quasi-geoid passing through the zero level of the
mareograph in Amsterdam is shown in Figure 3.
– height anomaly correction referred to the
Amsterdam system
Figure 3 Normal height correction referred to the
EGM 2008 quasi-geoid to the Amsterdam system.
Table 2 presents differences between the GUGiK
geoid and the EGM 2008 geoid for selected points on
the Baltic shore.
Table 2.
B L EGM2008 PL-geoid-2011 Differences
54,72 18,46 29,574 29,136 0,438
54,7 18,46 29,595 29,161 0,434
54,69 18,47 29,586 29,153 0,433
54,66 18,46 29,636 29,207 0,429
54,63 18,48 29,632 29,206 0,426
54,64 18,52 29,546 29,119 0,428
54,55 18,56 29,615 29,192 0,423
54,5 18,56 29,710 29,288 0,422
54,44 18,58 29,788 29,371 0,417
54,41 18,66 29,698 29,285 0,413
54,37 18,75 29,626 29,211 0,415
54,35 18,92 29,484 29,057 0,427
54,35 19,18 29,319 28,884 0,435
54,4 19,5 29,045 28,619 0,426
54,34 19,55 29,154 28,731 0,423
54,79 18,42 29,583 29,134 0,449
54,78 18,45 29,533 29,085 0,447
54,75 18,4 29,661 29,216 0,445
54,72 18,41 29,673 29,235 0,439
Calculating the height of the sea floor requires the
knowledge of the height difference between the
position of the GNSS antenna and the seabed. It can
be determined with an echo sounder or with other
methods used in underwater mining.
The data necessary for the transition between
reference systems is available on the website of the
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography at the
following address: http://www.gugik.gov.pl/bip/
prawo/modele-danych. The data to determine the
correction to the EGM 2008 geoid in order to calculate
heights in the PL-EVRF2007-NH system can be
extrapolated from the GUGiK model available at
1843/gugik-evrf2007.txt. The authors estimate that
lthe seabed height in the area of Polish territorial
waters in the PL-EVRF2007-NH frame can be
determined with the accuracy of approximately 10
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