In the field of electronic navigation, global
improvements are also underway. For example, the
International Maritime Organization is developing
and implementing the concept of e-Navigation. The
concept involves improving the safety of shipping all
over the world through the active use of modern
technologies, increasing the information support of
ships and terrestrial services, and improving the
exchange of navigation data between them [4].
In 2013, the Russian company ZAO KB NAVIS
developed and certified in the marine and river
shipping registers a shipborne GNSS GLONASS / GPS
combined receiver-indicator type SN-5703 with a
monitoring function [5]. A distinctive feature of the
transceiver is the ability to build on its basis
monitoring systems for sea and river vessels of
various sizes and internal organization, suitable for a
small number of special purpose ships, and
integration into existing global coverage monitoring
systems, both departmental and public companies.
The currently used systems for monitoring the
navigational situation and the state of the ship’s
control systems have, as a rule, a low-speed
communication channel between the ship and
terrestrial subsystems or are characterized by
significant complexity and cost, as well as narrow
specialization, therefore, the urgent task is to develop
a system for remote monitoring of the navigational
situation and condition ship control systems having a
high-speed data channel that allows streaming video
The remote monitoring system of the navigation
situation and the state of the ship's control systems
should transmit from board to shore information
about the state of the ship's equipment, the readings
of ship instruments, as well as video information
about the situation around the ship and audio
information from external and internal microphones.
Onshore, this information should be displayed in a
form that is convenient and familiar to the operator.
The structural diagram of the remote monitoring
system of the navigation situation and the state of the
ship control systems should have a terrestrial
subsystem and an onboard (ship) subsystem
communicating via a communication channel, as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Block diagram of a system with different
communication channels.
The onboard subsystem should have the following
− shaper of group information signal, which
converts heterogeneous signals from all systems of
the vessel into a single group digital signal;
− a modem that generates a signal with a given type
and modulation parameters for transmission
through the communication channel and
demodulates the signal received from the
communication channel;
− a control computer that transmits the generated
group information signal to the modem and
− a signal from the modem for transmission to the
driver of the control signals.
The block diagram of the onboard subsystem is
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Block diagram of the onboard subsystem.
The group information signal generator is a set of
adapters that converts digital signals into discrete or
analog signals of the required amplitude and power
for discrete or proportional (analog) control of
actuators (relays, motors, etc.). The block diagram of
this unit depends on the composition of the
equipment and will be different for each vessel.
It is possible to use an integrated ship bridge. In
this case, a remote control system can be used, most of
the signals are already brought to the same interface
and standard, and a specialized controller with an
interface converter is used as a shaper of the group
information signal.
A data recorder can be used as a shaper of a group
information signal. In this case, most sensors are
equipped with the necessary adapters, and their
signals are grouped into a single digital stream, which
is recorded by the recorder. The functional diagram of
the group information signal shaper is shown in
Figure 3.
Data recorders are equipped with the necessary
network interfaces for connecting to control
computers and modems.