difficulty, trained and fully equipped PNTL
emergency team is 24 hours on stand by to offer
assistance. All emergency arrangements are in
accordance to IAEA regulations [21]. Special monitors
in the holds of each PNTL ship would provide
information about the status of the cargo to a salvage
By the proposed model is assumed that each
ship’s cargo hold is treated as a Remote Area
Modular Monitoring (RAMM) sub-system connected
with central monitoring system on board refereeing
to AGR-US project attainments [6;7;8;15;17;25]. A
digital video camera or optical sensor might be
incorporated into each RAMM (RAM cargo hold).
The RFID active tags attached to each RAM drum’s
bolt contains following sensors: temperature, 3-axis
digital accelerometer, gamma sensor, neutron sensor,
electronic loop seal and rechargeable Li-ion battery.
All these sensors are connected with monitoring
system via two-layered network, i.e., via wired
Ethernet and wireless network for security purposes.
Due to [10] ships carrying RAM cargo are equipped
with an automatic voyage monitoring system which
transmits details of the vessel’s position, speed and
heading to the Report Center (Barrow, UK) every two
hours. These transmissions are performed
automatically and without any intervention of the
crew. If message is not received at the allotted time
the Emergency Response System would be activated.
In [10] is stated: “It is probable that the transmission
system would be based on, or similar to, the widely
used INMARSAT C communication system which
uses geo-stationary satellites positioned over the
equator to receive and transmit the data.” As an
alternative, one can conjecture that Officers on Watch
(OoW) and/or Master should monitor and control
cargo holds through back-end info-communication
system with the appropriate software architecture
and interface similar to ARG-US system. In addition,
they might be responsible for regular reporting to the
Report Center. If we assume that VHF Data Exchange
System (VDES) is used for this purpose, than the
reports should be sent via Application Specific
Message (ASM) 6 (dangerous cargo indication +
following communication) to the land based control-
report center. The ASM 6 contains the information as:
MMSI, flag, unit of quantity of dangerous cargo, code
under which cargo is carried, BC class, IMDG class,
and like [12]. Following communication should
contain the data set on: temperature sensor, 3-axis
digital accelerometer, gamma sensor, neutron sensor,
electronic loop seal and Li-ion battery status. Within
the context, it is important to underline that
mandatory reporting from ships is usually
encapsulated into ASM, while Maritime Service
Portfolio (MSP) cover a number of Vessel Traffic
Service (VTS) related and other services [3].
Additionally, possibilities of using Iridium GMDSS
[13] should be further elaborated. Apart from the
proposed model based on the assumptions, through
further research work some efforts should be made to
identify exact extraterrestrial communication
channel(s) and method(s) of (automatic) reporting,
used as a bidirectional link between ships carrying
nuclear cargo and ground based (control) report
The paper proposes a model, at rather high level of
abstraction, of communication between a ship
carrying nuclear cargo and land based control center
in sea transportation. The model is based on the
experiences from Argonne ARG-US RFID projects.
Conceiving and designing a model has been adopted
to the PNLT ships performances and ship to shore
and vice versa communication channels. After
extensive web search, it has been concluded that
online literature sources in this field are scarce.
Further investigation should go in two directions: (i)
exploring data transfer between sealed and tagged
RAM drums and monitoring system on board ship,
and (ii) exploring in more detail communications
between the ship carrying nuclear cargo and (control)
report center ashore. Due to the lack of available
information, we can only assume which form of data
exchange and which communication channels are
used. We have conjectured that ASM 6 reporting
method within VDES might be used, but it might be
also INMARSAT C, Iridium GMDSS, or some other
extraterrestrial communication mode for providing
safety and security at sea while transporting nuclear
cargo. However, this is to be elaborated in more
detail in forthcoming research.
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