Ship is a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
plant, when taking into account trajectory tracking
problem. So optimization problem is a
multidimensional one. Its cost function J has the
following form described by Equation 3.
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
pN p
J xkpk ykp ukp
= =
= + − + +∆+
x(k) – state space vector,
M – output matrix,
y(k+p) – output signals vector in (k+p)-time,
∆u(k+p) – control signal increments vector in (k+p)-
Q(p) – output signal weights matrix,
R(p) – control signal increment weights matrix.
Control signals optimization process is based on
the information about ship included in its dynamics
model, knowledge about constraints and predicted
disturbances, past and future predicted outputs. In
case of a ship steering process we define constraints
as physical ones for the actuators and their real rates
of turn. Weight matrix of control signals penalizes for
fast and big changes of input signals, that lead to
increased ships operating costs and actuators
exhaustion. In turn, output signal weights matrix
enforces accuracy of the trajectory tracking. Trajectory
should be known and provided to the algorithm in
whole prediction horizon for a better performance.
Otherwise, it is treated as constant which can degrade
control quality.
Plant dynamics model is very important, when
control quality is taken into account. Incremental
state-space model was used in presented MPC system
for Underway Replenishment operations (Miller
2016a). In the mentioned above system output and
control signals defined as deviations.
2.3 Model predictive algorithms in marine applications
MPC is a group of model-based control algorithms
that have been developed since early 1970s. They
come from Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), which is
known as first generation of the MPC, developed for
Shell Oil (Holkar & Waghmare 2010). This control
strategy may be applied to the stable linear objects
and does not work with nonlinear plants having
cross-couplings between several channels in their
dynamics. It is useless to control ship motion, but can
be applied to the ships diesel engine and regulate
emission (Kozlik 2016).
Model Predictive Heuristic Control (MPHC) uses
FIR linear model to estimate future control signal.
Richalet in 1978 proposed extended version of
predictive algorithm that includes reference trajectory
(Testud et al. 1978). It defines plants closed-loop
behavior and is treated as an output signal. Algorithm
estimates control signals iteratively and chooses these
that ensure minimization of the error between
reference and set point trajectory. MPHC is a base for
ships predictive regulators, despite the fact that it
incorporates FIR model which is better for chemical
processes control.
Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) is the most
popular and widely used MPC algorithm. Its first
version was proposed by Clarke in 1987 (Clarke,
Mohtadi & Tuffs 1987). GPC algorithm predicts future
output signals based on polynomial or state-space
models. It can be used for MIMO plants that are non-
minimal phase, unstable and having variable dead-
times. It is also possible to add predictive feedforward
controller object deals with measurable disturbances.
This is common situation in ships motion control,
where wind and waves are present. In GPC
optimization is done on-line. The values of future
controls are determined based on predefined quality
indicator by solving quadrating programing task.
According to the Equation 3 (see section 2.3)
summands are squares of the differences between set-
points and output signals estimated in prediction
horizon and control signals deviations in the last
sample time. During MPC controller synthesis length
of the horizons, cost function form and constraints are
modified. Moreover, in GPC changing predictor may
be used (Camacho & Alba 2013), which extends
algorithm application capabilities.
Rapid evolution of the GPC algorithm is proved by
its usage in developing Intelligent Transport Systems
to follow a line and guide unmanned vehicle along it
(Horiuchi, Tamatsukuri & Nohtomi 2000). GPC
algorithm is also a part of Scientific Environments like
MATLAB, LabVIEW and SciLab, which shows its
usage in industrial applications and research.
3.1 Underway Replenishment (UNREP)
Underway Replenishment (UNREP) derives from
navy. It is a form of Ship to Ship transfer that is
undertaken when 2 ships are moving close to each
other. Nowadays it has also found application in
merchant navy. Two ships – Ship To Be Lightered
(STBL) and Service Ship (SS) are moving close to each
other in order to allow for fast cargo shipment
between them. STBL is a guiding ship which means it
moves with constant speed and course. SS is an
approaching ship that changes course and speed to
bring them to the STBL’s motion parameters. UNREP
procedure allows STBL to change course and speed
not more than 10
and 1kn.
During commercial UNREP maneuver navigator
controls ship manually and estimates distance
between vessels using markers placed on boards and
line connecting them. Furthermore, radar, GPS and
AIS are used for distance and ships’ relative position
assessment. But their accuracy is too small to use
them in automatic control systems.
Increasing number of VLCCs and big gas carriers
that cannot enter smaller harbors. They have to be
reloaded in open waters due to their big draught and
restricted maneuverability. In Arctic areas feeders
having an ice class are used to transport petroleum
and LNG products. In this case also Ship to Ship
operations are carried out. It leads to UNREP
companies (e.g. STP Inc., STS Limited UK, Teakey)