All types of watercrafts are moving faster through
water when their underwater part of hull is free from
marine fouling. Sea animals, plants and
microorganisms attach themselves to the surface of
the underwater craft creating friction that decreases
the speed of a boat, manoeuvrability and increases
fuel consumption. Antifouling paint used for pleasure
boats is a relevant source of toxic substance emission
into the aquatic environment.
Nautical tourism is an important economic activity
for the Republic of Croatia. With its advantageous
location and natural attractions Croatia has always
been an important tourist destination, especially for
many EU countries in the Central and Eastern Europe.
Because of its geographical position it represents the
closest access to the Adriatic Sea and warm and
crystal-clear sea. Croatia has a total of 1,244 islands,
islets, cliffs and reefs scattered all along its coastline,
which is the main rea-son why it has been attractive
for a large number of pleasure boats. The coastal
ecosystems are especially important for the well-being
of the Adriatic Sea because they function as
spawning, nursery and feeding grounds for a wide
range of marine organ-isms. Also, marine
environments and coastal areas are very important for
human recreation and various kinds of outdoor
activities. Leisure boating is a popular recreational
activity on the Adriatic coast and islands. According
to the data [3], Croatia has about 17,000 berths
equipped for sailing boats and yachts and about 5,500
positions on dry land, boat storage.
A great number of boat owners are applying anti-
fouling paints which contain biocides, primarily be-
cause of the reasonable price. These paints contain
Effect of Antifouling Paints and Nautical Tourism on
the Sustainability of Marine Environment in the Case of
the Village Ports of a Small Island
R. Ivče,
D. Paparić, A. Zekić & M. Škapul
University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
ABSTRACT: The problem of underwater hull fouling has been mostly noticed by the pleasure boat owners
when reducing the boat speed. In order to decrease the fouling of the underwater part of the hull, antifouling
paints have been used. Some kinds of antifouling paints have become a serious environmental problem due to
its very harmful effect on marine organisms and also, indirectly, on humans. Scientific research conducted in
this domain has confirmed contamination by toxic compounds as a result of the usage of antifouling paints
over long period of time. The paper is focused on underwater hull maintenance, especially when applying
antifouling systems on pleasure crafts owned by tourists and local residents, in the example of the village ports
of a small island. A survey was conducted among the residents who use ports to determine their knowledge
regarding the harmful effects of biocidal coatings and the possible harmless maintenance of the underwater
hull part. This paper aims to indicate the necessary equipment and procedures in the two small local ports in
order to maintain pleasure boats in environmentally acceptable manner.
the International Journal
on Marine N
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.03.24
toxic heavy metals such as copper and zinc and are
designed to erode. The slow process of leaching of
biocidal heavy metals into the marine environment
causes serious problems. High concentrations of these
toxic elements have been measured in the are-as with
intense boat traffic, but biocides also spread into the
sea during maintenance work, when a boat's hull is
just washed or scraped.
Over the history a variety of methods have been
used to prevent marine fouling, e.g. pitch, tar, and
copper. An early record noted a mixture in use
around 412 B.C. composed of arsenic and sulphur,
mixed with natural oil and applied to a ship's hull [9].
Many other examples could be noted, from the tar
and wax of the ancient Greek boats to the various
compositions used on the wooden sheathing in the
18th century. The first antifouling paints emerged in
the mid-19th century and were based on the idea of
dispersing a powerful toxicant in a polymeric binder.
These were followed by other paints with binders
based on different bituminous products and natural
resins whose dilution was achieved with turpentine
spirit, benzene or naphtha [4]. The cost-effective anti-
fouling paints using metallic com-pounds, in
particular the organotin compound tributyltin (TBT),
were first applied during the 1960's. The continuous
use of the antifouling paints adds to the spread of
harmful biocides in the coastal eco-system and
increases the load of hazardous sub-stances in
sediments and soils, especially in harbour areas and
boatyards where the majority of the maintenance
work is performed [1]. The use of toxic antifouling
paints has appeared as one of the highest
environmental risks to the coastal ecosystems,
especially for small closed bays.
The paper is focused on underwater hull
maintenance, especially when applying antifouling
systems on recreational crafts owned by tourists and
local residents in the example of a smaller island
village. The village considered has two bays with
local ports. During the summer season residents and
tourists use these ports for berthing mostly
recreational crafts. A survey was conducted among
the residents which have had berthed boats in the
port. With the help of the conducted survey authors
in-tend to determine their knowledge regarding the
harmful effects of biocidal coatings and their desire to
maintain the underwater part of hull in a harm-less
The authors of this paper indicate the necessary
equipment for the two small local ports with boat
wash area, which is designed to collect and
adequately process all the wash water of the
underwater part of a boat. The additional reason for
this re-search is the need to better inform boat owners
and other stakeholders about potentially safer
alternatives for conventional antifouling systems.
Safer alternatives will help preserve environment. The
authors also try to point out the procedures to raise
the level of environmental protection.
When an artificial structure is placed in seawater,
fouling starts to occur very soon and vegetal and
animal species start causing grave technical and
economic problems [10]. In the case of pleasure boats
biofouling produces high frictional resistance and
when combined with additional weight and all things
mentioned, it has great impact on speed and
manoeuvrability and increases fuel consumption by
up to 40%. Pleasure boats are moored most of the time
and only in use for short periods. On the other hand,
long mooring periods result in more fouling than
when they are in regular use and this may in-crease
the need for antifouling treatment.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
uses the phrasing ‘antifouling system’, which is de-
fined as ‘a coating, paint, surface treatment, surface or
device that is used on a ship to control or prevent
attachment of unwanted organisms’ [8]. The most
widely used protective method for the prevention of
marine biofouling on boats is antifouling paint.
Biofouling has been recognized as a problem for more
than 2,000 years and in the beginning of the
protection of the underwater hull of a boat lime and
later arsenic were used to provide anti-fouling. Since
the use of the first simple antifouling coatings many
kinds of antifouling methods have been investigated.
The early Phoenicians were the first to use lead and
copper sheets to prevent biofouling on their wooden
boats. By the late 18th and into the 19th century
coatings containing copper, arsenic and mercury were
applied to protect the underwater hull of a boat. Since
the late 20th century organotin compounds and their
derivatives have been widely used as antifouling
coatings because of their effectiveness [6]. Figure 1
gives a general view of the types of antifouling
systems which may be ap-plied for the protection of
the hull of a boat.
Figure 1. A general view of the types of antifouling systems
for the hull of a boat
This overview shows that a variety of alternative
antifouling systems are available for pleasure boats. A
number of these are expected to be safer than biocidal
self-polishing paints. These are:
various types of hard foul release coatings,
foul release coatings,
liquid surface technology,
ultrasound systems,
other alternative antifouling systems.
Hard coatings are generally made of epoxies,
polyesters, vinyl esters or ceramic-epoxy com-
pounds, sometimes reinforced with glass flakes. In
general, these coatings are intended to be used in
conjunction with routine cleaning, using either high-
pressure washing in a dry dock or underwater
cleaning with the boat still afloat. Routine and timely
cleaning keeps fouling to a minimum and the hull
operating optimally. These coatings are advertised as
‘extremely hard’ and they should have much greater
longevity than conventional silicone coatings
possibly up to ten years.
Foul release coatings do not contain biocides for
antifouling purposes. They have a smooth surface,
which does not dissolve in water. The characteristic of
this coating is that organisms just fall down when a
boat moves through water at appropriate speed being
unable to attach or it can easily be re-moved when the
boat is lifted out of the water. Most foul release
coatings are based on silicone elastomer,
fluoropolymers or a combination of the two. Silicone
coatings have an ultra-smooth surface which has
slippery and hydrophobic surface [5].
Liquid surface technology is the basis for a newly
developed coating, based on nano-/micro-structured
porous material infused with a lubricating fluid. This
creates a thin, ultra-smooth and slippery liquid layer
that prevents the attachment of organisms.
Ultrasound waves can be used for fouling control.
A small transmitter is placed on the inside of the
boat’s hull and it transmits ultrasonic waves (≈23
kHz). These waves continuously pass through the
boat hull and act as a soundboard, causing
microscopic vibrations.
Other promising alternative antifouling systems
are still being researched and developed, such as UV
light and natural, readily degradable biocides that
stay inside the coating. The antifouling action
happens because of the UV irradiation and causes
DNA damage to marine organisms, thereby pre-
venting biofilm to continue growing up on boat's hull.
The ecosystems of enclosed and shallow seas are
most exposed to contamination of antifouling paints.
Toxic elements enter the water column and remain
there for some time after. They are removed from the
water column by the sea tides, wind and local
currents and settle on the bottom. The problem is
significantly increased by the development of nautical
tourism, which is one of the most profit-able selective
forms of tourist offer and which, considering the
market, can be expected to lead to an increase in
vessel mooring. Therefore, the im-portance of
preventive measurements should also be emphasized
in the case of smaller ports.
With its indented coast and numerous bays and
beaches the island of Rab has attracted a large number
of pleasure boats. Only 12 kilometres away from the
town of Rab lies the village of Lopar, otherwise
known as the Sandy Paradise due to numerous
natural sandy beaches. Surrounded by numerous
small islands and islets, Lopar has a lot to offer to
nautical tourists. It has two ports, which lie in two
beautiful bays. Both ports have been used for berth-
ing mainly pleasure boats owned by the local
residents and tourists. Pleasure boats owned or hired
by tourists sail mainly in summer. Some of the
mentioned boats are permanently berthed in ports
entire year, but most of them have a permanent berth
in other marinas. Also, some of them are brought on a
trailer to the ports from where they set out to the sea
and are driven home on a trailer at the end of the
holiday. Pleasure boats owned by the local residents
are usually dry docked for maintenance once a year.
The total number of the leisure boats on permanent
berth in ports located in the village of Lopar is 338.
Boats are divided according to size in certain
categories and are shown in Table 1. Information
regarding boats was collected and sorted out by the
Table 1. Approximate leaching of toxic elements from Bio-
cide Antifouling Paints (Copper) for boats permanently
berthed in 2019 in the Village of Lopar (both ports).
Boat Number Approximate Average Approximate
Category of underwater flux rate total leaching
(Length Boats area (cm2) of per Boat
in m) dissolved Category
Copper (g/day)
(4 µg/cm2/day)
<3 6 126,000 4 0.504
3-5 115 3,450,000 4 13.8
5-7 170 7,990,000 4 31.96
7-9 35 3,150,000 4 12.6
9-11 10 1,380,000 4 5.52
11-13 0 4
13-15 2 500,000 4 2
Total 66.384
In this case permanently berthed boats are boats
which are berthed in one of the ports in the Village of
Lopar throughout the year. The categories of boats
considered pollute aquatic environment with the
antifouling toxic elements which slowly leach in the
surrounding water and after that fall down to the
bottom and enter the sediment.
Table 1 shows the number of leisure boats which
have been permanently berthed in the ports of Lopar,
their approximate underwater hull surface and the
approximate release of toxic elements. It is assumed
that the underwater part of the boats is protected by
antifouling paints containing copper. Toxic element
leaching was calculated by the average flux rates of
dissolved copper for the hard vinyl and modified
epoxy paints (approximately 4 µg/cm2/day) [7]. Also,
toxic elements have remained in the sediment of
nearby boats. The soil re-search which was done in
similar ports show high concentrations of Cu and Zn.
The measured Pb concentrations were generally lower
than Cu and Zn because most frequent antifouling
paints currently used contain Cu and Zn. Since the
total ban of TBT (tributyltin) in the EU in 2003, Cu has
been the main biocide added to antifouling paints.
Heavy metals are not degradable and their
concentration increases over time. The increasing
number of pleasure boats on berth may lead to
additional over-load of sediment with heavy metals
from antifouling paints.
The underwater hull of pleasure boats is usually
maintained once a year when they are dry docked or
hauled out and stored at plateau near the sea. Usual
maintenance includes removing any marine growth
that has attached to the boat and reapplying the
antifouling paint. Most leisure boats owned by the
local residents are dry docked or hauled out in the
late autumn or at the beginning of spring. Having
been applied with a fresh coat of antifouling paint
and with the maintenance carried out, boats are then
berthed in the port. Pleasure boats owned by the
tourists who resided in Lopar are dry docked or
hauled out and after that cleaned at the end of
holiday. Most of them are brought on a trailer by the
owners or left on land at dry marina. For the next
holiday they will set out to the sea again with a fresh
coat of antifouling paint.
Today most boat owners use high pressure water
sprayers to save time and make cleaning more
efficient. They rinse the salt water off and quickly
remove dirt and any marine growth on the boat. Anti-
fouling paint can be washed off in the process as well.
The washed water contains not only dirt and marine
organisms but also metallic and toxic anti-fouling
compounds and that results in the higher levels of
pollutants, which exceed the approved levels. Because
of the short boating season boats owned by tourists
have significant amounts of anti-fouling paint still on
them at the end of the season. Both ports in Lopar do
not have a proper plateau for cleaning boats and the
polluted wash water is often directly run back into the
water or soaks into the ground at the plateau location.
The disturbing fact is that the metallic and toxic
antifouling compounds can be rinsed by heavy
rainwater or washed by extremely high water and
through this process end up in the bottom of the
surrounding sea. This area has been typically
contaminated by significant levels of metals, mostly
Cu and Zn. Paint particles were clearly visible on the
ground at both plateaus at ports in Lopar.
The life quality in an island village, fishing and many
tourist activities depend on the long-term
sustainability of marine resources and the ecological
health of their supporting ecosystems. The reduction
of potential antifouling pollutants is a significant step
in the protection of the marine environment. Pleasure
boats owned by the village residents or tourists that
cruise the island's coast should sail and be maintained
without adverse impact on the marine environment.
Boat repair and maintenance have been done at their
current locations for many years. Boat owners are,
however, often unaware of the environmental risks
posed by their practices and the wastes that they
generate, in particular the harm caused by the toxic
antifouling paint chips, paint residues containing
heavy metals, acids, oil, hydro-carbons and other
substances with adverse effects on the marine
The contaminated wash water, which contains
antifouling toxic substances, is often allowed to run
back into the water or soak into the ground at the
plateau where the boat is located on land. This results
in the significant levels of toxic substances being
discharged into the water and the groundwater
harming the marine environment. Gradually, the
discharge of boat bottom wash water (antifouling
paint-contaminated wash water) should be regulated
at the considered ports. The antifouling paint-
contaminated wash water should be required to be
collected in the facility until it can be treated. Wash
water should be collected in a closed holding tank or
container and left standing so that suspended pa-
ticles can settle and be physically separated from the
water. Treatment of the mentioned water will reduce
the amount of antifouling toxic substances. Treated
wastewater meeting required standards may be
disposed of through a sanitary sewer system with
authorization. The contaminated sediment which was
separated from the wash water should be accepted by
a licensed organization for treatment or safe disposal.
In the absence of a licensing facilities for treatments
and disposal, contaminated sediment should be
directed to a landfill lined with an im-permeable liner
to prevent leaching of waste materials into the ground
Using high pressure washer to clean the
underwater part the hull of a boat has the potential to
create environmental harm. High-pressure water
blasting presents containment problems caused by the
wide dispersion of biological and toxic substances
removed from the boat hull during the cleaning
process. Boats which are not heavily fouled can be
wiped off with a sponge or a scrub pad when hauled
out, which reduces any fouling that happens above
the antifouling paint. Also, boats can be allowed to
dry when hauled out and then sanded prior to the
application of new antifouling paint. In this case it is
recommended to use vacuum blast cleaning ma-
chines with abrasive blast nozzle inside a shroud that
is in tight contact with the work surface. Dust and
abrasives are immediately vacuumed by a powerful
suction unit and piped into a blast material collection
and treatment chamber. It is easier to control and
collect paint particles and dust, but it is very
important to handle the dust carefully and dis-pose of
it properly.
Both local ports need to install a wash water col-
lection area and a treatment system to collect all the
boat antifouling wash water and treat it to prevent or
reduce the amount of antifouling paint residue being
discharged in the environment. Installation of the
collection and treatment systems in the two small
ports in the village of Lopar will present a significant
capital expense for the local community and it will be
supported by the Port Authority. This investment will
be of great importance in the preservation of the
marine environment.
Boat owners should avoid scrubbing or cleaning
the bottom of their boat while in the water because it
can result in discharges of pollutants similar to
bottom wash water. When the opportunity arises,
wiping off the water line of a boat by a sponge or a
scrub pad will reduce any fouling that happens above
the antifouling paint. Tipping engine out of the water
in case a boat is equipped with outboard engine is
also recommended.
Boat owners as well as local port authorities
should be encouraged to become knowledgeable
about antifouling paints and characteristics of non-
biocide antifouling paints or alternative systems. They
need to be educated on the use, advantages and
disadvantages of biocide-free and biocide-containing
antifouling paints. Also, antifouling system with
minimum environmental impact should be
recommended. Boat owners with more fouling
problems should be advised how to use low-release
copper paint or biocide-free antifouling paints. Efforts
should be made to make environmentally friendly
products available at local paint shops.
A survey was conducted among the local residents
who use the ports to determine their knowledge of the
harmful effects of biocidal coatings and the harmless
maintenance of the underwater hull.
The data used for this research was collected in a
questionnaire survey conducted on 50 residents that
have boats sized between 3 and 15 meters. The
questionnaire contained questions about the
respondents’ sex, age, profession, level of education,
size of boat owned, questions regarding how the
respondents maintain their boat and the knowledge of
the respondents regarding the antifouling paint types.
In the end the respondents were asked if they were
willing to help improve taking care of the antifouling
The survey shows that the majority of the boats in
the mentioned local ports are owned by men (98%)
and just 2% by women. Figure 2 shows the age and
the level of education of the respondents. Most of the
respondents finished high school and they are around
36 years old or older.
Figure 2. Age and level of education of the respondents
After the general questions, the questions were
more oriented towards the way the respondents
maintained the boat. The survey showed that 64% of
the respondents maintain their boats by them-selves
and 23% of them outsource the maintenance to third
parties but under their supervision. The other 13% of
boats are maintained by third parties without the
supervision of the boat owners. Figure 3 shows how
often the respondents take their boats out for
maintenance and at which location the respondents
accommodated their boats for antifouling paint
removal. Most of the respondents answered that they
had taken their boats out for maintenance within 1
year. About (49%) of the respondents dry docked
their boats between 6 and 12 months, 33% less than 6
months while just 14% of the respondents answered
that their boats were dry docked for maintenance
between 12 and 18 months. About 4% of the
respondents did that in the periods which exceed 18
months. The last part of the chart 2 shows the
locations where the respondents maintained their
boats. Because of the fact that the nautical tourism
occurs mostly during the summer season pleasure
boats are mostly taken out of the sea and are stored
on some location on the land at the end of the season.
That explained why 41% of the respondents answered
that they maintain their boats away from the sea.
Many local fishermen on the is-land need their boats
in the water during the whole year. They take their
boats outside on a plateau by the sea for a quick
maintenance and to repaint the antifouling paint and
they can be counted in the group of about 39% of the
respondents who answered that their boats were
maintained on a plateau near the sea. The last group
of about 20% of the respondents answered that their
boats were accommodated on some location near the
sea for maintenance. The local residents who were
usually per-forming maintenance between two weeks
and one month are also part of this group.
Figure 3. Manner of maintenance and location
The main part of the survey shows how the
respondents are informed about the antifouling paint
and its toxic components. The most of the
respondents (59%) replied that they did not pay
attention. Then, the respondents were asked if they
were aware of the fact that certain antifouling paints
contain elements that are not biodegradable and are
as such deposited in the sediment. On this question
about 66% of the respondents answered positively.
Figure 4. The antifouling paint chosen in relation to the
price and the application of paint according to
manufacturer's instructions
Figure 4 above shows the respondents usually buy
the cheapest antifouling. Also, the same graph leads
to the conclusion that the respondents who buy the
antifouling paint based on price (the cheapest) are not
following the instructions given by paint
At the end of the survey the respondents were
asked if they were willing to help to improve the
standards regarding antifouling treatment by positive
behaviour, if they support setting up education-al
panels in the port area and if they support the
initiative to build up the necessary infrastructure for
boat maintenance in the environmentally acceptable
manner. There were more than 95% of positive
answers to these three questions.
The authors suggest that boat owners should be
provided with anti-fouling educational materials
because, as the survey shows, they have not been
aware of the environmental impact of certain anti-
fouling paints. The authors also recommend setting
up posters with educational materials in the ports.
Figure 5 shows a poster which will be positioned at a
few places in the ports.
Figure 5. Antifouling paints and sustainability of marine
environment poster
The Republic of Croatia has been a very popular
tourist destination and it has been attracting a large
number of pleasure boats. There are about 17,000
equipped berths along the coastline and islands. The
underwater part of the hull of a boat is protected by
antifouling paints which may contain biocides, which
are slowly leaching into the marine environment
causing serious problems. The ecosystems in the ports
and marinas are exposed to the contamination by
antifouling paints the most due to intense boat traffic
and berthed boats. Biocides also spread into the sea
and settle on the bottom during maintenance work
when the hull of a boat is just washed or scraped.
The questionnaire survey was carried out among
boat owners to determine their knowledge regarding
the harmful effects of biocidal coatings in the smaller
local ports of the island of Rab. It was con-ducted on
the sample of 50 residents which have boats berthed
in the local ports in the village of Lo-par. Surveyed
residents have boats whose length spans between 3
and 15 meters. Most respondents (64%) maintain the
boat (including the underwater part of boat) without
outside help. Boats are mainly maintained near the
sea. The marine growth on the underwater part of
ship and the remains of antifouling paints are
removed by water pressure sprayers in most cases.
The washed water contains both marine organisms
and toxic antifouling compounds. As the conducted
survey shows, most of the respondents have taken
their boats out for maintenance within 1 year and they
have significant amounts of antifouling paint still on
them. Both ports considered do not have a proper
plateau for cleaning boats and the polluted wash
water is often directly run back into the water or
soaks into the ground at the plateau location and after
that indirectly reaches the surrounding sea. The
aquatic area and the seabed have been contaminated
with metals, mostly Cu and Zn.
Gradually, the wash water contaminated with
antifouling paint should be regulated in the
considered ports. Contaminated water will be
required to be collected in the facility until it can be
treated. Wash water should be collected in a closed
holding tank or container and left standing so that the
suspended particles can settle and be physically
separated from the water. Because of the
aforementioned rea-son, both local ports will need to
have a wash water collection area installed, as well as
a treatment system which will provide a smaller
amount of anti-fouling paint residue that is being
discharged into the environment.
According to the conducted survey only 55% the
of respondents have been familiarized with the
harmful effects of biocidal antifouling and the process
of decreasing marine biodiversity has been noticed by
not more than 14%. Biocidal antifouling contains no
biodegradable elements, which are de-posited in the
sediment. 66% of the respondents have been familiar
with this fact. It is very important to emphasize that
the respondents usually buy the cheapest antifouling
and the survey also shows that the respondents who
buy the antifouling paint based on price were not
following the instructions and the paint was applied
based on their previous experience.
The last question in the conducted survey shows
that almost all respondents are willing to help to
improve the level of marine environment protections
through positive behaviour, setting up educational
panels and supporting the initiative to build the
necessary infrastructure. The answers to the last three
questions were positive for more than 95% of the
respondents. Therefore, the authors recommend that
the boat owners be provided with antifouling
educational materials to improve the level of marine
environment protection because, as it is evident from
the survey, they have not been aware of the
environmental impact of certain antifouling paints.
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