Collecting data for nautical charts is one of the basic
tasks of national hydrographic organizations (HOs).
Data are being collected by hydrographic survey that
is standardized in terms of methodology and
requirements for accuracy and reliability of collected
data. Standards are international and national.
International standards for hydrographic survey are
issued by IHO, while the national ones are issued by
HOs. National standards for the accuracy and
reliability of data should be equal to or rigorous than
international ones. The collection of data for the
production of nautical charts is possible only by
hydrographic survey, while their verification and
updating can be done by some auxiliary methods.
International and national standards of hydrographic
survey are necessary in order to achieve the
maximum possible uniformity in the production of
nautical charts used in international and national
navigation. Nowadays we can say that relatively good
results have been achieved at the level of
hydrographic survey standardization. Nevertheless, a
relatively large part of the world's sea is not
adequately surveyed in line with current standards.
Data on surveyed areas vary depending on the source
and range from 1 to 15% [11], while other depth data
on nautical charts were largely estimated. For this
reason, the data on depths shown on nautical charts
are not reliable enough in certain parts of the world
sea. An interesting fact is that the distance between
two adjacent depths on nautical charts is about 10
kilometers for more than half of the world's sea [21],
while more than 80% of the oceans floor is still not
mapped even at a resolution of 1km using the echo
sounding method [14]. Although HOs make great
Analysis of Crowdsourced Bathymetry Concept and It's
otential Implications on Safety of Navigation
. Pavić & J. Kasum
University of Split, Split, Croatia
. Mišković
Croatian Military Academy, Split, Croatia
. Alujević
Croatian Navy, Split, Croatia
ABSTRACT: Crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB) is relatively new concept of collecting bathymetric data. CSB can
be defined as the collection and sharing of depth data (and metadata) measured and collected by non-
traditional survey vessels equipped with navigation instruments, while maintaining their usual operations at
sea. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has developed Guidance on CSB. This document provides
framework for data collection, processing and information about data uncertainty. IHO has also developed
model within CSB concept in order to make standardization of CSB data. The data collected using CSB may
represent valuable supplement to the existing data collected by hydrographic survey. Despite this fact it is
necessary to emphasize that CSB data cannot be used as official data. CSB data collection has also potential
legal issues due to the character of sounding passage within territorial and internal waters of coastal states. This
paper emphasized the differences between hydrographic survey and CSB. Advantages and disadvantages are
analyzed with it's potential implication on safety of navigation. Due to the CSB data collection model
limitations, development of bathymetric data collection model on national level is recommended.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
ber 3
September 2020
efforts in performing the hydrographic survey it will
take a long time for the survey to be done in
accordance with the applicable standards. Therefore,
the IHO pointed to the need to introduce a new
concept of bathymetric data collection, which is based
on the use of other data sources than official ones. At
the 5th Extraordinary Hydrographic Conference 2014,
the IHO established a Crowdsourced Bathymetry
Working Group (CSBWG) tasked with developing
guidelines for collecting bathymetric data from public
sources, ie, from ships using standard echo-sounders
for navigation and positioning systems. [11].
Companies that produce electronic chart systems (eg,
Olex, Navionics, Garmin, Lowrance, Survice, etc.),
companies that create their own databases (eg, Active
Captain) and other voluntary organizations (SeaID,
TeamSurv, OpenSeaMap) are also engaged in
collecting data from public sources.[4, 19]. These
companies and organizations have their own CSB-
related protocols. The collection of bathymetric data
by the CSB cannot replace the hydrographic survey,
but this concept is a complement to the hydrographic
survey. Its main advantage is the fact that collection of
bathymetric data can be done by using any type of
vessel. The fundamental disadvantage is the fact that
the CSB cannot replace the hydrographic survey. The
paper analyzes the role of IHO in the development of
the CSB concept, legal problems that arise due to the
collection of bathymetric data and the possibility of
applying this data in order to increase safety of
navigation at the global and national level with
special emphasis on the development of the national
CSB model.
The IHO has developed the CSB concept with the aim
of increasing the amount of seabed data collected, in
order to improve seabed mapping. Since the term CSB
derives from the term "crowdsourcing", it means that
it is addressed to a large number of persons, ie ships
that can collect bathymetric data. In this way, it is
possible to collect a relatively large number of
bathymetric data in a relatively short time, all at low
cost. These facts, together with the limitations of
hydrographic survey, led to the development of the
IHO CSB concept. The IHO CSBWG has developed
the publication Guidance on Crowdsourced
Bathymetry, which defines the concept, equipment,
methodology, format and uncertainty of data
collection, processing and storage. [8, 23]. It should be
noted that this publication provides a framework for
the CSB and it is neither authoritative nor binding,
but has the character of guidelines: The IHO CSB
concept is based on the Trusted Node model
Source: Authors (in accordance with [8])
Figure 1. CSB data flow through Trusted Node model
According to the model, bathymetric data can be
collected by any type of ship (e.g., passenger, cargo,
public, fishing, pleasure boats, etc.). Data are collected
voluntarily during navigation, or during other regular
ship activities. In doing so, ships use navigation echo-
sounders (usually single beam SBES) for data
collection, while they use Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) for positioning. The collected data are
submitted to the Trusted Node. Trusted Nodes are
organizations or individuals that serve as a liaison
between ships and the IHO Data Center for Digital
Bathymetry (IHO DCDB). In accordance with IHO B-
12 Trusted Node performs tasks and assist the
mariner by supplying data logging equipment,
providing technical support to vessels and
downloading data from data loggers [8]. The IHO
DCDB works with each individual Trusted Node to
standardize the data and metadata that will be
included in the database. The IHO DCDB assigns
unique keys for data authentication to each individual
Trusted Node. Authentication is performed to ensure
data integrity and an appropriate level of anonymity
of data sources [8]. Bathymetric data collected from
ships are provided to Trusted Node. The IHO
recommends that Trusted Node verify the data,
calculate uncertainty, and correct the data. After
verification and processing, the data is stored in the
IHO DCDB. This information is available to the public
online via interactive web map services for various
purposes related to seabed mapping [10]. Simply put,
the concept of IHO CSB means that data can be
collected by anyone and made available to anyone.
The IHO established the DCDB in 1990 [9] as a global
database of bathymetric data for the development of
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO).
IHO DCDB is hosted by U.S. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National
Centers for Environmental Information [9, 17]. Data
are publicly available using the IHO DCDB Data
Viewer (Figure 2). The interactive menu map provides
access to data obtained using SBES, multibeam echo-
sounders (MBES), surveys conducted by NOAA, and
data obtained via CSB. Analysis of the IHO DCDB
interactive map shows that there is a relatively large
amount of data obtained from single beam and
multibeam surveys, while the amount of data
obtained through the CSB is relatively small and
mostly data from the east and west coasts of the
United States. It is interesting to note that in the
Mediterranean Sea, only one measurement from the
CSB is currently included in the IHO DCDB.
Source: The IHO Data Center for Digital Bathymetry (tracks
in green belongs to the GEBCO Project, other tracks are CSB
Figure 2. Part of IHO DCDB interactive map
Currently, the IHO DCDB contains more than 117
million bathymetric data [17]. The number of
bathymetric data is very small in relation to the total
area of the world's oceans. It is assumed that over
time there will be a development of the CSB, which
will result in an increase in the number of these data.
The CSB is not a fully standardized bathymetric data
collection process, such as hydrographic survey.
Nevertheless, in publication B-12, the IHO set out the
basic principles relating to the CSB. Vessels
participating in voluntary CSB data collection should
be equipped with a GNSS for positioning and a SBES
for depth measurement. These equipment must meet
the requirements of Chapter V (Regulation
and of the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea [13]. The equipment must meet
IMO Recommendations on performance standards so
that ships have the ability to collect bathymetric data
(along with position and time) of standardized
reliability. Data from GNSS and SBES on ships are
transferred in the National Marine Electronics
Association (NMEA) 0183 standard protocol [8]. The
collected data must be stored on board. Data storage
is done using a data logger (which is delivered by
Trusted Node to the ship) or some other media on
board. The stored data is transferred from the ship to
the Trusted Node. The mode of data transfer in IHO
Publication B-12 is not strictly defined. This
publication sets out the principles of simplicity and
economy of data transfer, while the precise method is
defined between each individual Trusted Node and
the ship that collects data. [8]. In order to achieve the
required level of standardization, the IHO DCDB
accepts bathymetric data in certain (default) formats.
These formats are GeoJson, CSV or XYZT format.
The XYZ format contains longitude, latitude, and
depth. Since the depth at the same position changes
over time depending on the sea level, it is also
necessary to have time data (T). In this way, the user
of the measured bathymetric data can correct them at
the time of measurement. Therefore, bathymetric data
must be in XYZT format. For ships whose draught
changes significantly, there should be the possibility
of entering draught data (together with date and
time). Due to the vertical distance between the
waterline and the position of the echo-sounder
transducer draught can have a significant impact on
depth measurement. The IHO also recommends
automatically integrating or recording vertical and
horizontal sensors offset into the data. When
recording sensor offsets, seafarers provide this
information to Trusted Nodes. By applying these
principles, CSB is standardized because it can only
come from Trusted Node and in valid file types. The
data collected in this way have a certain value in a
whole range of activities related to the improvement
of seabed mapping.
CSB in its nature represents the collection of
bathymetric data, i.e., the measurement of sea depth.
Measuring the sea depth from ships is subject to
restrictions, except for navigation purposes.
Restrictions depend on the legal regime of maritime
areas. The legal regime of maritime areas is defined
by the provisions of the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS). According to the
provisions of UNCLOS, the level of rights of coastal
states decreases with distance from the coast. Internal
waters are under the sovereignty of the coastal state
as well as its mainland [16], therefore, any depth
measurement, except for navigational purposes, may
be considered prohibited. In the area of the territorial
seas, a foreign ship "carrying out research or survey
activities" violates the right of innocent passage in
accordance with the provision of Article 19.2 (j) of
UNCLOS [18]. In the straits, research or survey
activities shall be considered a violation of the right of
transit passage in accordance with the provision of
Article 40 of UNCLOS [18]. In the Exclusive Economic
Zone, the coastal state shall have sovereign rights and
jurisdiction over marine exploration in accordance
with the provision of Article 58.1 (a and b) of
UNCLOS. In the High Seas, all states have the right to
scientific research in accordance with the provision of
Article 87 of UNCLOS. According to the current
definition of CSB, coastal states have the right to
impose restrictions on the collection of bathymetric
data within CSBs in maritime areas in which they
have sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction.
UNCLOS recognizes neither the term CSB nor the
term “passage sounding,” which IHO links to CSB in
Publication B-12. The IHO recommends that the CSB
can be considered equivalent to other voluntary
environmental data collection initiatives, which are
intended to be used for the common good. [8]. If the
coastal state interprets CSB as scientific research, then
CSB can be considered permissible only in the high
seas. However, coastal states may allow (with
restrictions) CSBs within maritime areas under
sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction. The
solution to these legal problems can be a clearer
definition of the CSB in order to eliminate issues with
the provisions of UNCLOS [15] with the aim of
resolving possible political or security problems for
coastal states. Because the data collected is publicly
available in the IHO DCDB, certain legal problems
may arise there as well. These problems may relate to
publicly available data, their redistribution, and
reliability. Therefore, the IHO in Publication B-12 has
fenced off in such a way that all participants in the
CSB need to be aware of the conditions of the
licensing regime under which the bathymetric data
will be made available [8]. In this sense, the IHO CSB
Program operates under the Creative Commons
licensing framework. The IHO also stressed that every
user should use the data in good faith, taking into
account the fact of the nature and the uncertainty of
the data [8]. Furthermore, the data user must list the
IHO DCDB as the data source, and indicate if he has
made any changes to that data. Thus, the IHO
assumes no legal responsibility for either the
collection or the use of CSB data. In order to, in some
way, solve the mentioned legal problems, IHO
envisaged ‘’filter’’ in its concept of CSB data flow.
This filter refers to the collection and availability of
the collected data. Coastal states, i.e., their HOs have
the option of setting limits on the collection and
disclosure of CSB data. The IHO filter is based on the
right of coastal states to accept in full, accept with
caveats or not to accept CSB in national waters of
jurisdiction. The same principle applies to the
availability of CSB data in the IHO DCDB [12, 8].
Thus, coastal state must give explicit consent to the
collection and publication of CSB data in waters
under national jurisdiction. In Circular letter 11/2019,
the IHO called on member states to comment on the
acceptance of CSB in national waters of jurisdiction.
So far, only 15 states have given their consent to
CSBs in these waters, of which only the United States
has given unrestricted consent in all waters [7].
Although CSB data have certain shortcomings they
can be used for a whole range of offshore activities.
Since CSB data has the character of unofficial data,
they can be applied to:
Support in different initiatives connected with
seabed activities,
Support in different scientific studies,
Supplemental data for safety of navigation,
Support in coverage the sea areas with not
sufficient, not adequate or no data existence,
Help to prioritize survey areas by HOs,
Determination of survey priorities and
Determination of charts adequacy.
Currently, a number of initiatives have been
developed around the world aimed at developing
programs and projects that encourage seabed
exploration. These initiatives can be global or
regional level. CSB data can make a significant
contribution to the implementation of these projects.
The possibility of using CSB data in order to increase
navigation safety is analyzed below.
6.1 Application of the CSB in increasing navigation
safety at global level
Regarding the application of the CSB concept in
navigation safety, there is currently no publicly
available comprehensive research. Possible reasons
are unofficial nature of this data and the fact that this
is a relatively new concept. Although IHO and HOs
point out that a relatively large amount of data on
charts was collected using old positioning and depth
measurement systems, there is still no way to include
CSB data in the information content of nautical charts.
Today's positioning and depth measurement systems
on ships are more reliable than the systems used by
hydrographic ships before the advent of GNSS and
SBES. Obviously, data collected through the CSB are
more reliable than a relatively large amount of official
data. According to Baxter CSB data meet the
requirements of 1b and 2 Order of 5th Edition of IHO
standards for hydrographic surveys (IHO S-44). He
also concluded that the analyzed data meet the IHO
S-57 Category Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) Class
C, although there are elements for both Class A1 and
A2 (but the CSB data are not considered satisfactory
as it is not a systematic hydrographic survey) [2].
Despite to these facts, CSB data cannot be included in
electronic navigational charts (ENC), because ENC is
an official database created by a national
hydrographic office for use with Electronic Chart
Display Information System. [22]. Although the data
are unofficial, their use could find application in
increasing navigation safety. The use of CSB data can
potentially detect new dangerous objects on
waterways. Furthermore, by identifying significant
deviations of existing official data on nautical charts
from CSB data can have a significant impact on the
safety of navigation in the area of Special and 1a
Order of hydrographic survey. Using the data, it is
possible to determine and display in more detail the
relief of the seabed in areas with low data density.
Certainly, the use of CSB data contributes to a better
situational awareness of seabed relief in areas that are
not adequate or not measured at all. These examples
of applications are possible both globally and
nationally. However, one should take into account the
fact that currently only 15 countries are included in
the CSB concept. The reason for this should be sought
in the fact of confidentiality of hydrographic data,
vagueness of legal concept, relatively small number of
hydrographic vessels and limited resources of HOs. In
order to expand the application of the CSB concept in
national waters of jurisdiction, a model of application
at the national level is proposed below.
6.2 Application of the CSB in increasing navigation
safety on national level
Figure 3 shows a proposal for a model for applying
the CSB concept in national waters of jurisdiction. In
order to meet the preconditions for the application of
the proposed model, it is necessary to define the legal
framework at the coastal state level. Given the fact
that HOs have a relatively small number of
hydrographic vessels in relation to the sea area for
which they are responsible, it is proposed to hire
public and commercial ships flying the coastal state
flag to implement the CSB concept. In this way, the
number of vessels engaged in data collection would
be multiplied by the CSB concept. Public and
commercial ships would send the collected data on
the principle of the CSB concept according to the
appropriate Trusted Node. Trusted Node would
verify data according to the same principles as
specified in the IHO CSB concept. At the national
level, it is possible to organize the Trusted Nodes
system in the relevant ministries or within the HO.
Public or commercial ships would collect data on the
principle of the CSB concept as part of their voyage,
or usual operations at sea. Trusted Nodes sends the
collected and verified data to the national HO, which
consolidates them into a national database and, on
behalf of the coastal state, filters the data which will
be sent to the IHO DCDB.
Source: Authors
Figure 3: Model of application of CSB in national waters of
The proposed model has a general character. At
the particular level of application, variations adapted
to the organizational structure of each coastal state are
possible. Applying this model significantly increases
the number of ships participating in data collection.
The IHO has developed the CSB concept with the aim
of increasing the amount of sea depth data. The
concept is based on crowdsourcing which means that
a large number of ships can participate in the data
collection. The condition for participation is the
possession of GNSS and SBES and a data logger
device provided by Trusted Node. GNSS and SBES
should meet IMO recommendations on performance
standards. Data is delivered to Trusted Node via the
NMEA standard protocol. Trusted Node verifies the
data and forwards it to the IHO DCDB. The IHO
DCDB accepts data in GeoJson, CSV or XYZT format.
The data was publicly used in the IHO DCDB data
viewer. This means that the data is available to the
user at any time. This concept also has legal issues
related to the collection and publicly available data.
Data collection is primarily carried out on the high
seas and secondarily in national waters of jurisdiction
with the express approval of the coastal state.
Approval information is available on the IHO
website. As a possible solution to legal problems, the
IHO has provided filters that can protect coastal states
from collecting and publishing data in national waters
of jurisdiction. In this way, relatively large areas of
the World Seas may remain outside the IHO CSB
concept. Therefore, a national CSB model is proposed
that envisages the use of governmental and public
ships of the coastal state. This significantly increases
the ability of coastal states to collect data in national
waters of jurisdiction which has a direct impact on
navigation safety. From the examples of possible
application of CSB data, it can be seen that they can
relate to increasing navigation safety primarily as
additional data, and secondarily as basic data in
marine areas where there are insufficient, inadequate
or no official data obtained by hydrographic survey.
In this sense, these data can be used to determine the
adequacy of nautical charts and as an efficient tool to
HO in determining priorities for performing a new
hydrographic survey or re-survey in some areas with
data deficiency. Despite all the advantages of this
concept, it is necessary to emphasize once again that
these data have an unofficial character.
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