Table 1. Wind force and momentum effect calculation (Source: authors)
Height above 𝐴ℎ ℎ 𝐴ℎ 𝑥 ℎ 𝑃𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑣
water line (𝑚
) (𝑚) (𝑚
) (𝑁/𝑚
) (𝑁𝑚) (𝑁)
0-1m 118,5 0,5 59,25 17,75 1051,69 2103,38
1-2m 119,0 1,5 178,5 26,91 4803,44 3202,29
2-3m 119,5 2,5 298,75 33,09 9885,64 3954,26
3-4m 119,8 3,5 419,3 37,91 15895,66 4541,62
4-5m 120,2 4,5 540,9 42,13 22788,12 5064,03
5-6m 120,5 5,5 662,75 45,93 30440,11 5534,57
6-7m 120,9 6,5 785,85 49,30 38742,41 5960,37
7-8m 121,1 7,5 908,25 52,28 47483,31 6331,11
8-9m 112,5 8,5 956,25 54,88 52479,00 6174,00
9-10m 103,0 9,5 978,5 57,12 55891,92 5883,36
10-11m 100,0 10,5 1050 59,01 61960,50 5901,00
11-12m 92,0 11,5 1058 60,64 64157,12 5578,88
12-13m 91,0 12,5 1137,5 62,09 70627,38 5650,19
13-14m 86,0 13,5 1161 58,72 68173,92 5049,92
14-15m 85,0 14,5 1232,5 64,65 79681,13 5495,25
15-16m 82,0 15,5 1271 65,80 83631,80 5395,60
16-17m 64,0 16,5 1056 66,89 70635,84 4280,96
17-18m 57,0 17,5 997,5 67,91 67740,23 3870,87
18-19m 26,5 18,5 490,25 68,88 33768,42 1825,32
19-20m 21,0 19,5 409,5 69,79 28579,01 1465,59
20-21m 11,5 20,5 235,75 65,42 15422,77 752,33
21-22m 8,8 21,5 189,2 71,47 13522,12 628,94
22-23m 8 22,5 180 72,23 13001,40 577,84
23-24m 3,5 23,5 82,25 72,96 6000,96 255,36
24-25m 2 24,5 49 73,65 3608,85 147,30
25-26m 0,8 25,5 20,4 74,30 1515,72 59,44
26-27m 0,7 26,5 18,55 74,92 1389,77 52,44
27-28m 0,5 27,5 13,75 75,51 1038,26 37,75
28-29m 0,35 28,5 9,975 76,08 758,90 26,63
29-30m 0,2 29,5 5,9 76,63 452,12 15,33
=1915,85 𝛴𝐴
·ℎ=16456,33 𝛴𝑀𝑣
=965127,52 𝛴𝐹
6. Fv (N) – wind force at each dissected part and total
sum of this column is wind lateral force
(obtained by multiplication of Ah and Pmid).
From Table 1 additional data following data were
1. 𝛴𝐴
·ℎ – total above water surface momentum (m3),
2. 𝛴𝐴
– total above water lateral surface (m3),
3. 𝛴𝑀𝑣
– wind lateral momentum (Nm),
4. 𝛴𝐹
- wind lateral force (N).
Beside before mentioned data, additional data is
- Lateral above water surface centre of gravity
4. Analysis of wind influence on ship
In order to gather reliable data for this research Ro-
Pax ship Dubrovnik was used. The Ro-Pax ship
Dubrovnik data is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Ro-Pax ship Dubrovnik technical data
Ship name Dubrovnik
Year built 1979
Summer deadweight 1310
LOA 122 m
LBP 116 m
Breadth 18.83 m
Draught 4,8 m
Max. speed 21 knots
Number and type of propellers 2 controllable pitch
Number of rudders 2
Passenger capacity 1200
Cars capacity: 300
The experiment consisted of making turning circles
(over port and starboard side) on two different
conditions. First experiment was conduced 21 nautical
mile out of port Ancona and second experiment in
Croatian territorial waters 1,5 nautical mile off coast.
Ship instruments were used to collect data such as
ship speed (speedometer for ship speed through
water and GPS for speed over ground), ECDIS for
plotting ship position and anemometer for wind
speed and direction. To analyse influence of wind
following conditions had to be met: sea state bellow 1
of Beaufort scale, sea current under 0.5 knot and wind
speed of 20 knots. That conditions were obtained on
second experiment position where experiment took
place. First experiment was conducted on conditions
where wind, sea current speed were 0 knots and sea
were calm, to obtain control data.