cargo flows passing through the terminal depends on
the different strategies of containers’ allocation on the
yard aiming on the reduction of selection time,
minimization of idle moves, and maximization of the
utilization of the technological resources. The
selection of the appropriate strategy also could be
done using dedicated logical reference machines. This
feature allows to use this simulation tool not only for
accessing the values of the technological parameters,
but for comparative study of operational strategies
and tactics.
When using the simulation model not as the
design tool, but as an instrument for operational
planning, the sea side and land side generators would
be replaced by real-time information of vehicles
arriving and leaving within the planning interval of
time, as well as the actual data on the state of the
technological processes running at the terminal’s
elements, i.e. cargo fronts and yards. In this case the
models serve as a tool for the sensitivity analyses
(‘what happens if …’) in order to seek for rational
distribution of the technological resources between
different operations.
The single run of the model external generator shown
in Fig. 3 provides the detailed and full annual time
schedules for every transport mode connected in the
node. These time schedules contain the exact arrival
and departure times for every container passing
through the terminal within the simulation term.
Arriving containers should be allocated in the stack of
container yard, and in due moment (determined by
the generated time schedules) would leave the
terminal. As it was said above, in this paper the
investigated function of the operational strategy is the
shifting of blocking containers not in the lowest
positions (slots), but in spots determined taking into
account the operational temperature (the rest of dwell
time). The criterion for the estimation is the
laboriousness of selection. For this purpose, during
the simulation the total number and number of moves
per box are calculated. The computation is being done
by simulation of every physical motions and moves of
technologic equipment operating in the container
yard area.
The functional simulation model of container yard
operation in the structure of the modelling
environment on Fig. 3 is represented by the
rectangular in the center marked as ‘CY’. The arrow
denoting the model parameters includes both
geometrical characteristics of the container yard area
and technological features of the container handling
system, qualitative and quantitative. The
discriminating parameter of the investigated function
of the strategy are also included into this set: in one
case it is the minimal height strategy, in the other –
minimal operational temperature.
The difference in the number of movements
received as the investigated property on Fig. 3,
enables to make judgment on the advantage or
disadvantage of the strategy over random allocation.
In order to make the statistically reliable
conclusions every experiments were repeated many
times for different variants of container flows
structures and volumes. This enables to exclude any
statistical fluctuations and influence of different
patterns of external transport arrival.
Fig. 4 represents the results of the simulation set
undertaken for the study of the selected function of
operational strategy.
Рисунок 3. Результаты экспериментов
The basic theoretical complexity of selection is
computated by the simple combinatoric formula ,
the lines showing the complexity of minimal height
and minimal temperature strategies show the saving
of 0.5 moves per container in favor of the latter.
Though this gain turns out to be big enough in the
year term, to reveal this fact by any traditional
singular simulation would not be possible.
1 Basic components of container terminal
operational strategies are the heuristics, or the
methods whose efficiency cannot be proved
2 In order to include a heuristic into operational
strategy of container terminal, it is necessary to
prove its practical usefulness, which cannot be
done only by imitational simulation.
3 The construction of the scenarios of influencing
conditions needed to investigate a strategy
requires to take into account many real factors, like
volumes and structures of cargo flows, sizes of
cargo parties, irregularity of the traffic, throughput
capacity of elements etc.
4 In order to receive the statistically reliable results,
the experiments should be done in large numbers,
both for stochastically close versions and different
variants, all in the same environment and with
identical values.
5 The paper offers the methodic for controlled
generation of scenarios, turning the simulation tool
from the instrument of analyses into the
instrument of synthesis.
6 As an example, showing the efficiency of the
proposed technique the strategic function of
container allocation by the current rest of the dwell
time is selected.