Berthing of a ship is a critical phase of a journey that
could lead to damages of own vessel as well as other
structures [1, p. 2]. A navigator may experience
avderse effects of wind while manoeuvring in harbors
or restricted waterways [2]. This article will address
this force in regards of power consumption,
considering that external forces have implications for
energy usage.
A detailed description of berthing operations will
follow in the next section. It will also address some of
the factors that affect ship handling and how to
compensate for them. Section three will present the
method used in this field study and important
information about the ship and port. Section four
presents the results of the study while section five
discuss the results based on relevant literature. The
last sections will present a conclusion and further
research on the topic.
Ship handling is explained as close-quarter work were
the navigator has to use forces under his control,
direct or indirect, to cater for elements that are not
under control [3, ch 1, p.1]. Elements under control
would be propulsion or loading condition, while
external factors such as current, wind or visibility are
not under control [1, pp. 10-13]. A ship will be safely
handled if elements are taken advantage of instead of
disregarding them.
A ship handler needs to know how his ship
responds to these factors and especially in port
environments where there are several risks involved.
2.1 Golden rules of berthing
To safely berth a ship there are some universal
guidelines that must be followed. One important rule
Wind Affecting Berthing Operations
E.M. Kløvning
Norwegian Univ
ersity of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
ABSTRACT: Almost every voyage culminates in a manoeuvre to berth the ship safely along a quay or wharf.
During this phase a ship is affected by a number of factors, one of them being wind. This paper seeks to
understand how wind affect a ship in regards of power consumption during berthing. A field study was
conducted on a car passenger ferry, where every approach in one harbour was logged and analysed over a
period of four months. The goal was to provide greater knowledge about energy usage and the study presents
several interesting findings. It is estimated that power consumption is stable when the median wind speed is
less than 4 m/s. Stronger winds have a significant effect on power consumption, e.g 17 m/s gives an 106,31%
increase from calm conditions. Furthermore there is not discovered any correlation between consumption and
wind direction in this study.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Tran
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
is to have a controlled approach at slow speed [1, p.
4]. Slow speed is critically important when under keel
clearance is low or when using a bow thruster.
Depending on the hull design, a bow thruster will be
ineffective between 2 and 5 knots [1, p. 12], [3, ch 1, p.
12]. At the same time, current and wind will have a
greater effect on manoeuvrability at slow speed.
2.2 Berthing in wind
Wind is essentially air in motion that occurs due to
pressure and temperature differences [3],[4]. The air is
drawn from high pressure areas to low pressure areas
to equalize the difference. Wind speed, also called
velocity, increases with the pressure joint gradient.
Near ground level, there are several factors that
determine wind direction, such as terrain, topography
and structures. Wind speed can also vary, creating
gust winds that are remarkably dangerous [3, ch 3
Strong winds could cause leeway and heading
changes [1, p. 14]. Naturally the effect will vary
depending on wind speed, direction and windage
area of the ship [2]. Usually the ship will be most
vulnerable when presenting its broadside, which has
the largest windage area. The size of this area will
also vary with loading condition [5, p. 41]. During
strong winds a navigator must plan the manoeuvre
according to the wind to minimise the potential
danger and maximise the assistance.
The force of the wind can be understood as a point
of influence on the above-water structure of a ship [1,
p. 14]. This point will move depending on the ships
heading and speed. The ship will usually settle in a
position where the point of influence of the wind
aligns with the pivot point. The pivot point is a
theoretical point that indicates where the ship rotates
along its length [1, p. 10], and the transverse ship
speed equals 0.
If the ship has forward speed the pivot point (P) is
forward [5, p. 36], [3, ch 1, p.11] and the point of
influence of wind (W) will be astern. The result of this
will be a force that turns the bow towards the wind.
Note that this example uses a ship with large windage
area aft.
Figure 1. Alignment of W and P [1, p. 15]
The navigator must use available propulsion
sufficiently to compensate for this resultant force.
Wind force can be estimated using the following
formulae [1, p. 16]:
( )
Wind speed windagearea
Wind force
The ship in this field study has a windage area of
approximately 1000m² on both sides, and 250m² in the
front and stern.
8 1000
= =
8 250
= =
This example shows two important points. First, it
shows that a doubling of wind speed gives
approximately four times the force acting on the ship.
Secondly, the force is vastly reduced when the
direction switches from broadside to stern or front. If
possible, the manoeuvre should therefor expose the
smallest windage area to reduce the effect of strong
winds [1, pp. 17-18].
In any situation, the navigator must use enough
power on the thrusters to compensate for the force
acting upon the ship.
The goal of this study was to examine how wind
affected the ships power consumption during
berthing operations. The purpose is to present
information that can be used in optimalization of
operations, in regards of energy usage. To achieve
this, the author logged every approach in one port, for
four months.
3.1 The ferry
Every approach was made by MF Korsfjord, which is
a ro-ro passenger ferry that runs on liquid natural gas
(LNG). The ferry is a monohull, aft-bow symmetrical
vessel as seen on figure 2. Korsfjord has 2 Schottel
STP 1010, N=1000kW azimuth thrusters, one in each
end [6]. Both have fixed pitch propellers and in
general, thrust vectoring devices give enhanced
manoeuvrability because the thrust is vectored [1, p.
10; 3, p. 50]. This design allows fully actuated
berthing where surge, sway and yaw is controllable.
Unfortunately the ship has a large windage area on
both sides and a high B/D ratio. This indicates that the
ship has a great potential for leeway in strong winds
[1, p. 10].
Power is generated from two MITSUBISHI GS16R-
MPTK (900 kw) gas engines and a MITSUBISHI S12R-
MPTA (1000 kw) in standby. These engines provide
the thrusters with power and consumption is logged
using an energy monitoring system [7]. Consumption
is directly affected by RPM on the thrusters. An
increase in RPM gives an increase in consumption.
Figure 2. Starbord profile of M/F Korsfjord (courtesy of
Table 1. Main dimensions of M/F Korsfjord [6]
Length 122,75m
Beam 16,7 m
Draught 3,5 m
Height 20,5m
Maximum speed 17,5 knop
Gross registertonnage 2971
3.2 The berth
The port of Molde is an area with varying degrees of
traffic. The quay is equipped with fenders. There is no
noticable current in the area but sometimes there can
be strong southern winds.
In the eastern end of the quay there is an
automated loading ramp for veichles. This ramp will
automatically position itself during berthing
operations. When the ships is in the right position the
ramp will lower itself to a shelf underneath the
trapdoor in the bow. This ramp will keep the bow
secured during loading and unloading, while the aft
thruster pushes the stern towards the quay.
Table 2. Main dimensions of berth
Length 85 m
Minimal depth 4,7 m
True course 065°
Weight 85 t
Figure 3. Satelite photo of M/F Korsfjord before loading in
Molde [8].
3.3 Data collection
This article is written as a result of a quantitative field
study. Data was collected between 07.10.19 and
31.01.20 on board MF Korsfjord that navigates
between Molde and Vestnes in coastal Norway. The
ships own equipment was used to log every bit of
information. The ship is equipped with an Høglund
IAS [7] that shows transit time, speed, course, position
and usage of KW for each journey. Wind is measured
by an external unit on the bridge roof [9],
approximately 20 metres above sea level.
Figure 4. Port of Molde [10].
Figure 5. Wheelhouse of M/F Korsfjord.
Berthing the ferry is split into different phases, as
shown in figure 4. During transit the ship sails at
around 11,5 knots towards Molde with both thruster
at around 220 RPM. Step 1 is a point at 0,9 nautical
miles from the quay where the course is adjusted to
approximately 070⁰. Here the forward thruster RPM is
reduced to 0. Aft thruster RPM is reduced to 160
RPM. The ship still sails on autopilot. At step 2 an
audio message plays on the bridge to inform the
navigator to commence manoeuvre procedure for
arrival. Here the ship is 0,4 nautical miles from the
quay. The ships speed is logged, then the navigator
turns off the autopilot and steers the ships towards
the quay. When the manoeuver is finished, the
navigator logs wind, consumption, notices and time
in the table at step 3. Every approach had to be
performed in 8 minutes or less, to be valid for this
study. Consumption and time spent manoeuvring is
logged between step 2 and 3. The track was created in
ECDIS and followed on each approach. Wind speed
and direction is logged visually as median wind over
a period of 30 seconds after arrival.
The ship is equipped with a surveillance system
[11] that give audio warnings when the speed limit i
broken. To complete a successful berthing the
navigator must keep a speed lower than what is
shown on table 3 at all times.
The figure above shows the wheelhouse of the
ferry used in this study. Wind is registered using the
display in the ceiling. On the right side is a display of
ECDIS-chart, used for marking the points in points in
figure 5.
Table 3. Speed limit during berthing.
Distance to pier Maximum speed over ground
277,8 nm 7
245,5 m 6
122,75 m 5
61,375 m 3
There were conducted 140 approaches in Molde port,
during this trial. Of those 140, 15 approaches were not
included in the analysis because the speed limit was
exceeded or the approach lasted for more than 8
minutes, resulting in corruption of data. The study
gave the following results based on n=125
4.1 The Effect of Wind speed
First off is a comparison of average time spent
manouevring and average consumption needed for
approaches in different wind conditions. Note that
table 4 only presents wind speed, regardless of
direction. The table also depicts the change in
percentage for each variable, using 0 m/s as a starting
point. Time spent on the approach shows a slight
increase in time, even though the goal was to use the
same amount of time on each approach.
During the trial there were a lot of approaches in
calm weather, while only a few approaches were
made during strong winds. No wind speed were
registered on 13 m/s or 16 m/s, and therefore the
values were removed from table 4. The average
consumption seems to be quite stable between 0 m/s
and 4 m/s. At 5 m/s and beyond the consumption
gradually increases with stronger winds, if we
disregard the result from 6 m/s. Figure 6 shows a
graphic representation of table 4.
Table 4. Overview of results from field study.
Wind Average % Average %
speed time consumption
(m/s) (seconds) (kw)
0 (n=4) 360 1 23,75 1
1 (n=29) 369,55 2,65 25,20 6,10
2 (n=30) 368,16 2,26 25,16 5,93
3 (n=15) 371,13 3,09 25,26 6,35
4 (n=17) 365,29 1,46 24,95 5,05
5 (n=3) 361,33 0,36 28,33 19,28
6 (n=1) 364 1,11 24 1,05
7 (n=4) 374,75 4,09 27,75 16,84
8 (n=6) 383 6,38 30,16 26,98
9 (n=1) 387 7,5 31 30,52
10 (n=1) 357 -0,83 30 26,31
11 (n=2) 381 5,83 32,5 36,84
12 (n=2) 382,5 6,25 37,5 57,89
14 (n=3) 373,66 3,79 39 64,21
15 (n=6) 395,66 9,90 42,5 78,94
17 (n=1) 382 6,11 49 106,31
Figure 6. Illustration of results from table 4.
4.2 Consumption and wind direction
Figure 7 shows a graph for consumption in relation to
wind direction. During this trial there were no wind
above 4 m/s, registered from north or east. The result
shows that consumption gradually increases, but
there are few to no differences in consumption when
divided by direction. Unfortunately the result is
dominated by western winds, which makes it difficult
to accurately measure differences in consumption.
Figure 7. Wind speed compared to consumption for
different directions.
There are several interesting findings that were
revealed during this study. As mentioned above,
wind affect the ferry by causing leeway or heading
changes. It is therefore necessary to counter this force
using the ships propulsion system. However, an
increased usage of RPM on thrusters leads to
increased power consumption.
The results from table 4 indicates that wind effect
is absent in winds with speed of 4 m/s or less. In these
conditions there is no need for increased RPM, above
minimum steering RPM, to counter the force of wind
during berthing. As a result, the average consumption
lies between 23,75 kw and 25,26 kw, which is a
relatively marginal difference.
Figure 6 shows a trend that indicates an increased
consumption when wind speed is 5 m/s or greater.
Increase in consumption could be explained as an
effect of more force acting upon the ships windage
area. A necessary increase in RPM would therefore
cause a higher consumption during berthing.
On the other hand, the increase in consumption is
not that high considering the vast increase in wind
force. As mentioned earlier, doubling the wind speed
gives four times the force acting upon the ship [1]. It
would be logical that consumption rose proportional
with wind force. However, this is not the case.
Consumption seems to follow an almost linear
growth. For example, doubling the wind speed from
7m/s to 14m/s only gives an increase in consumption
of approximately 40,54%.
This phenomenon could be explained by the
guidelines for berthing provided in section 2.2. It
stated that ship handler should plan a manouvre to
maximise the assistance. In calm conditions the
propulsion system need a minimum amount of power
to steer the ship or maintain speed. This amount of
power is measured to be around 25 kw in this study.
When the wind force increases, the consumption also
increases but on a much smaller scale. The reason for
this could be that the wind force is used as assistance
when berthing. For example southern winds push the
ship towards the loading ramp, meaning that the
navigator has to use propulsion to maintain the
heading and slowly reduce speed. On the other hand,
no power is required to maintain speed during the
manouvre or push the ship forward. These
advantages propably reduce the overall power
Figure 7 shows consumption categorized by wind
direction and wind speed. One of the goals of this
study was to examine possible differences in
consumption based on wind direction. Unfortunately
there were no winds above 4 m/s registered from
north or east during this trial. Strong winds were also
mainly registered from the south. This makes it hard
to compare differences in consumption by wind
direction. More data is needed to properly examine
this factor. Although there were insufficient data
gathered, it is possible to see a marginal difference in
consumption between southern and western winds.
Even though there are some differences, the study
has a great limitation in regards of measuring the
effect of wind direction. During berthing the ferry
changes course several times. This could reduce the
impact of wind direction. It would therefor be
reasonable to pinpoint that wind direction propably
have an effect on consumption but it did not appear
in this study.
It is possible to calculate the effect of wind in great
detail, using the results from this study. However,
there are several weaknesses to this method that
drastically reduces the validity of data. As mentioned
in chapter 2, the ships is affected by a number of
factors during berthing. In this trial these effects have
been neglected, simply because there were no
equipment available to accurately measure them. It is
highly likely that current, trim or waves have an
impact on consumption as well as wind.
The result is also based on trials conducted
manually by a human. To fully recreate an approach,
even in the same conditions, is not always possible.
The data gathered during this trial shows several
approaches in similar conditions where power
consumption and time spent manouevring varies. The
numbers presented in this study must therefore be
seen as estimates or trends.
Wind has been described as a factor affecting ships
during berthing operations. In this field study, the
effect of wind is not present at 4 m/s or lower in
regards of power consumption. Stronger winds
require more power on the propulsion machinery but
the increase is not proportional. Finally, no correlation
between consumption and wind direction were
discoveres during this field study.
It could be interesting to measure the effect of wind
during transit or recreating the same trial with
equipment to measure more variables such as trim,
draught and wave height. This research could be
relevant for optimalization of operations.
[1] The Standard P&I Club, A Master’s Guide To: Berthing,
2nd ed. London: Charles Taylor & Co. Limited, 2012
[2] M. Szymoński, “Some Effects of Wind on Ship’s
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[4] A. D. Sivle, “Vind,” snl.no, Des. 5, 2019. [Online].
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[5] D. J. House, Ship Handling: Theory and practice, Oxford:
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[6] Skipsrevyen, ”M/F Korsfjord,” skipsrevyen.no. [Online].
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[7] Høglund, “Ship Performance Monitor,” hma.no.
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[9] Furuno, “RD-33,” furuno.no. [Online]. Available
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