International Maritime Organization (IMO) and
national maritime authorities.
Finally, pAIS was designed to work with NMEA
0183 formatted messages. Conceptually, there is no
reason why it could not be extended to protect NMEA
2000 binary messages.
This paper has described pAIS, proof-of-concept
software that adds bit integrity, timestamp integrity,
and sender authentication to NMEA 0183 AIS
messages. The scheme is designed to be simple,
backward compatible, and able to co-exist with non-
pAIS implementations.
This prototype software was developed for
research applications to demonstrate that such a
scheme was viable and feasible. AIS is increasing in
importance as new applications get attached to the
system; autonomous ocean-going and near-coastal
vessels are merely the latest in a long line of mission-
critical uses for AIS. Every new use of AIS adds to the
reasons that the industry has to find ways to better
secure the system.
Another lesson from this research had nothing to
do with technology and everything to do with policy.
Backward compatibility was an essential goal of the
project so that introduction of protected AIS did not
break a working network. But adding security as an
additional layer to an existing system will ultimately
do little good because bad actors will continue to
operate in the non-secure mode and others will accept
their messages. Without a strong policy that requires
use of secure methods, add-on security will not
achieve the goal of a secure AIS network.
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