Also, there is a wide fleet representation as shown
in figure 10, with mainly officers from container and
bulk fleet, who took the assessment.
Figure 10. Vessel types the participants work on
Modern ECDIS equipment is a critical navigational
instrument that in capable hands can help to
significantly increase the safety of navigation. This can
be achieved when the safety parameters are
determined correctly and appropriately set up in the
Since ECDIS almost entirely replaced paper charts
in 2018, the risk of overreliance on this equipment and
related sensors increased dramatically. Seemingly, the
comfort of using ECDIS results in the degradation of
radar and visual navigation skills.
Inappropriate passage planning caused by the
erroneous determination of such parameters as safety
depth, safety contour, cross-track distance and turn
radius leads to the inability to recognize navigational
hazards. The latter in combination with the lack of
computer literacy and overreliance on ECDIS in the
unlikely event of EPFS failure creates a serious chance
for a high-potential incident.
Therefore, the implementation of proper passage
planning routines together with simulator training in
equipment failures related to the ECDIS system
(EPFS, gyro, log failures) is crucial for the safety of
modern-day navigation.
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