obfuscate malicious behavior primarily in the
displayed information to finally decoy the navigator.
However, there are other environments in which
visual obfuscation is of minor importance.
Autonomous surface or underwater vehicles are
designed to operate mostly unmanned, eliminating
the need and the opportunity for human validation. In
consequence, incoming sensor data has an automated
impact on how onboard actuators are controlled,
which increases not only the likelihood but also the
possible damage of a successful cyber attack on the
maritime system.
In this paper, we extended the current threat
landscape of maritime systems by internal cyber
attacks against integrated bridge systems, which aim
to tamper with the communication of nautical data
and are usually neglected in existing cyber risk
assessments. Moreover, we introduced a BRidge
Attack Tool (BRAT) that, to the best of our
knowledge, is the first maritime-specific security tool
that enables the interactive launch of numerous PitM
and PotS cyber attacks. BRAT supports various
common network attack features, including packet
capturing, replay, and injection attacks along with
classical identity spoofing. It can be deployed in
common development environments which
implement (simulated) sources for nautical data and
are compatible to LWE. Thus, it greatly supports
existing processes to technically assess, prevent, and
detect cyber attacks on maritime systems by using
offensive security methods. In addition, Maritime
Education and Training can benefit from BRAT as
navigators can be trained to adequately react to cyber
attacks in realistic scenarios. By using BRAT, we
further demonstrated how internal cyber attacks can
violate the availability and integrity of common
onboard systems and exemplarily highlighted their
impacts with regard to AIS and GNSS attacks
targeting an ECDIS.
As part of our future work, we plan to extend
BRAT’s range of applications to support further
maritime system interfaces for radar images, chart
updates, and automation control. Also, we will widen
the context to investigate cyber attacks on
autonomous systems.
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