The preliminary modernization plan of the GMDSS
network is prepared by IMO, Inmrsat, Cospas-Sarsat
and other participants is known as Work Program of
the Modernization, which is consisting the following
main components: General provisions; Functional
requirements in accordance with the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radio Regulatio-ns
(RR) and other documents of the ITU-R; The
provision of satellite services to the GMDSS and the
redefinition of the sea area A3; VHF Data Exchange
System (VDES) or known as VDL; Navigation Data
(NAVDAT); Routing distress signals and related
information; Search and Rescue (SAR) technologies;
High Frequency (HF) Data Link (HDL) and radio
communication; Requirements for the transportation
of GMDSS racks; False alerts; Training; Outdated
provisions; and Explanations.
In the process of modernization of the GMDSS, the
following provisions should be taken into account of
the IMO Subcommittee on Navigation, Radio
Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR)
[NCSR 3, 2016]:
1 Modernization Process – This process and
including new and revised documents, should not
exclude vessels that are not parties to the SOLAS
Convention from any technical and economic
reasons. The documentation and equipment
intended for such vessels must fully comply with
the GMDSS system;
2 Communications Statements – These systems of
the IMO to the radiocommunication sector of the
ITU should be guided by the principle that ships
not party to the SOLAS Convention can use the
GMDSS and the integrity of the system should be
preserved in this case. Including, if necessary,
ITU-R recommendations prescribed for these
vessels the equipment and use of the GMDSS
3 E-navigation System – The GMDSS modernization
project should continue to support the needs of
the new E-navigation strategy; and
4 New Technologies – In order to note the
effectiveness of new technologies, as well as the
compliance with the set goals, the human factor, in
the process of modernization the GMDSS will be
involved both onboard ships and at shore
Taking into account the above components of the
IMO GMDSS Modernization Plan and a special work
program were adopted that included the revision and
development of regulatory documents, standards and
also reference materials. Thus, the following list is
presenting the necessary actions considered at the
session of the NCSR subcommittee [NCSR 4/12, 2016],
of the IMO coordinated work plan for the
modernization project:
1 In 2018 – The NCSR subcommittee is completing
the development of a Modernization Plan First
draft amendments to the IMO SOLAS Convention
and related documents and finalizing draft
revision of the criteria for the provision of mobile
satellite services;
2 In 2019 – Second draft amendments to the SOLAS
Convention and related documents are provided
together with testing the draft revision of the
criteria for the provision of mobile satellite
services in the GMDSS network;
3 In 2020 – Final draft amendments to the SOLAS
Convention and related documents and draft
functional requirements for NAVDAT have to be
are performed;
4 In 2021 – Approval of amendments to the SOLAS
Convention with related technical documents and
as well as testing functional requirements for
NAVDAT facilities have to be resolved;
5 In 2022 – Adoption of amendments to the SOLAS
Convention (and related documents, as
appropriate) has to be prepared; and
6 In 2023/24 – All proposed amendments to the
SOLAS Convention have to enter into force in a
due course.
The GMDSS network is integration complex of radio
and satellite CNS systems, solutions and equipment
intended to provide reliable emergency alert of any
ship in distress situation, to ensure that any distress
message will be received by shore or other ships in
the immediate vicinity, to determine position of ship
in distress, engage SAR operations with improved
means of locating survivors and arrange prompt
saving of their lives. The GMDSS concept was
developed trough the IMO and other contributors to
change the way for conducting maritime distress
communications for enhanced SAR operations. The
GMDSS solutions and equipment are mandatory for
all ships subject to the SOLAS convention, which
include cargo ships of 300 gross tones or greater and
all passenger vessels on international voyages.
The GMDSS network was developed to modernize
and enhance previous emergency ships
radiocommunication system and to provide a more
effective distress alerting by using DSC and other
radio VHF, MF and HF equipment and backed up
with new satellite techniques and technologies. In fact
GMDSS uses various types of radio and satellite
equipment to transmit and receive accurate and real
distress signals and also to improve rescue
communications, coordination and increases the
following tasks:
1 Ability to locate survivors from ship in distress
and including from aircraft landed at sea;
2 Likelihood that distress alert will be received by
shore radio and satellite stations or other ships in
3 Probability that an alert will be sent when a vessel
is in a real distress and not false alert;
4 Capacity to provide mariners with vital Maritime
Safety Information (MSI);
5 It is necessary to define the terms “Security
messages” and “Other messages " and as well as
state the requirements for radio installations to
perform the above functions;
6 Provide the more reliable and effective types of
GMDSS shipborne radio equipment to transmit
and receive accurate and reliable distress signals;