree that the shipping industry has
been growing exponentially with increased shipping
activities and larger vessel. Among the trends
mentioned were the opening up of the polar region as
a new-found area where international efforts have
generated new legal instruments and training
practices. Another trend articulated by respondents
was the increasing attrition rates of seafarers
employed at sea. Some respondents viewed MET at
the secondary level as a sifting tool for helping recruit
a more committed workforce, who due to early
exposure to the maritime industry were
knowledgeable about the challenges associated with
this career choice. In consonance with the earlier
discussions in this paper, respondents noted that it
was necessary to increase efforts to attract younger
people to a maritime career to stem the perceived
increase in attrition rates.
Question 4: How can maritime education and
training at the secondary level translate to sustainable
development within the maritime industry?
For most part participants indicated that MET at
the secondary level may have sustaining effect on the
industry for the long term to influence maritime
career options. The end result of such action will
potentially demonstrate a sustained calibre of
competent maritime professionals. On the back of
that, inferential statistics (chi-square) found the
African and Caribbean regions with 27.7% compared
with the Asian region with 23% agreeing that MET at
the secondary level sustains the maritime industry.
However, the European region with 50% disagree that
MET at the secondary level is a sustainable strategy
for the maritime industry.
Question 5: What is the role of stakeholders in
implementing maritime education and training at the
secondary level?
Stakeholders’ role was noted to be the epicentre for
the implementation of MET at the secondary level;
they are the ones to drive curriculum reform.
Notwithstanding this, it was indicated that conflict of
interest among stakeholders may become a challenge
and if not delicately handled the process could take
longer than necessary. Additionally, getting
stakeholder buy-in for wholesale implementation of
maritime education at the secondary level could be
challenging, particularly if there were economic
implications. Nevertheless, participants felt that the
governments of their jurisdictions can do more to
popularize the industry and to collaborate with
relevant entities including in the education sector as
well as those who could influence the curriculum
development process to initiate steps towards
The findings of the study have numerous implications
for different players in the industry, particular for
those (like the IMO) who are seeking to increase
awareness and introduce the industry as a viable
career option to the youth. There are implications for
other stakeholders, particularly in the education
sector and in shipping. Further, while the study
showed some evidence indicating the relevance of
MET at the secondary level, there are also a number of
barriers that need attention. Given the wider literature
and in light of the prior discussions in this paper, it
may be that the relatively low agreement that MET at
the secondary level is relevant is due, at least in part,
to the lack of awareness by the youth and
interestingly other stakeholders and policy makers.
The writers consider this a key finding, a finding that
suggests that awareness creation strategies - of the
importance of the maritime industry (and the possible
contribution of secondary education to it) have to be
targeted at the highest levels of corporate entities and
also the public sector. Accordingly, the strategy by
IMO to target youth through the appointment of
Maritime Ambassadors in member states, should be
augmented by also targeting policy makers and
stakeholders to increase their awareness.
The findings further suggest that youth becoming
engaged in the industry is not automatic, as national
jurisdictions need national strategies for creating
awareness to attract youth to the industry.
Additionally, there are implications for educators.
For MET at the secondary level to become a reality
there must be qualified instructors to impart
knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to have
workshops and seminars to educate secondary level
teachers. In addition to targeting the youth (or
perhaps for some time, in lieu of that) secondary
teachers should be a target group for the IMO
Maritime Ambassadors.
There is also an implication for entities that write
and publish magazine and journals about the
maritime industry. The target audience needs to be re-
assessed. There is the need for literature aimed at
lower levels for the youth, for example, incorporating
cartoons, comics, videos, social media, advertisement
in the media. These literatures may be used to
augment existing teaching resources at the secondary
level of education.
Finally, the relationship between the level of
education and the category of the worker showed no
statistical significance in terms of maritime awareness.
Also, the level of education or rank of authority was
shown not to have a bearing on how much is known
of the industry. This could suggest that all levels and
categories of workers need an awareness of the wider
maritime industry, even for organizations
purportedly working in specific areas of the industry.
There is a need for governments to collaborate and
coordinate with the industry on how they can bring
awareness and implement MET at the secondary level
in an economical way. Additionally, educating the
public about the manifestations of the maritime
industry within the particular local context, as well as
identifying stakeholders and clarifying their roles in
that context, is necessary.
Respondents in the study suggested to a degree that
there is relevance for MET at the secondary level. Its
implementation is influenced by economic and
geographical factors as well as national interest. It was
found that one strategy to address the challenges of a
sustainable supply of seafarers in particular, and
human resource for the wider industry in general, is
to increase awareness and via that, the entrance of the
youth to the industry. However, there is need for
relevant national policy frameworks, political will and
collaboration of the relevant stakeholders to influence
secondary curriculum reform and development. MET
at the secondary level is a paradigm shift that is
befitting a global industry. It is important to educate
global citizens of a global industry for a sustained
supply of high-calibre professionals. The result of
such implementation may create solutions to help
mitigate current and future trends and challenges
experienced by the industry.
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