Nowadays the World Transporting System are closely
interrelated with the use of integrated navigation
model. There is an important need for development
and implementation of the new e-navigation system
to meet the requirements for increasing level of safety
and environment protection, efficient navigation and
control of ship’s track in all phases of the passage.
The current trends in navigation are connected with
the computer-based navigation systems. Navigation
solution is concerned with the fundamental
question of determination coordinates and how much
reliance upon all data obtained from the navigation
systems must be placed, to keep the ship safety on her
A navigator has to ensure safe navigation by
avoiding all hazards during the passage between two
selected positions. Due to dense traffic in constraint
waters the requirements for higher margin of safety in
navigation has increased.
The existing navigational model of conducting the
ship is based on processing of information flow on the
navigation bridge and in consequence continuously
decision making due to find right control vector
(course and speed) free from risk. Thus, there is a
sense of use Integrated Navigation System in
processing navigational and positional data on the
bridges of large ships.
Moreover, there is a great need to use a global
navigation high accuracy system that can guarantee a
very rapid production of navigational position
information in connection with analysis, based on
filtering methods. In addition, correlation of
propagation model of information could be
forecasted in this decision making navigation model.
Introduction of filtering methods to navigation has
given some advantages as:
It can easily cope with different intermittent data.
The different sensors are independently modelled.
Real time algorithm is provided.
Possible working in different coordinates systems.
The Need to Update the Navigation Curriculum as a
Consequence of Adoption the e
-Navigation Model
M. Jurdziński
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Nowadays the World Transporting System are closely interrelated with the use of integrated
navigation model. There is an important need for development and implementation of the new e-navigation
system to meet the requirements for increasing level of safety and environment protection, efficient navigation
and control of ship’s track in all phases of the passage.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and S
afety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 3
September 2020
DOI: 10.12716/1001.14.03.03
There is a need for educating the navigators into a
correct appraisal of visual display and use new
method of presenting information.
The visual display are arranged as graphical
display of DR position and fixes, on ECDIS map
displays on electronic charts.
Fully automated navigation has not been achieved
yet on the bridges of merchant fleet. Integrated
navigation technics cannot overlook the human role.
A navigator plays still a decisive role and even the
most sophisticated technics are the tools in his hands.
The training of the navigator in effective use of this
tools is the most important aim. An improvement of
navigational technics and methods such as errors
treatment, increasing reliability and so on, will
increase the effectiveness of safe navigation.
Navigation in such cases requires continuous
monitoring to avoid navigational dangers. Thus arises
requirements to improve smooth interfacing or
correlation between collision avoiding systems and
navigational systems. Navigator divides his decision
making tasks between traditional navigation and
integrated navigation.
Still there is a trend to stress on the navigating
officer that optical guidance is of fundamental
importance while approaching congested waters and
areas difficult to navigation.
It is recognized that Integrated Navigation System can
meet a large variety of navigational requirements,
particularly in accuracy of position, coverage and
others operational characteristics which leads to
elimination of number of radio navigation systems
operated on board.
Integrated Navigation besides other benefits, also
provide continuous position fixing. Using GPS in the
differential mode of operation in conjunction with
low cost receivers, could provide the high accuracy of
position fixing parameters in the world shipping.
The Satellite System will offer the improvement of
the capability which exceeds benefits of many existing
ground based electronic navigational aids and
The Satellite System will also provide
communication links as well as position reporting
systems which could provide exact location of a ship
in VTS’s. Introduction of the Global Satellite Systems
improved the ships operation costs in ocean
navigation: reduction of time of sailing, reduction of
fuel consumption, reduction of purchasing,
maintenance and crew cost.
Integrated Navigation System of a high accuracy,
continuously available, will fulfil the operational
needs of maritime users. Such system, besides the
improvements of operation costs, will also improve
the safety at sea and efficiency of marine operations in
the following ways:
More accurate passage planning and execution of
the voyage in all phases of the passage.
Reducing number of electronic position fixing
systems on board.
More accurate course and speed information
which improves trackeeping.
Reducing risk of collisions.
Reducing of strandings.
Standardization of shipboard equipment.
In December 2008 Marine Safety Committee (MSC 85)
the International Maritime Organization approved the
E-navigation to developed in 2012 an implementation
E-navigation is the harmonized collection,
integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of
marine information on board and ashore by electronic
means to enhance berth to berth navigation and
related services for safety and security at sea and
protection of the maritime environment. [5]
4.1 Vision of E-navigation
A vision of navigation is embedded in the following
general expectations for the on board, ashore and
communication elements:
On board. Navigation system that benefit from the
integration of own ship sensors, supporting and a
comprehensive system for managing guard zones
and alerts.
Ashore. The managements of vessels traffic and
related services from shore enhanced through
better provisions coordination, and exchange of
comprehengive data in formats that will be more
easily understand and utilized by shore-based
operators in support of vessel safety and
Communication. An infrastructure providing
authorized seamless information transfer on
board ship, between ships, between ships and
shore and between shore authorities and other
parties with many related benefits.
4.2 Core objectives of the E-navigation [5]
The core objectives of the E-navigation concept are to:
Facilitate safe and secure navigation of vessels
having regard to hydrographic, meteorological
and navigational information and risk.
Facilitate vessel traffic observation and
management from shore/coastal facilities, where
Facilitate communications, including data
exchange, among ship to ship, ship to shore, shore
to ship, shore to shore and other users.
Provide opportunities for improving the efficiency
of transport and logistic.
Support the effective operation of contingency
response, and search and rescue services.
Demonstrate defined levels of accuracy, integrity
and continuity appropriate to a safety-critical
Integrate and present information on board and
shore through a human-machine interface which
maximizes navigational safety benefits and
minimizes any risks of confusion or
misinterpretation on the part of the users.
Integrate and present information on board and
shore to manage the workload of the users, while
also motivating and engaging the user and
supporting decision-making.
Incorporate training and familiarization
requirements for the users throughout the
development and implementation process.
Facilitate global coverage, consistent standards
and arrangements, and mutual compatibility and
interoperability of equipment, system, symbology
and operational procedures, so as to avoid
potential conflicts between users.
Support scalability, to facilitate use by all potential
maritime users.
4.3 Benefits of E-navigation [5]
The main benefits of E-navigation are expected to be:
Improved safety of navigation.
A reduction in human error.
Improved coverage of electronic navigation charts.
Introduction of standardised equipment.
Enhanced navigation system to improved
reliability and integrity.
Better integration of ship and shore-based system.
Better protection of the environment.
Reduce risk of collision and grounding.
Higher efficiency and reduce costs.
Global standardisation and type of equipment.
Automated and standardised reporting procedure.
Improved bridge efficiency.
Integration of systems that meets all user
Improve human resource management by
enhancing the experience and status of the bridge
The key strategy elements for E-navigations based
on user needs include: Architecture, Human Element,
Conventions and Standards, Position fixing,
Communication Technology ENCS, Equipment and
Standardization and Scalability.
A significant number of ship and shore-based
users of E-navigation have been identified. The tables
in Appendix 1 provide examples of E-navigation
users classified into 20 shipborne users and 34 shore-
based users.
The basic idea of the E-navigation solution is to
avoid failure and degradation of bridge resource
The E-navigation strategy has been developed on
shipborne user and shore-based users to avoid system
failure. Presented Shore-based systems for distribute
information on board the ship will help to avoid
system failure in navigation.
The main tool to reducing system failure are in
difficult to navigation areas presented in five blocks.
I block
1 Local Port Service
2 Traffic Organization Service
3 VTS Information Service
II block
4 Pilotage Service
5 Tug Service
6 Vessel Shore Reporting
III block
7 Nautical Short Service
8 Nautical Publication Service
9 Maritime Assistance Service
IV block
10 Meteorological Information Service
11 Ice Navigation Service
12 Hydrographical and Environmental Information
V block
13 Maritime Safety Information Service
14 Tele-Medical assistance Service
15 Search and Rescue Service.
Operational criteria of E-navigation Systems worked
out by the IMO Sub-Committee of Safety of
Navigation creates new way of analysing the E-
navigation Systems and has its influence on methods
of teaching the navigation subject. An Appendix 1
provide examples of E-navigation users.
Moreover, through the adoption of the E-
navigation model there is an obligation to up-dating
the syllabuses by every Maritime Training Institution
to meet the requirements of training deck officers. In
figure 1 there is given block-scheme. There are three
levels of training personnel in scope of the new
The first level refers to preparatory courses for
officers for examinations to obtain certificates.
The second level is connected with the students
training, graduates from Marine Academies.
The last, highest level concerned to the advanced
electronic navigation courses or lectures training.
Figure 1. Block-scheme representing up dating the
Navigation subject
Every syllabus of navigation must contain the
fundamental basic knowledge on the organization of
the system currently in use. It is important to know
that E-navigation is not a static concept and it will
change in times as user requirements and also as
technology will develop in the world shipping.
The tables below provide examples of E-
navigation users classified into: shipborne users and
shore-based users.
Potential E-navigation users
1 Shipborne users
Generic SOLAS ships
Commercial tourism craft
High-speed craft
Mobile VTS assets
Pilot vessels
Coastguard vessels
SAR vessels
Law enforcement vessels (police, customs, border
control, immigration, fisheries inspection)
Nautical assistance vessels (tugs, salvage vessels,
tenders, fire fighting, etc.)
Counter pollution vessels
Military vessels
Fishing vessels
Leisure craft
AtoN service vessels
Ice patrol/breakers
Offshore energy vessels (rigs, supply vessels, lay
barges, survey vessels, construction vessels, cable
layers, guard ships, production storage vessels)
Hydrographic survey vessels
Oceanographic research vessels\
2 Shore-based users
Ship owners and operators, safety managers
VTM organizations
VTS centres
Pilot organizations
Coastguard organizations
Law enforcement organizations
National administrations
Coastal administrations
Port authorities
Security organizations
Port State control authorities
Incident managers
Counter pollution organizations
Military organizations
Fairway maintenance organizations
AtoN organizations
Meteorological organizations
Hydrographic Offices/Agencies
Ship owners and operators, logistic managers
News organizations
Coastal managements authorities
Marine accident investigators
Health and safety organizations
Insurance and financial organizations
National, regional and local governments and
Port authorities (strategic)
Marine environment managers
Fisheries management
Tourism agencies (logistic)
Energy providers
Ocean research institutes
Training organizations
Equipment and system manufacturers and
[1] Baldauf M. et al., Improving and Assessing the Impact of
Navigation application,
[2] IMO adepts e-navigation, Seaways, February 2009/14.
[3] Jurdziński M., Changing the Model of Maritime
Navigation, The TransNav, The International Journal on
Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Vol.
12, Number 1, March 2018.
[4] Jurdziński M., Nawigacja Morska, AM Gdynia 2014.
[5] MSC 85/26/Add. 1. Annex 20..