For the great circle course based optimization,
each edge
is assigned with a cost/weight
which is computed by the cost function, where
( ) (
( )
( )
, , , , 1, ,
ijk ij ij i k ij
f tt
= −C Us Ws
The generation of the graph
is complete when
all the feasible nodes
are generated and all the
are added to
2.4 Implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm works in a graph by visiting
edges starting from the source node to the target
node. In this study, the source node and the target
node refer to the starting ship state and the end ship
states. It is an algorithm for finding the shortest path
between two graph nodes in a graph. In this study,
instead of using Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the
shortest path, it is used to find the path with
minimum cost.
Before implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm, a vector
of total cost from the starting ship state
to every
node/ship state C should be constructed. This means
should represent the cost from
to any
node/ship state
in S. Then a dictionary
representing all unvisited nodes within
The implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm is
performed as follows. For every
1 Initialize the cost set
to infinity. An
infinite cost in
for a given node/ship state
means no path has been found from the start node
2 Add
, indicating
is unvisited.
3 Set
to 0.
4 If
is not empty, select node
with the
-value from
5 Remove
. For every adjacent node
( ) ( )
( )
ij ij
C weight C+<s su u
( )
( )
ij ij
C C weight
= +u s su
. Go back
to step 4, until
gets empty.
In this study, it should be noted that the
function above refers to Eq. (6). We have a number of
end ship states at waypoint N as shown in Fig. 3. This
means a number of optimal speed configuration along
the route can be generated for different ETA.
In order to demonstrate the advantage and
disadvantage of the proposed great circle based
voyage optimization method, a case study ship
equipped with full-scale measurement devices is
chosen here. In addition, the influence of the
uncertainty of the weather forecast data on the
optimization results is also investigated. Thus, both
the weather forecast data and hindcast data are used
in this study.
Moreover, the interpolation method used in
interpolating sea weather conditions for the ship’s
waypoints can also influence the optimization results.
In this study, trilinear interpolation (Weiser et al.
1988) is used. The influence of different interpolation
methods is not considered here.
3.1 Details of the case study
In this case study, a 2800TEU container ship sailing in
the North Atlantic is taken as a case study ship (Mao
2014). The main particulars of the ship are listed in
Table 1. For this case study ship, the full-scale
measurements of the ship’s performance at sailing in
the North Atlantic during the year 2008 are available
in this study.
In the practical voyage planning, the voyage
optimization process is conducted before the voyage
starts and the weather forecast data is usually used as
the preliminary data source for optimizing the
voyage. In this study, the optimization is conducted
using the weather forecast information that can be
accessed before the voyage. While the hindcast data is
used to estimate the weather and sea conditions
which the ship actually encountered. The forecast
data is obtained from ECMWF Mars operational
archive server (https://apps.ecmwf.int/mars-
catalogue/?class=od) and the hindcast data is
extracted from ECMWF ERA5 hindcast dataset
(https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu). It should be noted
that the forecast data is updated every 12 hours and
the time resolution of the forecast data is 3 hours. As
the ship’s cost variation is mainly caused by
encountered significant wave height (H
s), Hs is chosen
to represent sea conditions.
Table 1. Main particulars of the case study ship
Length Loa 235.0 m
Length L
pp 230.4 m
Beam B 32.2 m
Prop. Diam. 6.9 m
Displacement 55566 m
Wetted surface 10396 m
Length waterline 230.4 m
Draft T 10.78 m
In this study, the actual voyages of the case study
ship sailing along the North Atlantic during 2008 are
used as the reference for implementing the proposed
method and comparing the method with other
methods. As the storms in North Atlantic always
moves from the east to the west, two westbound
voyages are selected because it is more important for
captains to plan their voyages for westbound voyages
to ensure cargo safety and save fuel, in particular
during the winter season. Furthermore, to
demonstrate the capability of the proposed method,
all optimizations are conducted in the open sea area
in North Atlantic. The analysis of the strategy of slow
steaming is conducted in the last case study.
3.2 Ship routing algorithms for the case study
This investigation compares three algorithms, i.e., 1)
2D Dijkstra’s algorithm with fixed ship speed, 2)
Great circle course with speed optimized (proposed
method), and 3) Great circle course with fixed ship
speed often for chartering contract.