local residents are dry docked or hauled out in the
late autumn or at the beginning of spring. Having
been applied with a fresh coat of antifouling paint
and with the maintenance carried out, boats are then
berthed in the port. Pleasure boats owned by the
tourists who resided in Lopar are dry docked or
hauled out and after that cleaned at the end of
holiday. Most of them are brought on a trailer by the
owners or left on land at dry marina. For the next
holiday they will set out to the sea again with a fresh
coat of antifouling paint.
Today most boat owners use high pressure water
sprayers to save time and make cleaning more
efficient. They rinse the salt water off and quickly
remove dirt and any marine growth on the boat. Anti-
fouling paint can be washed off in the process as well.
The washed water contains not only dirt and marine
organisms but also metallic and toxic anti-fouling
compounds and that results in the higher levels of
pollutants, which exceed the approved levels. Because
of the short boating season boats owned by tourists
have significant amounts of anti-fouling paint still on
them at the end of the season. Both ports in Lopar do
not have a proper plateau for cleaning boats and the
polluted wash water is often directly run back into the
water or soaks into the ground at the plateau location.
The disturbing fact is that the metallic and toxic
antifouling compounds can be rinsed by heavy
rainwater or washed by extremely high water and
through this process end up in the bottom of the
surrounding sea. This area has been typically
contaminated by significant levels of metals, mostly
Cu and Zn. Paint particles were clearly visible on the
ground at both plateaus at ports in Lopar.
The life quality in an island village, fishing and many
tourist activities depend on the long-term
sustainability of marine resources and the ecological
health of their supporting ecosystems. The reduction
of potential antifouling pollutants is a significant step
in the protection of the marine environment. Pleasure
boats owned by the village residents or tourists that
cruise the island's coast should sail and be maintained
without adverse impact on the marine environment.
Boat repair and maintenance have been done at their
current locations for many years. Boat owners are,
however, often unaware of the environmental risks
posed by their practices and the wastes that they
generate, in particular the harm caused by the toxic
antifouling paint chips, paint residues containing
heavy metals, acids, oil, hydro-carbons and other
substances with adverse effects on the marine
The contaminated wash water, which contains
antifouling toxic substances, is often allowed to run
back into the water or soak into the ground at the
plateau where the boat is located on land. This results
in the significant levels of toxic substances being
discharged into the water and the groundwater
harming the marine environment. Gradually, the
discharge of boat bottom wash water (antifouling
paint-contaminated wash water) should be regulated
at the considered ports. The antifouling paint-
contaminated wash water should be required to be
collected in the facility until it can be treated. Wash
water should be collected in a closed holding tank or
container and left standing so that suspended pa-
ticles can settle and be physically separated from the
water. Treatment of the mentioned water will reduce
the amount of antifouling toxic substances. Treated
wastewater meeting required standards may be
disposed of through a sanitary sewer system with
authorization. The contaminated sediment which was
separated from the wash water should be accepted by
a licensed organization for treatment or safe disposal.
In the absence of a licensing facilities for treatments
and disposal, contaminated sediment should be
directed to a landfill lined with an im-permeable liner
to prevent leaching of waste materials into the ground
Using high pressure washer to clean the
underwater part the hull of a boat has the potential to
create environmental harm. High-pressure water
blasting presents containment problems caused by the
wide dispersion of biological and toxic substances
removed from the boat hull during the cleaning
process. Boats which are not heavily fouled can be
wiped off with a sponge or a scrub pad when hauled
out, which reduces any fouling that happens above
the antifouling paint. Also, boats can be allowed to
dry when hauled out and then sanded prior to the
application of new antifouling paint. In this case it is
recommended to use vacuum blast cleaning ma-
chines with abrasive blast nozzle inside a shroud that
is in tight contact with the work surface. Dust and
abrasives are immediately vacuumed by a powerful
suction unit and piped into a blast material collection
and treatment chamber. It is easier to control and
collect paint particles and dust, but it is very
important to handle the dust carefully and dis-pose of
it properly.
Both local ports need to install a wash water col-
lection area and a treatment system to collect all the
boat antifouling wash water and treat it to prevent or
reduce the amount of antifouling paint residue being
discharged in the environment. Installation of the
collection and treatment systems in the two small
ports in the village of Lopar will present a significant
capital expense for the local community and it will be
supported by the Port Authority. This investment will
be of great importance in the preservation of the
marine environment.
Boat owners should avoid scrubbing or cleaning
the bottom of their boat while in the water because it
can result in discharges of pollutants similar to
bottom wash water. When the opportunity arises,
wiping off the water line of a boat by a sponge or a
scrub pad will reduce any fouling that happens above
the antifouling paint. Tipping engine out of the water
in case a boat is equipped with outboard engine is
also recommended.
Boat owners as well as local port authorities
should be encouraged to become knowledgeable
about antifouling paints and characteristics of non-
biocide antifouling paints or alternative systems. They
need to be educated on the use, advantages and
disadvantages of biocide-free and biocide-containing
antifouling paints. Also, antifouling system with