In the maritime industry, as the increasing regulatory
pressure and the economic competition, ship energy
efficiency becomes one of the most controversial
topics in every shipping company’s agenda, in
addition to the traditional safety issues. To ensure
better economic benefit as well as reduce negative
environmental impact from shipping emissions, a
voyage optimization system is recognized as an
efficient measure by the shipping industry (DNV
2015). A voyage optimization system is used to plan a
ship’s courses/schedules in order to reach her
destination with certain pre-defined objectives, e.g.,
the expected time of arrival with minimum fuel
consumption and air emissions, etc. (Bowditch, 2002).
The core element of such a voyage optimization
system is to implement a proper optimization
algorithm, which generates optimal ship routing
based on the sea weather conditions along the ship’s
sailing area, the ship’s characteristics and operational
capabilities, as well as some constraints for a
particular voyage, etc. (Wang et al. 2018). Many route
optimization algorithms have been implemented and
used in the shipping market and maritime research
community, e.g., the modified isochrone method
(Hagiwara, 1989), the isopone method (Klompstra,
1992), dynamic programming method (De Wit, 1990),
DIRECT algorithm (Simonsen et a l. 2014), etc.
Efficiency of a Voluntary Speed Reduction Algorithm
for a Ship’s Great Circle Sailing
Wang, W. Mao & L. Eriksson
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
ABSTRACT: The great-circle is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the earth. When
planning a ship’s sailing route (waypoints and forward speeds) for a specific voyage, the great circle route is
commonly considered as a reference route, especially for ocean-crossing seaborne transport. During the
planning process, the upcoming sea weather condition is one of the most important factors affecting the ship’s
route optimization/planning results. To avoid encountering harsh conditions, conventional routing
optimization algorithms, such as Isochrone method and Dynamic Programming method, have been
developed/implemented to schedule a ship’s optimal routes by selecting waypoints around the great circle
reference route based on the ship’s operational performances at sea. Due to large uncertainties in sea weather
forecast that used as inputs of these optimization algorithms, the optimized routes may have worse
performances than the traditional great circle sailing. In addition, some shipping companies are still sailing in
or making charting contracts based on the great circle routes. Therefore, in this study, a new optimization
algorithm is proposed to consider the voluntary speed reduction with optimal speed configuration along the
great circle course. The efficiency of this method is investigated by comparing these two methods for optimal
route planning with respect to ETA and minimum fuel consumption. A container ship sailing in the North
Atlantic with full-scale performance measurements are employed as the case study vessels for the comparison.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
r 2
June 2020
Most of the optimization algorithms are two-
dimensional and optimization process is performed
by changing a ship’s course based on a reference
route, e.g., the great circle course. The variables that
are optimized are the ship’s sailing waypoints/course
(in a more specific way, ship heading). The optimal
routes obtained from these algorithms can differ
significantly from the great circle courses to avoid
harsh storms, implying the sacrifice of the shortest
travelling distance. Nevertheless, to avoid
encountering harsh storms can be also achieved by
proper management of the ship speed, but still
keeping the shortest sailing distance along the great
circle course.
In the voyage optimization process, sea weather
forecast plays an extremely important role as it is the
main dynamic input for the optimization algorithm.
The reliability of the optimized route highly depends
on the accuracy of the weather forecast. However, the
accuracy of weather forecast often starts to be
questioned after 3-5 days, while even large
discrepancy happens after 5-7 days. An example of
the comparison of significant wave height between
forecast data and hindcast data is presented in Fig. 1.
The observation point is selected in the North Atlantic
Ocean. The figure indicates that the accuracy of
forecast data starts to decrease after 5 days. As the
consequence, even the route given by the
optimization algorithms is optimal based on forecast
data, the actual voyage may end up with
encountering very harsh weather conditions.
Figure 1. Comparison of significant wave heights obtained
from forecast data and hindcast data
In this paper, a new voyage optimization method,
which considers voluntary speed reduction in the
great circle course is proposed. Then, a
comprehensive comparison between the proposed
method and conventional two-dimensional Dijkstra’s
algorithm is conducted to investigate the reliability
and efficiency of the proposed optimization method.
The investigation also includes the influence of the
uncertainty of weather forecast on the optimization
The great circle course is divided by N waypoints and
each waypoint is associated with a passing time. A
ship’s state variable represents the location and the
associated passing time of the i-th waypoint as,
[ ]
i i ii
represent longitude, latitude and
time of the i-th waypoint. All the waypoints along the
route is described by
[ ]
, , ,
S ss s
Normally, for a conventional voyage optimization
algorithm, a ship’s speed and heading at each
waypoint are selected as control variables that needs
to be optimized during the voyage,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
11 2 2
, , ,
ii ii ii
US us u s u s
us s s
are vectors of ship speed and
heading of all waypoints such as
[ ]
vv v= v
In this study, we fixed the heading to the great
circle course while keep speed varying. The weather
conditions encountered during a voyage depends on
the state variable vector
, denoted by
( )
. The
sea conditions contain information of wave height,
wave direction, wave period, wind and current, etc.
In addition, a ship’s sailing is often limited under
some operational constraints. The constraints function
is a Boolean function that returns if the ship is feasible
to sail under a state S and a control variable U of a
waypoint. Here, the constraints include the land-
crossing avoid, maximum speed/engine power
The objective of the voyage optimization is to
minimize the fuel consumption during the voyage.
The total fuel consumption
is estimated by,
( ) ( )
( )
C f dt=
( ) (
( )
,f US WS
is the instantaneous cost
function (fuel cost between two waypoints) for a
series of ship state
under control
( )
are the departure time and arrival time, respectively.
Figure 2. Scheme of the proposed method
The proposed method is to optimize the speed
profile, i.e., the speed vector
, along great circle
. The workflow of the method is shown
as Fig.2.
2.1 Speed/passing time initiation along the route
The first step is to generate waypoints on the great
circle course between the departure and the
destination. The waypoints contain the information of
longitude and latitude. Then, it will add a time set to
each waypoint. A time set is an array, which contains
a series of feasible arrival times to a waypoint. Figure
3 gives a simple example on how the time set is added
on a waypoint. The precedure is done as follows:
1 Generate a set of discrete time with even space for
each waypoint. The space can be chosen from
several hours to days.
2 Add constraints to the time set. Here we consider
both the sailing speed and ETA as constraints.
3 Select feasible times from each waypoint shown as
round dots in the figure.
Figure 3. Illustration of a “time set” along the route
2.2 Cost function for edge generation
In this study, a ship energy performance model is
used as the cost function through the optimization
and the ship’s speed is considered as the input for the
Figure 4. Ship energy performance models
For the optimization, the ship’s engine power
needed to push the ship forward at the input speed
should be estimated as the cost based on encountered
sea conditions, the ship’s characteristics, and
operational profiles etc. The workflow for the ship
speed-power performance modelling is presented in
2.3 Graph generation
A great circle course is geometrically divided into a
number of waypoints and each waypoint contains a
set of feasible arrival time. With this information a
( )
,=G SA
can be formed, where S is a set of
waypoints (also considered as ship state variables)
and A is a set of edges composed of pairs of nodes. A
contains a number of ship states,
,1 ,1
i i ii
im i i im
= =
is the
th waypoint,
is the number of
feasible arrival time of the
th waypoint.
Edges are also required to be added for proceeding
the optimization. Adding edges is to pair two
nodes/ship states from two adjacent waypoints as the
following equation shows.
1, 1 1 1,
ij i i ij
i jk
ik i i ik
+ + ++
= =
is the ith waypoint and
are the jth
and kth of the time corresponding to the ith and i+1th
waypoints. Constraints must be considered to
eliminate the infeasible edges/connections between
nodes/ship states when
,,i jk
is going to be added
to A:
1 if
2 the corresponding shaft power between
doesn’t exceed the maximum engine power.
For the great circle course based optimization,
each edge
,,i jk
is assigned with a cost/weight
which is computed by the cost function, where
( ) (
( )
( )
, , , , 1, ,
ijk ij ij i k ij
f tt
= C Us Ws
The generation of the graph
is complete when
all the feasible nodes
are generated and all the
are added to
2.4 Implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm works in a graph by visiting
edges starting from the source node to the target
node. In this study, the source node and the target
node refer to the starting ship state and the end ship
states. It is an algorithm for finding the shortest path
between two graph nodes in a graph. In this study,
instead of using Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the
shortest path, it is used to find the path with
minimum cost.
Before implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm, a vector
of total cost from the starting ship state
to every
node/ship state C should be constructed. This means
should represent the cost from
to any
node/ship state
in S. Then a dictionary
representing all unvisited nodes within
The implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm is
performed as follows. For every
1 Initialize the cost set
( )
to infinity. An
infinite cost in
for a given node/ship state
means no path has been found from the start node
2 Add
, indicating
is unvisited.
3 Set
( )
C s
to 0.
4 If
is not empty, select node
with the
-value from
5 Remove
. For every adjacent node
( ) ( )
( )
ij ij
C weight C+<s su u
( )
( )
ij ij
C C weight
= +u s su
. Go back
to step 4, until
gets empty.
In this study, it should be noted that the
function above refers to Eq. (6). We have a number of
end ship states at waypoint N as shown in Fig. 3. This
means a number of optimal speed configuration along
the route can be generated for different ETA.
In order to demonstrate the advantage and
disadvantage of the proposed great circle based
voyage optimization method, a case study ship
equipped with full-scale measurement devices is
chosen here. In addition, the influence of the
uncertainty of the weather forecast data on the
optimization results is also investigated. Thus, both
the weather forecast data and hindcast data are used
in this study.
Moreover, the interpolation method used in
interpolating sea weather conditions for the ship’s
waypoints can also influence the optimization results.
In this study, trilinear interpolation (Weiser et al.
1988) is used. The influence of different interpolation
methods is not considered here.
3.1 Details of the case study
In this case study, a 2800TEU container ship sailing in
the North Atlantic is taken as a case study ship (Mao
2014). The main particulars of the ship are listed in
Table 1. For this case study ship, the full-scale
measurements of the ship’s performance at sailing in
the North Atlantic during the year 2008 are available
in this study.
In the practical voyage planning, the voyage
optimization process is conducted before the voyage
starts and the weather forecast data is usually used as
the preliminary data source for optimizing the
voyage. In this study, the optimization is conducted
using the weather forecast information that can be
accessed before the voyage. While the hindcast data is
used to estimate the weather and sea conditions
which the ship actually encountered. The forecast
data is obtained from ECMWF Mars operational
archive server (https://apps.ecmwf.int/mars-
catalogue/?class=od) and the hindcast data is
extracted from ECMWF ERA5 hindcast dataset
(https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu). It should be noted
that the forecast data is updated every 12 hours and
the time resolution of the forecast data is 3 hours. As
the ship’s cost variation is mainly caused by
encountered significant wave height (H
s), Hs is chosen
to represent sea conditions.
Table 1. Main particulars of the case study ship
Length Loa 235.0 m
Length L
pp 230.4 m
Beam B 32.2 m
Prop. Diam. 6.9 m
Displacement 55566 m
Wetted surface 10396 m
Length waterline 230.4 m
Draft T 10.78 m
In this study, the actual voyages of the case study
ship sailing along the North Atlantic during 2008 are
used as the reference for implementing the proposed
method and comparing the method with other
methods. As the storms in North Atlantic always
moves from the east to the west, two westbound
voyages are selected because it is more important for
captains to plan their voyages for westbound voyages
to ensure cargo safety and save fuel, in particular
during the winter season. Furthermore, to
demonstrate the capability of the proposed method,
all optimizations are conducted in the open sea area
in North Atlantic. The analysis of the strategy of slow
steaming is conducted in the last case study.
3.2 Ship routing algorithms for the case study
This investigation compares three algorithms, i.e., 1)
2D Dijkstra’s algorithm with fixed ship speed, 2)
Great circle course with speed optimized (proposed
method), and 3) Great circle course with fixed ship
speed often for chartering contract.
The 2D Dijkstra’s algorithm (2DDA) is one of the
conventional voyage optimization algorithms derived
from 2D Dynamic programming method (De Wit,
1990). It uses the Dijkstra’s algorithm instead of the
traditional dynamic programming approach to
conduct the optimization. The grid system is
generated based on the great circle reference course,
which covers the accessible sailing area of the voyage
shown in Fig. 5. The 2DDA is a two-dimensional
optimization method. It is used to find optimal
waypoints for a certain voyage with certain demands
such as minimum fuel consumption, maximum ship
The proposed method is used to optimize the ship
speed profile during the voyage instead of the
location of the waypoints for a voyage. The third
method is to estimate the speed and passing time
along the great circle course. It should be noted that
constraints such as maximum-engine-rate constraint
are applied to all of these methods in the optimization
process. Thus, there is involuntary speed reduction
occurring when encountering harsh sea conditions.
Figure 5. Example of the grid system for the 2DDA
An actual voyage during Feb. 2008 is selected to
demonstrate the capability of the proposed method.
Two operation scenarios are investigated. One is for
the ship sailing with her service speed using 85%
MCR of the ship engine. Considering the slow
steaming strategy is quite well adopted in today’s
shipping market, the other scenario is to investigate
the capability of the proposed method for the ship to
sail with a 25% speed reduction as her service speed.
4.1 A westbound voyage sailing in service speed
The trajectory of the optimized routes by the 2DDA
method is shown in Fig.6, as well as the great circle
course. The trajectory got from the 2DDA method
implies that the encountered sea weather conditions
were more severe in high latitudes. Therefore, the
2DDA method could try to find alternative waypoints
(rather than the shortest distance) to avoid these harsh
sea conditions.
Figure 6. Route trajectories by 2DDA and the shortest
distance (the great circle course).
Furthermore, the ETA, fuel consumption and
sailing distance along the routes optimized by the
three methods based on forecast sea weather
conditions are listed in Table 1. It also gives the ship’s
overall operation performance from the post-voyage
analysis. The post voyage analysis is performed by
extracting the “true” weather information from
hindcast data for the same waypoints (i.e., location
and passing time) as the optimized routes. Then the
ship’s new fuel consumption and ETA are re-
estimated based on the hindcast weather information.
If the ship state is invalid in the actual sea condition
(for example, the shaft power estimated by the actual
sea condition exceed the maximum power rate), the
current ship state as well as the following ship state
will be recalculated.
For the voyage optimization based on the weahter
forecast data, Table 1 shows that the proposed
method can save approximate 1% of fuel
consumption in comparison with the conventional
fixed speed great circle sailing method (as reference
here). The optimized route from the proposed method
can also keep the same ETA as the reference method.
While, the ship routing generated from the 2DDA
method gives the largest fuel saving, because this
method can choose routes shifting away from the
shortest distance to encounter calm sea environments.
Table 2. Optimization results for service speed sailing based on forecast and hindcast weather data
Method Fuel cost [ton] ETA [hour] Distance [km]
Forecast Hindcast Forecast Hindcast
(Method 1) 2DDA 228.0 234.8 100.4 100.8 3324
(Method 2) GC optimal speed 242.4 244.3 102.6 103.3 3121
(Method 3) GC fixed speed 244.4 247.9 102.7 103.3 3121
Table 3. Optimization results for slow steaming sailing based on forecast and hindcast weather data
Method Fuel cost [ton] ETA [hour] Distance [km]
Forecast Hindcast Forecast Hindcast
(Method 1) 2DDA 170.3 160.0 122.8 122.8 3380
(Method 2) GC optimal speed 195.4 188.4 117.6 117.6 3121
(Method 3) GC fixed speed 204.7 190.9 117.7 117.9 3121
Furthermore, Fig.7 presents the comparison of
significant wave height (H
s) between obtained from
weather forecast in the optimization and extracted
from hindcast data after the voyage, as well as the
comparison between optimized ship speeds (based on
weather forecast) and actual ship speeds (estimated
from hindcast data for post voyage analysis). It shows
that for such a short passage, the weather forecast
data is very reliable at the beginning of the voyage.
However, after approximately 2-3 days sailing, the
forecast data begins to deviate from hindcast data
(but not very much). The post voyage analysis of
speeds in the right column shows the same trend, i.e.,
ship speeds optimized from various method begin to
differ in the late stage of the voyage.
Figure 7. Comparison of Hs and sailing speeds from weather
forecast for route optimization and hindcast data for post
voyage analysis.
In comparison with the post voyage analysis and
the voyage optimization based on forecast data, there
is very little difference of fuel cost and ETA for the
two great circle based routes, the different between
forecast and hindcast based. This is because 1) the
total sailing time is about 4 days and the weather
forecast is quite reliable, 2) there is not so big margin
to change too much of the ship’s speed in the great
circle course to avoid harsh storm and keep ETA at
the same time. If there are too large and long
voluntary speed reduction, the ship will not be able to
increase her speed too much than the service speed to
catch up with the same ETA.
However, on the other hand, even though the
weather forecast is quite reliable for the 4 days’ route,
there are still large variation (3% in fuel cost) between
the forecast and hindcast based optimization by the
2DDA method. It means that the 2DDA method is the
most affected by the uncertainty of the weather
forecast. For even long sailing voyages, this weather
uncertainty may lead to that the 2DDA method will
generate worse route than the simple shortest route.
4.2 A westbound voyage with slow steaming
The slow steaming strategy for the same voyage is
used here to study the capability of the proposed
method. The trajectory of the generated courses by
different method is presented in Fig.8. It shows that
the 2DDA method for the slow steaming have even
large freedom to choose the waypoints different
significantly from the great circle course.
The corresponding ship performance (fuel cost,
ETA and distance) planned by these methods are
listed in Table 3. For the slow steaming, the fuel
consumption for all routes is reduced significantly,
but the reduction is simple proportional (not
exponential) to the speed reduction. The consequence
is obvious that it takes more sailing time. It gives
large margin for the proposed method to optimize the
ship speed configuration along the great circle course.
The result shows that it increases the fuel saving up to
around 5% instead of 1% in the service speed sailing.
For the comparison of fuel consumption between
optimized routes by the forecast data and post voyage
analysis by the hindcast data, the difference can be
more than 7% due to long sailing time, which
increased weather uncertainties. Furthermore, the
proposed method performs much better than the
simple fixed speed great circle route.
Figure 8. Trajectories generated by different methods
4.3 Cons and pros of the proposed method
For the proposed method to consider the voluntary
speed reduction to avoid harsh environment along the
great circle course, the fuel consumption of the
generated route is a bit higher than the 2DDA
method. One possible reason might be that the storms
often appear at least for 12 hours, but the ship speed
cannot be voluntarily reduced too much and last for
too long time in order to keep the ETA.
Figure 9 shows the waypoint number and its
corresponding weight graph with the square of
significant wave height. The weight graph is
generated based on the hindcast data. The solid line is
the optimized result given by the proposed method.
The dash lines can be considered as the boundary
which assume that the ship sails with certain speed. It
can be implied that without delaying the ETA, it is
hard to avoid the bad weather conditions. It is also
shown that the ship can slow down at the beginning
and catch up later to avoid the heavy shadow area
shown like the arrow line. However, to catch up the
ETA, the ship has to accelerate in the shadow area
which would cost more fuel that the optimized one.
Thus, it is possible to avoid the storm by adjusting the
ship’s speed. However, when considering the item of
fuel saving, the speed acceleration to a very high level
may lead to much higher fuel cost, in particular,
sometimes, the maximum speed is limited by the
ship’s engine size.
Figure 9. Waypoints and the weight graph
In addition to the voluntary speed reduction, the
proposed method can deliver a Pareto front for end-
users to select the best combination of ETA and fuel
consumption to meet their interests. Figure 10 shows
the Pareto front obtained from the proposed method
based on the weather forecast data. The dots are a
small part of the results extracted from the proposed
method. The feasible ETA can be selected from
approximately 80h to 140h with 0.3h interval.
Figure 10. Pareto front for the Great Circle route given by
the proposed method
Large uncertainty of weather forecast will affect a
ship’s actual performance for sailing along the routes
from voyage optimizations. In this study, the fixed
great circle course considering voluntary speed
reduction is compared with the conventional fixed
speed shortest route planning and fixed speed
varying course planned by the 2-dimensional Dijkstra
algorithm (2DDA). Therefore, a new method is
proposed for optimizing a ship’s voluntary speed
reduction along the great circle course. Through the
comparison between the three methods based on an
actual voyage collected by a containership, the
proposed method shows better optimization results
with respect to fuel saving than the simple fixed
speed shortest route. Even higher energy saving can
be expected if the slow steaming strategy is used. For
the current case study, the 2DDA method can
generate ship routes with lowest fuel consumption.
However, the performance of the 2DDA method
can be easily affected by the uncertainty from the
weather forecast. For the case study voyage lasting for
about 4 days, the forecast data can be quite reliable.
But still the variation of weather uncertainty can lead
to more than 7% difference of fuel saving between
optimization based on weather forecast and the post
voyage analysis from hindcast data. It can be expected
for even long-time-range voyages such as across
Pacific Ocean, optimization methods such as 2DDA
may give the bad optimization results in comparison
with the proposed method, due to the deficiency of
weather prediction by forecast. Furthermore, the
proposed method can also generate Pareto Fronts for
end-users to select the best combination with the
respect of ETA and fuel consumption. It also has more
potential for fuel saving in slow steaming scenario
and long-distance sailing as it has more space to
voluntary speed reduction during the voyage.
The research is supported by the EU Horizon2020 project
EONav project (GA no. 687537). We are also grateful to the
DNV, the crews, and ship owners for providing
measurement data. The authors also would like to thank the
financial support from STINT (CH2016-6673), and National
Science Foundation of China (NSFC-51779202).
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