machine heuristic rule, analogy (matching), case
and non-monotone reasoning.
5 Machine learning includes knowledge discovery
and approximate reinforcement learning strategy
under the guidance of automatic reasoning
To sum up, the PIDVCA principle takes the model
and algorithm as the main representation form of
machine learning and the basis of prediction and
evaluation system of ship dynamic risk and collision
avoidance decision effect, and adopts process
knowledge representation as the carrier of
heterogeneous knowledge representation integration
method. The automatic inference mechanism is
designed based on the evaluation system of ship
dynamic risk degree and collision avoidance decision
effect prediction and evaluation, the reasoning engine
guides the on-line learning of the machine based on
the original knowledge of the dynamic collision
avoidance knowledge base (the database, rule base
and model base) and the object information (database)
obtained in the field, using the calculation and
reasoning of integrated machine learning strategy,
form the dynamic collision avoidance knowledge
base. Through the PIDVCA program model, the
heterogeneous dynamic collision avoidance
knowledge and inference machine are expressed in
database, rule base, PIDVCA algorithm library and
dynamic collision avoidance information base. The
system of machine learning and prediction and
evaluation of ship dynamic risk degree and collision
avoidance decision effect is integrated into an organic
whole, which realizes the automatic generation,
verification and optimization of target perception,
cognition and PIDVCA implementation scheme.
The original knowledge is composed of model base,
rule base, algorithm base and factual knowledge in
database. The construction of PIDVCA algorithm
library is the core technology of machine learning.
Model base and rule base are the basis of constructing
algorithm library. This chapter mainly discusses the
core technology and foundation of PIDVCA machine
3.1 The Goal and Mechanism of Machine Learning
The title of this paper makes it clear that the goal of
machine learning is to realize the intelligent collision
avoidance decision of ships, that is, to get new
knowledge and new skills to solve arbitrary collision
avoidance problems through on-line self-learning of
machines, and the concrete learning process is the
automatic perception, cognitive and anthropomorphic
collision avoidance decisions of machines.
Online machine learning includes heuristic rule
reasoning, analogical (matching) reasoning, case-
based reasoning and non-monotone reasoning under
the guidance of knowledge discovery and
approximate reinforcement learning strategies.
The approximate reinforcement learning strategy
is a reinforcement learning method based on dynamic
decision making and objective function optimization
for special problem in order to further optimize
collision avoidance decisions on the basis of forming
initial decision making and determining search space.
To process dynamic collision avoidance knowledge in
real time and obtain the optimal collision avoidance
decision implementation scheme, that is, to solve the
problem of environmental awareness of this own ship
(can be called as an agent), how to learn, in order to
determine the optimal collision avoidance decision
scheme which can safely and economically avoid
dangerous target ship, PIDVCA takes the minimum
track deviation after the implementation of collision
avoidance decision as an economic index. The
objective function of dynamic decision optimization is
further established based on the quantitative model of
the rudder timing(Ts), the range of
)and the opportunity
( ) ( ) ( )
min sin
, 0,1,2,...,
rk k
Sk N
= ××
∀∈ =
is the search step, A is
the behavior set of the ship in the search space
, S is the state set and is the speed of the
ship. Corresponding to each search step can be
obtained, according to which the corresponding ones
can be solved. According to the prediction end time of
all dangerous target ships, the maximum value of (1)
is their maximum value, which is the corresponding
optimal decision in the minimal case.
Machine online learning how to use field
information and original knowledge of collision
prevention experts through automatic reasoning,
learning, optimization to achieve the desired goals?
The key is to get the original knowledge,which they
are a series models and algorithms, the analogical
source of analogical matching reasoning and the case
source of case-based reasoning through off-line
learning. It can be seen that the original knowledge is
the important technical foundation of machine on-line
learning to produce new knowledge. Therefore, the
machine learning of PIDVCA adopts the mechanism
of combination of off-line artificial learning and on-
line machine self-learning, using off-line artificial
learning to realize the formalization of ship collision
avoidance domain knowledge, and to solve the
problem of knowledge representation of collision
avoidance experts. The original knowledge of
collision avoidance is formed in the model base and
algorithm base, which provides the technical
foundation for online machine learning.
Off-line artificial learning is mainly used to
generate analogy source and case source of analogical
matching reasoning and case-based reasoning
learning, and a series models and algorithms to obtain
heuristic information and new knowledge online, to
form static collision avoidance knowledge base. A
heterogeneous knowledge representation with
process knowledge as the carrier is established so that
the machine can acquire new knowledge and new
skills of problem solving in real time based on pre-
built static collision avoidance knowledge.