The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a
maritime navigation safety communications system
[2]; its main aim is to improve the maritime domain
awareness beyond the limitations of the radars.
Radars give a good perspective of the shoreline and of
moving targets but their accuracy is limited by the
presence of obstacles (e.g., small islands), the Radar-
Cross Section (RCS) value of the targets and the
weather conditions. In contrast, AIS transmissions
remain accurate, with good or adverse weather
conditions, in areas with many physical obstacles or
heavy marine traffic (e.g., Malacca Straits). Shipborne
AIS devices periodically transmit static data (i.e.
vessel’s name, MMSI
, IMO-number, type,
The MMSI (9-digits) is a number that distinctively identifies a ves-
sel. The MMSI is assigned to all the radio communications of that
vessel. The International Maritime Organization number (IMO-
dimensions, departure port, arrival port, cargo, etc.)
and dynamic real-time navigation data (i.e., Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), steering,
speedometer, etc.) [3]. When this information, as
received from all nearby AIS devices, is aggregated
and overlaid on a vessel's electronic navigation chart,
the officer-on-watch obtains a good overview of the
nearby marine traffic. The use of the AIS is regulated
by Regulation 19 of SOLAS Chapter V, under the
supervision of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU).
number) is also a distinctive identifier for a vessel and is formed by
the prefix “IMO” followed by 7 digits. The main difference with the
MMSI is that the IMO-number is the only persistent identifier for a
vessel, from the start of its life to the end of it. On the contrary, the
MMSI changes when a vessel changes flag and registration authori-
Secure AIS with Identity-Based Authentication and Encryption
. Goudosis
University of Piraeus,
Athens, Greece
The Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA), Greece
Mediterranean College, Athens, Greece
.K. Katsikas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, Norway
Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
ABSTRACT: The Automatic Identification System (AIS) offers automatic traffic control and collision avoidance
services to the maritime transportation sector worldwide. Because AIS lacks security mechanisms, it is
vulnerable to misuse and exploitation by unlawful adversaries (e.g. sea-pirates, terrorists, smugglers). To
address the security issues of the AIS, in an earlier paper [1], we proposed the deployment of a Maritime
Certificate-less Identity-Based (mIBC) public-key cryptography infrastructure that enhances AIS with on-
demand anonymity, authentication, and encryption capabilities. In this paper we address implementation
aspects of that infrastructure. In particular, we propose to use the Sakai-Kasahara Identity-Based Encryption
(IBE) approach to implement the mIBC infrastructure, following the IEEE 1363.3-2013 standard for Identity-
Based Cryptography.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 2
June 2020
Many shore stations equipped with AIS receivers
forward received AIS data to various publicly
available internet sites
. Undoubtedly, this practice
offers a valuable tool for the international maritime
community but may also become a convenient tool for
unlawful adversaries. Unrestrained disclosure of the
AIS broadcasted data via the internet can be an aid to
sea-pirates and may violate the privacy of passengers
[4], [5]. Additionally, the AIS lacks source
authentication of the transmitted data, as source
authenticity of AIS data relies on the transmitted
MMSI number of the ship and its name. However,
none of these is officially hardcoded on the AIS
devices, nor are the relevant messages signed and
certified. Thus, anyone with little knowledge of AIS
workings can use an AIS transmitter to create fake
AIS data that impersonate non-existing ships, AtoN
(Aid to Navigation) or SAR (Search And Rescue
Operations) [6], [7]. Without AIS authentication, the
maritime domain may be the true one or a fake
representation of the marine traffic in the area. A
possibly fake representation of the marine traffic in an
area poses a very severe threat to the international
maritime community. The threat landscape of the AIS
ecosystem has been examined in [8]. Accordingly,
enhancing the security of AIS becomes an issue of
importance to the maritime community. The VHF
Data Exchange System (VDES) is seen as an effective
and efficient use of radio spectrum, building on the
capabilities of AIS and addressing the increasing
requirements for data through the system, including
some security aspects. VDES is also secure by design.
However, full take up of VDES is not expected to
happen soon [9].
In [1] we introduced the concept of the Maritime
Certificate-less Identity-Based Public Key
Cryptography infrastructure (annotated for simplicity
“maritime IBC” or “mIBC”), and proposed a solution
to enhance the security of the AIS. In this paper, we
refine and build upon that work and discuss
implementation issues. Specifically, we discuss the
implementation of the additional AIS modes of
operation proposed in [1] using the AIS protocol and
message structure specifications, the IEEE 1363.3-2013
standard, and the Sakai-Kasahara IBE scheme.
The remaining of this paper is organized as
follows: In section two we discuss related work.
Section 3 briefly reviews the AIS security proposal in
our earlier work [1], so as to make the present paper
self-sustained. In the third section we discuss the
seamless implementation of AIS usage modes over
the conventional AIS transport protocol. The initial
setup and the operation of the three mIBC-AIS usage
modes (3, 4, 5) that use cryptography and divert from
the standard ones are discussed in section 4. Section 5
presents the structure of the AIS messages in the
mIBC-AIS and describes the operation of the mIBC-
App, an application designed to ensure transparent
transmission/reception of the mIBC-AIS messages
over the conventional AIS protocol. In Section 6 we
discuss the operational overhead imposed by the
proposed mIBC. Finally, section 7 summarizes our
e.g. www.marinetraffic.com
In [10] a new protocol for AIS that relies on a three-
tiered approach to security with vessel identity
verified by certificates assigned by an approving
authority was proposed. This solution assumes the
existence of a cryptographic infrastructure that
provides the maritime community with some
cryptographic capabilities. The authors in [11] use
AIS, the Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSIs)
of the vessels and Trusted Third Parties to propose a
three-step mutual authentication scheme that uses
AIS as the communication means to provide
authentication capabilities to the ships rather than
endowing the AIS itself with additional security
The authors in [12] proposed a solution based on
the creation of a global, x.509-like Maritime PKI,
where the registration and Certification Authorities
would be the IMO and the National Maritime
Authorities. This proposal suffers from
implementation difficulties, because implementing a
PKI infrastructure in a global maritime environment
may prove to be quite a demanding and complicated
task, and because certificates are very resource
demanding in the challenging and costly maritime
wireless communication environment. For these same
reasons, works that aim at improving the security of
similar systems, such as the Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) in aviation, and
propose the use of identity-based cryptography and
symmetric cryptography [13], [14] are inapplicable in
the maritime environment. Work that is not yet clear
whether or how it may affect the future of AIS
security is also underway [15].
Commercial AIS products that use symmetric
cryptography exist (e.g. [16]). Nevertheless, they
provide proprietary encrypted AIS only in vessels
equipped with the same AIS product. Additionally, a
worldwide adoption of a symmetric cryptography
system that would need to manage symmetric keys on
a vast number of vessels worldwide is a very complex
if at all possible task. Therefore, such a solution is
insecure for systems with characteristics similar to
those of AIS [17].
The cryptographic schemes that we use to
implement mIBC are identity-based cryptographic
schemes founded on the q-Bilinear Diffie-Hellman
Inversion problem (q-BDHIP), based on the Sakai-
Kasahara Identity-Based Encryption scheme [18],
whose security was proved in [19]. The IEEE 1363.3-
2013 “Standard for Identity-Based Cryptographic
Techniques using Pairings” [20] specifies identity-
based cryptographic schemes based on the bilinear
mappings over elliptic curves known as pairings. This
standard describes eight identity-based cryptographic
schemes that use pairings in their implementation.
The schemes include approaches to encryption, digital
signatures, signcryption, and key exchanges. These
schemes may be used to encrypt both stored data as
well as data in transit. The standard describes
algorithms for calculating pairings and gives
parameters suitable for implementing the specified
schemes at industry-standard security levels [21].
Applications of certificate-less Identity-Based
Cryptography (IBC) to navigation are described in
[17], [22]. The use of pseudonyms in transportation
applications is discussed in [23], [24].
In [1], we proposed the security enhancement of AIS
with the use of Identity-Based Public Key
Cryptography (IBC) [25], [20] as the foundation of an
International Maritime Identity-Based Cryptographic
infrastructure (mIBC), under the supervision of the
IBC is a variation of public key cryptography
proposed by Shamir in 1985 [25]. On public-key
cryptography infrastructures (PKIs), each entity has a
pair of mathematically connected keys, a Private
(Secret) key and a Public Key. Data that are encrypted
with the Private (Secret) key are decrypted with the
corresponding Public Key and vice versa. A
disadvantage of the PKIs [26] is that the participating
entities have to somehow obtain the public keys of the
other participating entities. The solution is the use of
special certificates that bind the name of the entity
with its public key. However, this poses a new
problem; the participating entities in the PKI should
have the ability to obtain securely the certificates of
the other participants. Instead of certificates, the IBC
variations use a publicly known unique identification
of an entity as its Public key (e.g., entity’s name, e-
mail address, MMSI or pseudo-MMSI number in [1]).
Unfortunately, that convenience comes with a cost;
IBC infrastructures need the existence of a
trustworthy central coordinator. The trusted central
sets up the IBC infrastructure, and
generates all the Private (Secret) keys of the IBC
participated entities. Then, the participating entities
obtain, by means of a secure channel, their Private
(Secret) keys from the trusted central coordinator. The
main disadvantage of the IBC is that, beyond the
owner of the key, the Trusted Central Coordinator
knows the Private (Secret) keys. On the other hand,
the main advantages of IBC over traditional PKI are
the simplicity of the infrastructure, resources savings,
and self-proved information on the public key [22],
[27], [28], [29].
The mIBC-PKG functionality can either be
implemented by a single authority (e.g. IMO) or by a
number of multiple inter-trusted mIBCs operating in
parallel. For simplicity, in the sequel we assume the
existence of only one International Maritime mIBC
Private key generator (IMO-mIBC-PKG) as an IMO
agency. However, the implementation of the other
option is straightforward.
The approach involves defining five distinct AIS
usage modes with various security features to choose
from, according to the needs of the vessel during the
trip, as follows:
1 The mIBC-Typical-AIS (mode 1): The AIS as is
today, for routine use.
Referred also as “Private Key Generator (PKG)” and “Key Server”
(IEEE 1363.3-2013). We will use the term mIBC-PKG hitherto.
2 The mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2): Offers
source authentication via cryptographically-signed
AIS transmitted messages. Under mIBC, an AIS
device signs the transmitted AIS data with its
mIBC Private (Secret) key, and the receivers
authenticate the signed AIS data by using only the
MMSI of the transmitter.
3 The mIBC-Anonymous-AIS (mode 3): Offers
legitimate anonymous AIS transmitted messages
via cryptographically-signed “Pseudo-MMSIs.”
An AIS device transmits, instead of the real MMSI
of the vessel, a pseudo-MMSI generated and
cryptographically signed by the IMO-mIBC-PKG.
From a cryptographic point of view the mIBC-
Anonymous-AIS (mode 3) is identical with the
mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) but uses
pseudo-MMSI instead of the real MMSI of the
vessels [1].
4 The mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4): Allows the
transmission of encrypted AIS messages to a
specific entity via an appropriate encryption
scheme, such as the Sakai-Kasahara Identity Based
Encryption scheme.
5 The mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5): Allows the
transmission of encrypted AIS messages to a
group of participants (i.e. trustworthy vessels in an
insecure area) via symmetric cryptography (e.g.,
AES [30]).
Their interrelationships are depicted in Figure 1.
Details on the structure of the messages are given in
Section 5.
Figure 1. Usage modes of the secure mIBC-based AIS
The entities involved with the implementation of the
mIBC are a trusted coordinator (also referred to as Key
Server [20] or Private Key Generator - PKG [1]) and the
mIBC participants. The trusted coordinator is an entity
trusted by all the participants of the scheme. In this
work, for efficiency and simplicity, we assign this role
to a part of the IMO that we call International Maritime
Organization mIBC Private Key Generator (IMO-mIBC-
PKG). mIC participants can be AIS devices, coast
guards, patrol vessels, shipping companies, vessels,
etc. mIBC participants may assume the role of sender
or receiver of AIS messages, or both.
The IMO-mIBC-PKG is responsible for two initial
operations of the mIBC, namely the initial setup of the
scheme and the extraction (creation) of the Private
(secret) keys of each participating entity. These are
described in the sequel.
4.1 Setting up the Maritime IBC (mIBC)
In practice, the first operation of the IMO-mIBC-PKG
is to define a number of cryptographic parameters, as
specified in [20] and [31], that lead to the generation
of the Master Secret Key and of the corresponding
Naster Public Key. Specifically,
1 Establish a random number Generator (R
generator) by
e.g. following the RFC5091, FIPS186-2 or X9.62
2 Choose the security parameter t, which is the size
(in bits) of a prime number p that will be the order
of the generated bilinear map cyclic groups G
1, G2,
T(arget) (see below). Note that the larger the value
of t, the more secure the scheme is.
3 Find a prime number p where p > 2
4 Generate three bilinear map cyclic groups G
1, G2,
T(arget) of prime order p, by following [19], [32],
5 Choose P
G2, a random generator of G2
6 Find P
G1 ϵ G1 as a random generator of G1, so that
an efficient isomorphism φ: G
2 G1 such that
G2)=PG1 exists.
7 e: G
1 x G2 GT is the bilinear pairing mapping.
8 Pick a random Master (Server) Secret key (Ms
key) ϵ
9 Pre-calculate the pairing value e(P
G1, PG2) ϵ GT
10 Compute the corresponding Master (Server) Public
key (M
The second operation of the IMO-mIBC-PKG is to
define the Cryptographic Hash functions to be used
by all the participated entities.
1 (Sign 1/Enc1) H
1: {0,1}
Zp, where p = “prime
order” of G
1, G2, GT, is a cryptographic hash
function viewed as a random oracle for hashing
the MMSI
RECEIVER of the receiver of the encrypted
data [32]; it uses one of the SHA algorithms. Note
that before using the MMSI in this algorithm, we
must first convert it from bit-string to an octet
2 (Sign 2, h0) H
2 : GT x {0,1}
p is a
cryptographic hash function viewed as random
3 (Enc 2) H
3 : GT {0,1}
is a cryptographic
hash function viewed as a random oracle for XOR-
ing with the AIS
data or AESKey.; it uses one of the
SHA algorithms. Note that because the input is a
Finite Field element in G
3, it must be converted
to an octet string before using the function.
4 (Enc 3) H
x {0,1}
Zp for deriving a
blinding coefficient
5 (Enc 4) H
5: :{0,1}
for XoR-ing with
Finally, the IMO-mIBC-PKG
publishes/disseminates the mIBC Public Parameters
(mIBC-PP) = (G
1, G2, GT, e, PG1, PG2, MPUB, e(PG1, PG2), φ,
1, H2, H3, H4, H5) to all mIBC-enabled AIS equipment,
using a secure channel (e.g., smart cards, smart
tokens, etc.).
The IMO-mIBC-PKG is also responsible for
safekeeping the secrecy of the Master (Server) Secret
key (Ms
key). Because the Master (Server) Secret key
(Mskey) plays the role of the Private Key of a
Certification Authority in an X.509 Public Key
Infrastructure, it requires the same level of advanced
protection and disaster recovery plans must exist in
case of compromise.
4.2 Extracting the private keys of the participating
The IMO-mIBC-PKG uses the MMSI (or the pseudo-
MMSIs) as the publicly known ID of a vessel and
combines it with the Public Parameters (PP) and the
Master (Server) Secret key (Ms
key) of the mIBC to
extract the corresponding Private (Secret) Key
MMSI), of the vessel. The mandatory use of the
Master (Server) Secret key (Ms
key) on the extraction
operation prohibits an adversary to create fake
Private (Secret) Keys even when they know the
(publicly available) MMSI of the entity and the
(publicly available) Public Parameters of the mIBC.
The steps are as follows:
1 Represent the MMSI or the pseudo-MMSI as a
string of bits on {0,1}
2 Compute the cryptographic hash H
1(MMSI)) or
1(pseudo-MMSI)) respectively.
3 Compute the Private (Secret) Key
1(MMSI)) + Mskey)
Q2 ϵ G2, where Mskey is the
Server (Master) Secret
Note that the main disadvantage of the Identity
Based Cryptography scheme lies in this operation.
Because, in contrast to the PKI, the Private (Secret)
MMSI (SKMMSI) is generated centrally by the IMO-
mIBC-PKG, two problems arise. First, the IMO-mIBC-
PKG knows the Private (Secret) Key of the entity.
Thus the security and especially the non-repudiation
of the infrastructure relies heavily on the
trustworthiness of the IMO-mIBC-PKG. Second, the
Private (Secret) Key should be transferred from the
IMO-mIBC-PKG to the AIS-device of the entity on a
secure channel (e.g., smart cards, smart tokens, etc.).
In [1] we proposed the manual transfer on tamper-
proof devices by authorized personnel, but more
convenient solutions can be found (e.g., secure
internet connections).
4.3 Operating the m-IBC
4.3.1 mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) and mIBC-
Anonymous-AIS (mode 3)
The AIS device of the sending entity (the sender)
signs the AIS data to be transmitted with its private
key (SK
MMSI). The sender uses the Public Parameters of
the mIBC, its MMSI
SIGNER, its Private (Secret) KeySIGNER
(SKsigner), a random number and the AISdata to be
signed. Then, the sender transmits the signed AIS
data. The operation is as follows:
1 The message to be signed, AIS
data ϵ {0,1}
(length = length of the data in bits),
2 The Public Parameters, mIBC-PP = (G
1, G2, GT, e,
G1, PG2, MPUB, e(PG1, PG2), φ, H2,)
3 a random integer r, (0 < r < p-1), generated with the
1 Generator of random numbers
4 the Private (Secret) Key
1 u = e(P
G1, PG2)
2 h = H
2(AISdata, u)
3 S = (r - h) SK
1 The signed message is the triplet (AIS
data, h, S) ϵ
x Zq x G1
Any receiving entity can verify the authenticity of
the received AIS data by using the (publicly available)
SIGNER (or the pseudo- MMSISIGNER) of the sender
and the mIBC Public Parameters (mIBC-PP). The
verifier may be any equipment (hardware/software)
that can receive AIS data directly (e.g. an AIS device)
or forwarded AIS data via satellites or the internet
(e.g., special software on law enforcement units, port-
authorities, shipping companies, etc.). The operation
is as follows:
1 The signed message triplet (AIS
data, h, S) ϵ {0,1}
x Z
q x G1
2 The official Public Parameters, mIBC-PP = (G
1, G2,
T, e, PG1, PG2, MPUB, e (PG1, PG2), φ, H1, H2), Note: H3,
H4, H5 are not used in this operation.
3 the MMSI
1 u = e (S, H
2 Verification: Signature is Valid if h = H
2 (AISdata, u)
and Invalid otherwise.
1 Valid or Invalid signature, and accordingly valid
or invalid AIS-data.
4.3.2 mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4)
The sender/transmitter uses the Public Parameters
of the mIBC and the MMSI
RECEIVER to encrypt the
data (that can be an AESKey), and transmits the
ciphertext via a typical AIS device. The encryption
operation steps are as follows:
1 The clear text AIS
data ϵ {0,1}
,(length = length of
the cleartext in bits
2 The official Public Parameters, mIBC-PP = (G
1, G2,
T, e, PG1, PG2 MPUB, e(PG1, PG2), φ, H1, H3, H4, H5)
3 A random integer σ ϵ {0,1}
, generated with the
1 Generator of random numbers.
4 the MMSI
RECEIVER of the receiver in {0,1}
1 Compute r = H
4(σ, AISdata)
2 Compute g
= e(PG1, PG2)
3 Compute U = r(H
4 Compute V = σ H
5 Compute W = AIS
data H5(σ)
6 Ciphertext c= (r Q
A, σ H3(g
), AISdata H5(σ)) ϵ
1 x {0,1}
x {0,1}
1 The Ciphertext is the triplet c= (U, V, W) ϵ G
1 x
x {0,1}
All the AIS-enabled devices in range can receive
the encrypted data, but only the receiver who knows
the mIBC Private (Secret) key corresponding to the
RECEIVER can decrypt the data. The steps are as
1 The official Public Parameters, mIBC-PP = (G
1, G2,
T, e, PG1, PG2 MPUB, e(PG1, PG2), φ, H1, H3, H4, H5)
2 The Private (Secret) Key
3 The ciphertext c = (U, V, W)
1 Compute g = e (U
2 Compute σ = V H
3 Compute clear text AIS
data = W H5(σ)
4 Compute r = H
4 (σ, AISdata)
1 Valid if U = r(H
received data is not valid
4.3.3 mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5) with symmetric
The use of encrypted AIS between the vessels of a so-
called “blue-force” is not new and commercial
products that implement it using symmetric
cryptography exist. Nevertheless, they provide
proprietary encrypted AIS only in vessels equipped
with the same AIS product. For example, the SAAB
R5 Supreme W-AIS System supports the DES, AIS,
and Blowfish symmetric ciphers. Another example of
an approach that is compatible with our work is the
Encrypted Automatic Identification System (EAIS)
proposed by the United States Coast Guard in [33].
Our innovation is the use of the mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS
(mode 4) for disseminating the symmetric key to
allow the maritime community and law enforcement
units to create ad-hoc “blue forces,” or AIS Ad-hoc
NETworks (AISANETs) [1]. Following the analysis in
[33], the 128-bit AES key is sufficient for Encrypted-
AIS data between the members of a law-enforcement
“blue-force”. However, “blue-forces” tend to use
strong combinations of ciphers and key sizes, because
the symmetric key in the current approach is
generated once, it is pre-loaded on the AIS devices,
and it is expected to be secure for a time-period far
longer than a day or two. On the other hand, our
approach for the AIS Ad-hoc NETworks (AISANETs)
uses a symmetric key only for a period of some hours,
and then a new key will be generated and
disseminated to the participating vessels.
mIBC needs to be as transparent as possible to current
AIS implementations. Therefore, new mIBC-AIS
modes should not alter the currently used AIS
protocol. To achieve this goal we introduce a new
application, named “mIBC-AIS-App”, described in
section 5.3, to be used as an interface to implement the
mIBC-AIS scheme over the currently available AIS
infrastructure. It is important to note that we use the
AIS protocol only as the underlying transportation
carrier protocol to transmit the signed/encrypted
mIBC-AIS Data of mIBC. In particular, mIBC-AIS data
are encapsulated by the mIBC-AIS-App in the data
payload subsection of existing AIS messages with ID
6 and ID 8. As we shall see, the latter are special AIS
messages that permit the encapsulation of data of
non-AIS dependent, arbitrary applications. The
sender mIBC-AIS-App creates the appropriate mIBC-
Data and then encapsulates it into the special AIS
messages (ID 6, 8) that are transmitted via the
standard AIS infrastructure. On the other end, the
receiver mIBC-AIS-App decapsulates and processes
the received mIBC-Data. This is analogous to the
encapsulation of the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) data inside the Internet Protocol (IP) packets.
5.1 AIS message structure
AIS defines 27 different types of AIS messages that
are identified by their Message-ID [2]. Messages with
Message-ID 1, 2, and 3 are Position Reports, Messages
with Message-ID 4 are Base Station Reports, Messages
with Message-ID 21 are Aid-to-Navigation (AtoN)
AIS station Reports etc. Each AIS message may use
one to five timeslots. The available payload data in
each timeslot is 168 bits, and there exist AIS message
MESSAGE” (MESSAGE ID: 8)) that may use the
maximum of the 5 timeslots i.e. just over 900 bits of
payload data. AIS messages are also classified
according to their priority (1 to 5) in the timeslot
sequence. The majority of the AIS messages with
priority one, occupy only one timeslot i.e. 168 bits of
payload data. A notable exception is the AIS AIDS TO
that needs 272-360 bits.
Table 1. Example of a typical CLASS A AIS POSITION
REPORT (MESSAGE ID: 1) Structure. Adapted from [2]
Parameter Bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for this message 1 3
User ID 30 MMSI number
Navigational 4 0 = under way using engine, 1 = at
status anchor, 2 = not under command, 3 =
restricted maneuverability, etc.
The rate of 8 0 to +126 = turning right at up to 708
turn ROT
AIS deg per min or higher, etc.
SOG 10 Speed over ground in 1/10 knot steps (0-
102.2 knots)
Position 1 The position accuracy (PA) flag 1 = high
accuracy (<= 10 m), 0 = low (> 10 m), 0 = default
Longitude 28 Longitude in 1/10 000 min …
Latitude 27 Latitude in 1/10 000 min …
COG 12 Course over ground in 1/10 = (0-3599).
3600 (E10h) = not available = default. 3
601-4 095 should not be used
True heading 9 Degrees (0-359) (511 indicates not
available = default)
Timestamp 6 UTC second when the report was
generated by the electronic position
system (EPFS)
Special 2 0 = not available = default, 1 = not
maneuver engaged in special maneuver,2 =
indicator engaged in special maneuver
Spare 3 Not used. Should be set to zero.
Reserved for future use.
RAIM-flag 1 Receiver autonomous integrity
monitoring (RAIM) flag of the electronic
position fixing device;
Communica- 19 See Rec. ITU-R M.1371-5 Table 49
tion state
Total number of bits 168
The AIS standard dictates the exact structure of
each message. The structure includes generic
parameters (fields) found in all AIS messages (e.g.
Message ID (max 6 bits), MMSI number (max 30 bits),
etc.) and message-specific parameters (e.g. Timestamp
(max 6 bits), Navigational status (max 5 its), Rate of
turn (max 8 bits), etc.). Note that each parameter has a
defined maximum size. AIS messages include a
Timestamp (6 bits long) that is the Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) second when the report was
generated by the electronic position fixing system
(EPFS). An example of the structure of a typical Class
A AIS position report message (MESSAGE ID21) is
shown in Table 1.
5.2 mIBC-AIS Messages
Two AIS messages, namely Message ID6 and Message
ID8 are particularly interesting for the transmission of
the signed/encrypted AIS data from/to the mIBC-AIS-
App. Their useful characteristic is the existence of an
isolated data payload subsection that registered
applications, not related to AIS, may use to transport
their data [2]. Specifically, Message ID6 and Message
ID8 allocate their Binary Data parameter packet
section as follows: a) 16 bits as Application Identifier
and b) 920/952 bits for Arbitrary Application Data
payload for registered applications. Thus, the mIBC-
AIS-App can be registered as an add-on AIS
application with a unique ID and the Application
Data payload of Message ID6 and Message ID8 can be
used for the transport of mIBC-AIS-App data.
(MESSAGE ID6) offers a maximum of 920 bits space
for arbitrary application data addressed to a specific
receiver (i.e., all the AIS devices that will not have the
specific addressed MMSI will discard the received
message ID6). Table 2 depicts a typical AIS
with mIBC-AIS-App data encapsulated in its “Binary
Data” section. This section includes two subsections
to be used for the transmission of the mIBC-AIS data
necessary for the implementation of secure AIS mode
4. According to the AIS specifications for Message
ID6, only the application denoted by its ID in the
“Application identifier” subsection is responsible for
the encapsulated data inside the “Application data”
subsection. Therefore, we use the “Application
identifier” to denote the mIBC-AIS-App as the
responsible application for the mIBC-AIS-Data
encapsulated inside the “Application data”
subsection. Because the standard AIS infrastructure
does not interact with the data payload stored inside
the “Binary Data” section of the Message ID6, the
encapsulated mIBC-AIS data are isolated.
An identical approach can be followed for the
transparent transmission of the mIBC-AIS data with
MESSAGE” (MESSAGE ID8) offers a maximum of 952
bits space to broadcast arbitrary application payload
data. This type of AIS message is used to transfer
data necessary for the implementation of Secure AIS
modes 2, 3, and 5. The structure of the AIS
as shown in Table 3, is identical with that of Message
ID6, with the notable exception that the “Destination
ID” section is absent in the (broadcast) Message ID8,
resulting in a savings of 30 bits. The isolation of the
encapsulated mIBC-AIS data payloads makes the
proposed mIBC-AIS implementation transparent to
the current standard AIS infrastructure.
Table 2. The structure of the AIS ADDRESSED BINARY MESSAGE (MESSAGE ID: 6). Adapted from [2]
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6
Repeat indicator 2 Indicates how many times a message has been repeated, 0-3; default = 0; 3 = do not repeat
any more
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station
Sequence number 2 0-3
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of the destination station. Note: This section does not exist on “AIS
Retransmit flag 1 Retransmit flag should be set upon retransmission: 0 = no retransmission = default; 1 =
Spare 1 Not used. Should be zero. Reserved for future use
Binary data Maximum 936 Application identifier 16 bits mIBC-AIS-App ID
Application data Maximum 920 bits Application specific Encapsulated data :
SK-Identity Based Encryption, mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS
(mode 4)
Maximum Maximum 1 008 Occupies up to 3 slots, or up to 5 slots when able to use FATDMA reservations.
number of bits
Table 3. The structure of the AIS ADDRESSED BINARY MESSAGE (MESSAGE ID: 8) structure. Adapted from [2]
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 8 Identifier for Message 8
Repeat indicator 2 Indicates how many times a message has been repeated, 0-3; default = 0; 3 = do not repeat
any more
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station
Sequence number 2 0-3
Retransmit flag 1 Retransmit flag should be set upon retransmission: 0 = no retransmission = default; 1 =
Spare 1 Not used. Should be zero. Reserved for future use
Binary data Maximum 936 Application identifier 16 bits mIBC-AIS-App ID
Application data Maximum 920 bits Application specific Encapsulated data:
“mIBC-Authenticated-AIS” (mode 2)
“Anonymous-AIS” (mode 3)
mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5)
Maximum Maximum 1 008 Occupies up to 3 slots, or up to 5 slots when able to use FATDMA reservations.
number of bits
Table 4. Structure of the 1
POSITION REPORT (MESSAGE 1) in mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2)
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station
Binary data Maximum 960 Application ID 16 bits mIBC-AIS-App registration ID
Application data Maximum 952 bits mIBC-AIS-App in mIBC-Authenticated-AIS
(mode 2) DATA - Part 1 / 2
a) Adds encoded in Spare parameter (3bits) of
data the total expected parts (i.e., in this
example the Spare parameter will be two (2)
b) Authenticated AIS
data is the data in parameters
(MESSAGES 1)) (max 168 bits). For security
reasons we include in the AIS
data the identification
data (e.g., MMSI) of the vessel and the timestamp
of the signed Message-ID:1
c) 1
part of the Signature (h, S) of the original
Note: mIBC-AIS-App computes the total size of
the AISdata + Signature (h, S) and determines
how many Messages ID: 8 (i.e., Parts) have to
transmit. (For completeness in this example we
assume that the overall size of AISdata +
Signature (h, S) exceeds the maximum size of a
MESSAGE-ID: 8 and two parts are needed)
Table 5 Structure of the 2
POSITION REPORT (MESSAGE 1) in mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2).
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station
Binary data Maximum 960 Application ID 16 bits mIBC-AIS-App ID
Application data Maximum 952 bits mIBC-AIS-App in Authentication (mode 2)
DATA - Part 2 / 2
(In the 2
part the remaining bits of the Signature (h,
S) are transmitted.)
part of the Signature (h, S) bits (The size of the
remaining bits may need less than 5 time-slots.
Table 6. Structure of the 1
“AIS BINARY BROADCAST MESSAGE” (MESSAGE ID 6) encapsulating a 128bit AES key in
mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4)
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 6; always 6
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station
Destination ID 30 MMSI number of the destination station
Binary data Maximum 936 Application ID 16 bits mIBC-IBE-App registration ID
Application data Maximum 920 bits mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) DATA payload:
Ciphertext triplet (U, V, W) (1
Table 7. Structure of a “AIS BINARY BROADCAST MESSAGE” (MESSAGE ID 8) in mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5)
Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Identifier for Message 8; always 8 Unencrypted
Source ID 30 MMSI number of the source station Unencrypted
Spare 3 Information about the encryption parameters coded and added to the Unencrypted
Spare parameter (3bits) of original AIS
data. (e.g. Spare value = 010 may
imply AES-128 in CBC mode)
Binary data Maximum 960 Application ID mIBC-AIS-App in Encryption (mode 5) registration ID Unencrypted
Application data mIBC-AIS-App in Encryption (mode 5) DATA Unencrypted
A mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) message is a
broadcasting transmission that we encapsulate inside
(MESSAGE ID 8), which offers a maximum of 952 bits
space for arbitrary application data. If we use MNT
curves, with a 128 bit key, the signature alone is 768
bits long; this allows for a useful payload of 168 bits
for the original AIS data. The majority of the typical
“priority” AIS messages broadcasted by the AIS are
shorter than 168 bits. Hence, it is feasible to
encapsulate them, together with their mIBC-AIS
Signature, inside a single “AIS BINARY
Unfortunately, there are important AIS messages,
REPORT (MESSAGE 21), that need 272 360 bits of
space; these cannot be encapsulated together with
their signature inside one “AIS BINARY
Besides, a higher mIBC security level may use
cryptographic parameters that will yield longer
signatures which would be impossible to encapsulate
within only one MESSAGE ID 8. To resolve this, the
proposed implementation provides for the partition
of the signature and the original AIS data into
(MESSAGE ID 8) messages, as in Figure 2. The mIBC-
AIS-App at the two ends of the communication
channel is responsible for the appropriate partition
and reconstruction of the signature and of the original
AIS data into the multiple ID8 messages.
Figure 2. The signing and partitioning of a Typical AIS Msg
(ID 8) in mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2)
The first and second messages are structured as in
Tables 4 and 5 respectively. In the interest of saving
space, non mIBC-relevant parameters are omitted.
As will be seen in the next section, the overhead
bandwidth for the mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4)
encryption is considerable. This is why we propose to
use mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) mainly for the
dissemination of the new AES symmetric keys of the
mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5). We believe that the 128-AES
algorithm with a key length of 128 bits provides more
than adequate security for the AIS in insecure areas.
Bear in mind that in our case we do not need to store
secret data for years but only to protect AIS
transmitted data for hours or up to a few days. In this
case, the ciphertext will be almost equal with the key,
i.e. 128bits long. The AIS ADDRESSED BINARY
MESSAGE (MESSAGE ID: 6) has 920bits data
payload; therefore, at most two AIS ADDRESSED
1800 bits of combined payload packets will be enough
to transfer the mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) data. The
message partitioning details are identical to the
Message(s) construction for the mIBC- Authenticated-
AIS (mode 2), shown in Figure 1. The structure of
the 1
(MESSAGE ID 6) encapsulating a 128bit AES key in
mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4), is shown in Table 6. Note
that the mIBC-AIS-App computes the total size of the
AESKey + encrypted Ciphertext triplet (U, V, W) and
determines how many Messages ID:6 (i.e., Parts) have
to be transmitted. The remaining parts of the signed
and encrypted output triplet (c, S, T) will be
transmitted with additional AIS ADDRESSED
A possible encrypted AIS Message structure via
the mIBC-AIS-App in Encryption (mode 5) is shown
in Table 7. Non mIBC-relevant parameters are
omitted. Note that the mIBC-AIS-App computes the
total size of the Encrypted AISdata. Depending on the
symmetric cipher (e.g., AES128) the mode (e.g., CBC,
CTR) and other parameters, the overhead varies from
16 bytes (e.g. for the IV (Initial Value) plus the
padding (e.g. 1 to 16 bytes for PKCS#5 padding) if we
use the CBC mode. Therefore, for a standard AIS
(MESSAGE ID: 8) (i.e., 1 to 5 slots) suffices.
5.3 The mIBC-AIS-App
The mIBC-AIS-App is a piece of code that may be
implemented either as a firmware update on current
AIS devices or on separate hardware to be connected
between the AIS device and the AIS antenna. In either
case, the mIBC- AIS-App will be an intermediate
between the currently running AIS and the AIS
antenna of the vessel. The mIBC-AIS-App assumes
sole responsibility for the transmission of all mIBC
enabled AIS messages. It intercepts the AIS messages,
exports their data, cryptographically manipulates
them, encapsulates them in AIS Messages ID6 and/or
ID8 and forwards them to the AIS antenna.
In particular, the mIBC-AIS-App:
1 Forwards the typical AIS messages unaltered to
the AIS antenna/AIS device, respectively, when in
mIBC-Standard-AIS (mode-1) usage mode.
2 Implements the mIBC-AIS modes 2, 3, 4, 5 by:
3 Stores (or accesses) the cryptographic parameters
(i.e., Public Parameters, MMSI or Pseudo-MMSI,
mIBC key-pair of the vessel);
4 Carries out all the cryptographic operations,
computations and procedures.
5 Forwards the outcome of the cryptographic
operations/computations of the received
signed/encrypted AIS data to the appropriate end
devices, i.e. AIS or ECDS displays or any other
compatible software/hardware of the vessel.
6 Encapsulates/Decapsulates the mIBC-AIS data
to/from AIS Messages ID6 and ID8.
Figures 3 and 4 depict the use of the mIBC-AIS-
App and its interaction with the AIS devices. In
Figure 3 the mIBC-AIS-App is switched to mIBC-
Standard-AIS (mode 1) and thus does not interfere
with the AIS operation. The Transmitter-AIS device
transmits -via a standard AIS Message ID1- the
collected static, voyage, positional and navigational
data of the vessel. The Receiver-AIS device receives
the AIS data and displays them to the appropriate
navigational equipment. In both cases, the mIBC-AIS-
App forwards the Original Message ID1 without
altering it. In mIBC-Standard-AIS (mode 1) all AIS
messages are forwarded un-altered by the mIBC-AIS-
App. In contrast, in Figure 4 the mIBC-AIS-App is
switched to one of the AIS secure modes (i.e. modes 2-
5). The Transmitter-AIS device collects static, voyage,
positional and navigational data of the vessels and
creates a standard AIS positional AIS Message ID1.
The mIBC-AIS-App of the transmitter: a) Intercepts
the AIS positional AIS Message ID1 before its
transmission; b) Reads the data of the AIS Message
ID1; c) Signs or Encrypts the appropriate data
according to the mIBC-AIS usage mode; d)
Encapsulates the Signed/Encrypted data inside the
“Application data” section of the Messages ID6
and/or ID8; e) Transmits -via the AIS antenna- the
newly created Messages ID6 and/or ID8. On the
receiver side, the mIBC-AIS-App: a) Intercepts the
Messages ID6 and/or ID8 received by the AIS
antenna; b) Decapsulates and concatenates the mIBC
data from each received Message ID6 and/or ID8; B)
Verifies or Decrypts the received mIBC data
according to the mIBC-AIS usage mode; c)
Reconstructs and Forwards to the Receiver AIS device
the original AIS Message ID1; d) The original AIS
Message ID1 is displayed on the navigational
equipment of the vessel.
Figure 3. Conventional AIS and the mIBC-Typical-AIS
(mode 1)
An attacker is unable to spoof or decrypt the
transmitted Message ID6 and/or ID8 created by the
mIBC-AIS-App. At the same time the mIBC-AIS-App
operations remain transparent to the crew, and the
navigational equipment of the ship. The result is that
in the mIBC-Standard-AIS (mode 1), an interceptor of
the AIS messages may see all kinds of the Message
IDs as it can today. In the mIBC-AIS secure modes of
operation, an interceptor may see only AIS Messages
ID6 and/or ID8 that contain mIBC-AIS data payloads.
6.1 mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) overhead
The operational overhead imposed by the mIBC is
proportional to the chosen security level. Stronger
security implies larger cryptographic parameters that
in turn imply a more considerable computational and
bandwidth overhead. Herein we present operational
overhead estimates that are based mainly on the work
in [32] and in [31].
6.1.1 Bandwidth overhead estimates
As mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) bandwidth
overhead we define the additional bits needed for
signing the original AIS data. The signature is the
cryptographic tuple (h, S) ϵ Z
q x G1; therefore the
additional bandwidth overhead is the sum of the
length of h (in bits) plus the length of S (in bits).
According to table 7 [32], we estimate the sizes of Z
and G, with “point compression” on Super Singular
(SS) curves at 80 bit security, MNT curves at 80 bit
security and MNT curves at 128 bit security.
Figure 4. The mIBC-AIS in security modes 2/3/4/5.
Table 7. mIBC-Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) bandwidth
overhead estimates
Super Singular (SS) MNT at MNT at
curves at 80 bit 80 bit 128 bit
security security security
h ϵ Zq 160 bits 160 bits 256 bits
S ϵ G1 512 bits 171 bits 512
The estimated bandwidth overhead is the sum (h + S)
672 bits 331 bits 768 bits
6.1.2 Computational overhead estimates
All the participating entities in the mIBC
infrastructure have plenty of computational power,
and thus the computational overhead should not be a
problem. However, as an example, we present the
following computational overhead estimates. In
general, the majority of the computational overhead
comparison methodologies count the separate
mathematical operations needed in each IBC
proposed implementation. The mathematical
operations are exponentiations, scalar point
multiplications, and pairing evaluations. In the
proposed IBC scheme the signing process uses two
scalar point multiplications and the verification
process one scalar point multiplication and one
pairing evaluation. Thus according to [31], the above
implementation needs 1.56 milliseconds to sign a
message, and 3.60 milliseconds to verify a signature.
However, we must take into account that [31] was
published back in 2005 and used C++ based
implementations on an Athlon XP at 2GHz to
compute the authentication and signcryption schemes
under a supersingular curve (SS) of embedding
degree k=6 over F
. It is expected that modern
technology will achieve far better speeds.
6.2 mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) overhead
Our estimates are based on the work in [32] and in
[31]. We highlight that in case where the confidential
transmitted data is a symmetric key (i.e., AES
Key) the
security level offered by mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4)
should be equal with the security level offered by the
disseminated AES key. In general, the security level
of a hybrid cryptographic scheme is the minimum
between the level of the security offered by the
cryptographic key and the security level of the
mechanism that disseminates that cryptographic key.
6.2.1 Bandwidth overhead estimates
The bandwidth overhead is the bits additional to
cleartext AIS data required to be transmitted for each
mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) confidential data
transmission. The transmitted encrypted data is the
triplet ciphertext (c) = (U, V, W) ϵ G
1 x {0,1}
. According to table 8 [32], we estimate the
bandwidth overhead, with “point compression” on
Super Singular (SS) curves at 80bit security, MNT at
80 bit security and MNT at 128 bit security.
Table 8. Estimated bandwidth overhead for the mIBC-SK-
IBE-AIS (mode 4) messages
Super Singular MNT at MNT at
(SS) curves at 80bit 128bit
80bit security security security
Public Parameters (not 2048 bits 1368 bits 4096 bits
transmitted via mIBC-AIS,
thus do not add in mIBC-
AIS bandwidth overhead)
Ciphertext (excluding 672 bits 331 bits 768 bits
msg.) mIBC-AIS overhead
The same conditions stand here as in the example
for authentication in section 6.1.2. The general
computational overhead estimates presented here are
based on the work in [32]. In [32] the indicative sizes
with “point compression” optimizations for G
1, G2, GT
and Zp groups for standard elliptic curves types are
given. These values are for Super-Singular (SS) elliptic
curve at 80-bit security: Z
p=160 bits, G1=512 bits,
2=512 bits, GT=1024 bits. For MNT elliptic curve at
128-bit security: Z
p=256 bits, G1=512 bits, G2=3072 bits,
T=3072 bits. Also [32] defines an “indicative” time-
unit as the time needed for point multiplication on a
random 171-bit elliptic curve for a random 160-bit
exponent. Under the above settings, the following
indicative results for SK-IBE are derived: For Super-
Singular (SS) elliptic curve at 80-bit security: Secret
(Private) key extraction costs 2-time units, encryption
costs 6-time units and decryption costs 104-time units.
For MNT elliptic curve at 128-bit security: Secret
(Private) key extraction costs 100-time units,
encryption costs 36-time units and decryption costs
1506 time units. Finally, the BLMQ Signcryption
scheme that has similar characteristics needs 2.65
milliseconds to Sign and Encrypt for one group
exponentiation and two scalar point multiplications
[31]. The processing time for Decryption and
Verification is 6.09 milliseconds for one group
exponentiation and two pairing evaluations.
In our previous work [1] we introduced the concept of
a secure AIS founded on Identity Based
Cryptography. In this work, we focused on proving
the feasibility of our idea by describing a working
model based on specific AIS attributes and specific
Identity Based Cryptographic schemes. We have
proposed a Maritime Identity Based Cryptographic
infrastructure (mIBC) under the IMO. We described
five usage modes for the proposed secure mIBC-AIS.
The mIBC-Typical-AIS (mode 1) works like the typical
AIS; it is the default mIBC-AIS usage mode. The
mIBC- Authenticated-AIS (mode 2) enhances AIS
transmissions with source authentication capabilities;
its implementation is based on the BLMQ identity-
based signatures operations formalized in the IEEE
1363.3-2013 standard. The mIBC-Anonymous-AIS
(mode 3) uses Pseudo-MMSIs to provide AIS with
anonymity, as described in detail in [1]. When in
mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4) usage mode, the mIBC-
AIS can send arbitrary encrypted data to any entity
under mIBC without any previous contact or pre-
configuration with the receiver entity. For the
implementation of the mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS (mode 4),
we used the security proof of Sakai-Kasahara’s
Identity-Based Encryption scheme in [19]. The last
usage mode is the mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5), which
provides for Encrypted AIS secure (group)-
communication with symmetric cryptography (e.g.,
AES). Today, encrypted AIS with symmetric ciphers
(e.g., AES) is offered by various vendors of
commercial AIS devices but always for pre-defined
“blue-forces” that they use pre-installed symmetric
AES keys. In contrast, we use the mIBC-SK-IBE-AIS
(mode 4) to disseminate the symmetric AES keys of
the mIBC-AES-AIS (mode 5), to any trustworthy
entity, ad-hoc, without any pre-communication or
symmetric-key pre-installation. Responsible for the
proposed mIBC-AIS functionality is the mIBC-AIS-
App intermediate application, that lies between the
typical AIS devise and its AIS antenna. The mIBC-
AIS-App is responsible for intercepting the original
AIS data, to perform the cryptographic operations
and to encapsulate/decapsulate the mIBC-AIS data
into standard AIS Messages ID6/8 as arbitrary data
payloads. In this way, the implementation of the
mIBC-AIS uses the currently available AIS
infrastructure but does not directly interact with it.
This enables the mIBC-AIS to be a transparent add-on
to the currently available AIS infrastructure. We
conclude that a practical implementation of our
approach is feasible. We intend to proceed with a
prototype implementation of the proposed scheme,
including the mIBC-App, and to experiment with it in
order to assess its performance.
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