In the TDMA scheme, each uplink from GES is
assigned a prescribed time interval in which to relay
through the satellite. During its interval, a particular
station has exclusive use of the satellite, and its
uplink transmission alone is processed by the satellite
for the downlink. Each carrier can use the same
carrier frequency and use of the entire satellite
bandwidth during its interval. Thus, since no other
carrier uses the satellite during this time interval, no
intermodulation or carrier suppression occurs, and
the satellite amplifier can be operated in saturation so
as to achieve maximal output power.
The TDMA downlinks always operate at full
saturation power of the satellite, while the entire
TDMA system must have all Earth terminals properly
synchronized in time so that each can transmit
through the satellite only during its prescribed
interval, without interfering with the intervals of
other stations. This time synchronization between
satellite and all Earth stations is called network
synchronization. A downlink Earth station terminals,
wishing to receive the transmissions from a particular
uplink, must gate into the satellite signal during the
proper time interval. This means that all Earth
stations, whether transmitting or receiving, must be
part of the synchronized network. Many users of the
TDMA satellite wish to establish a communication
link in real-time, the total transmission time must be
shared by all users. Thus, the time intervals of each
Earth station must be relatively short and repeated at
regular epochs. This type of short-burst, periodic
operation is most conducive to digital operation,
where each station transmits bursts of data bits
during its intervals.
However, TDMA digital transmissions require
that all receiving stations must obtain decoder
synchronization in each interval, in addition to the
required network synchronization for slot timing. For
phase-coherent decoding, decoder synchronization
requires establishing both a coherent phase reference
and a coherent bit timing clock before any bits can be
decoded within a slot. Also, word sync may be
needed to separate the digital words occurring
during a slot. This hierarchy of decoding
synchronization must be established at the very
beginning of each slot if the subsequent slot bits are to
be decoded. Furthermore, since each slot contains
data from a different source, synchronization must be
separately established for each slot being received. In
fact, even when receiving from the same station,
synchronization must generally be reestablished from
one periodic burst to the next. Hence, digital
communications with TDMA has an inherent
requirement for rapid synchronization in order to
perform successfully. The technology for short-burst
communications is rather new and will be closely
linked to the development of high-speed digital
processing hardware.
Figure 1. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
Techniques and TDMA Frame Structure
Therefore, the TDMA schemes permit more than
two Mobile Earth Stations (MES) to use the same
satellite network for interchanging information.
Several transponders in the satellite payload share the
frequency bands in use and each transponder will act
independently of the others to filter out its own
allocated frequency and further process that signal
for transmission. This feature allows any GES located
in the corresponding coverage area to receive carriers
originating from several MES terminals and vice
versa that carriers transmitted by one MES can be
received by any GES terminal. This enables a
transmitting GES to group several signals into a
single, multi-destination carrier. Access to a
transponder may be limited to a single carrier or
many carriers may exist simultaneously. The
baseband information to be transmitted is impressed
on the carrier by the single process of multi-channel
The TDMA scheme is a digital access technique that
permits individual satellite GES transmissions to be
received by satellite in separate, non-overlapping
time slots, called bursts, which contain buffered
information. The satellite receives these bursts
sequentially, without overlapping interference, and is
then able to retransmit them to the MES terminal.
Synchronization is necessary and is achieved using a
reference station from which burst position and
timing information can be used as a reference by all
other stations. Each MES must determine the satellite
system time and range so that the transmitted signal
bursts, typically Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
(QPSK) modulated, are timed to arrive at the satellite
in the proper time slots. The offset QPSK modulation
is used by Inmarsat-B MES. So as to ensure the timing
of the bursts from multiple MES, TDMA systems use
a frame structure arrangement to support telex (Tlx)
in the mobile-to-shore direction. Therefore, a
reference burst is transmitted periodically by a
reference station to indicate the start of each frame to
control the transmission timing of all data bursts. A
second reference burst may also follow the first in
order to provide a means of redundancy. In the
proper manner, to improve the imperfect timing of
TDMA bursts, several synchronization methods of
random access, open-loop and closed-loop have been
In Figure 1 (Left) is shown a concept of TDMA,
where each MES or user transmits a data burst with a
guard time to avoid overlaps. Since only one TDMA
burst occupies the full bandwidth of the satellite
transponder at a time, input back off, which is needed
to reduce Intermediate Frequency (IM) interference in