Numerical methods available for RCS computation
generally fall in one of three distinct categories: ray-
tracing methods, physical optics methods and full
wave methods. Ray tracing methods are often
complicated because multibouncing of rays need to be
taken into account (Liu, 2012). Furthermore, ray
tracing methods do not take into account the
changing electromagnetic properties of the materials
used for interior of the vessel. Methods such as
physical optics (PO) and physical theory of diffraction
(PTD) can compute RCS with acceptable error,
however these methods are not well suited for
accounting the changing material properties in the
interior of the ship.
Thus, if we were to account for changing material
properties inside the vessel we can use one of the
following: FDTD (finite difference method), some
hybrid combination of method of moments (MoM)
with finite element method (FEM). However, these
methods can only provide near field solution of
electromagnetic scattering problem and they need to
be subjected to near-to-far field transformation
(NTFFT) in order to compute RCS which is
cumbersome procedure (Taflove, 2005).
To avoid NTFFT transform, in this research we use
our own previously published method for RCS
computation based on hybrid BEM/FEM with edge
elements (Dodig, 2017). This method first finds the
near field solution and from these electromagnetic
field values, using our own RCS equation, we
compute RCS directly from near field values. Thus,
the NTFFT transformation is avoided and sometimes
this approach produces better results (e.g. the case of
RCS computation at interior resonance frequencies,
see. Dodig, 2017).
The results of the numerical computation of RCS
are presented in section 5, where RCS is expressed as
the function of the angle between the line of sight
connecting radar antenna and rubber boat and the sea
level. It is shown that detection probability of the
rubber boat is very angle dependent for vertical
polarization and that in order to maximize the
detection probability of rubber boat at certain distance
the radar antenna should be placed at some definite
height above the sea level.
To compute the RCS of radar target the necessary step
is the computation of backscattered electric and
magnetic field at the exterior boundary of the
computational problem shown in figure. This
computed backscattered EM field is the near field
solution of EM scattering problem and, as such does
not represent the far field data necessary for RCS
In order to obtain the near field solution one needs
to obtain the solution of general 3D electromagnetic
scattering problem. This general 3D scattering
problem is shown in figure 1, where incident electric
and magnetic fields are denoted as
backscattered fields are denoted
interior fields are denoted
. Interior
and backscattered electromagnetic fields are the fields
we wish to compute, while the incident electric and
magnetic fields are known, and in the case of the
computation of ship’s RCS they come from radar
antenna. Because the electromagnetic properties of
materials (
) change inside computational
, we need to use computational method
that can take these changes into account.
The method of computational electromagnetism
that can take into account the change of these
electromagnetic properties is hybrid BEM-FEM,
which is the combination of boundary element
method (BEM) and finite element method (FEM), and
the method is thoroughly described in ref. Dodig
2012-2014. Electric field exterior to computational
, shown in figure 1, can be described
by Stratton-Chu electric field integral equation (EFIE)
which in its time harmonic form can be written as
(e.g. Stratton 1939):
Figure 1. Outline of EM scattering problem. Volume of
computational domain is denoted
and the artificial
boundary is denoted
. Fields
incident to
are backscattered
( )
( )
' ' ''
ext i ext ext
E E i dS H G dS E
G dS n H G
α ωµ
=− × + ××
∇ − ∇⋅ × ∇
′ ′′
For interior fields, that is for electromagnetic fields
inside computational volume
shown in figure 1,
the time harmonic Faraday’s law takes the following
mathematical form:
and time harmonic Maxwell-Ampere equation is
given by:
( )
int int
∇× = +