Marine surveillance and situation awareness is
essential for monitoring and controlling piracy,
smuggling, fishing, irregular migration, trespassing,
spying, traffic safety, icebergs, sea ice, shipwrecks, the
environment (oil spill or pollution), etc. Dark ships are
non-cooperative ships with non-functioning
transponder systems such as the automatic
identification system (AIS). Their transmission may be
jammed, spoofed, sometimes experience erroneous
returns, or simply turned off deliberately or by
accident. Furthermore, AIS satellite coverage at high
latitudes is sparse, which means that other non-
cooperative surveillance systems, including satellite
or airborne systems, are required.
The Sentinel satellites under the Copernicus
program [1] provide excellent and freely available
imagery with pixel resolutions down to 10 m in
multispectral and Synthetic Aperture Radar bands.
The orbital periods are 6 days between the Sentinel-1
(S1) satellites A + B, and 5 days between the Sentinel-2
(S2) satellites A + B. Furthermore, the swaths from
different satellite orbits overlap at higher latitudes,
and the resulting frequent transits over the polar
regions make these satellites particularly useful for
Artic surveillance and for monitoring sea-ice
coverage, icebergs and ships in SAR [211] and
multispectral images (see [12-13] and refs. therein),
Ship and iceberg detection in SAR imagery has
recently been studied in detail for earlier satellites and
TerraSAR-X [2-8] and Sentinel-1 [9-10]. Their different
modes and resolutions lead to interesting differences
for the ship detection lengths [5,6,10,11], classification
in comparison to AIS and false alarm rates [2-11], etc.
A comparison to these results will be made in the
conclusion of this work.
In the following an analysis of the S1 SAR data
and the search for objects in a sea background with
masking of land and sea ice is presented. In addition,
an algorithm for suppressing sidelobes from strongly
Ship-Iceberg Detection & Classification in Sentinel-1
SAR Images
H. Heiselberg
Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
ABSTRACT: The European Space Agency Sentinel-1 satellites provide good resolution all weather SAR images.
We describe algorithms for detection and classification of ships, icebergs and other objects at sea. Sidelobes
from strongly reflecting objects as large ships are suppressed for better determination of ship parameters. The
resulting improved ship lengths and breadths are larger than the ground truth values known from Automatic
Identification System (AIS) data due to the limited resolution in the processing of the SAR images as compared
to previous analyses of Sentinel-2 optical images. The limited resolution in SAR imagery degrades spatial
classification algorithms but it is found that the backscatter horizontal and vertical polarizations can be
exploited to distinguish icebergs in the Arctic from large ships but not small boats or wakes.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 1
March 2020
reflecting objects as large ships is described, and a
change detection algorithm which identifies
stationary objects such as sea turbines, islands, piers,
etc. Subsequently, the segment classification
algorithm for ships and icebergs is described based on
backscatter polarizations. Results for ships and
icebergs in Denmark and Greenland are shown.
Finally, ship lengths and breadths in S1 data are
analysed and compared to AIS ground truth numbers.
These results are also compared to earlier TerraSAR-X
[4,5], S1 [9-10], Envisat [11], and S2 multispectral
results [12-13].
The S1 SAR images are analyzed using dedicated
software developed specifically to optimize the
classification of smaller ships and icebergs in large
2.1 Sentinel-1 SAR Images
S1 carries the C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar all-
weather day-and-night imager [1]. As we are
interested in small object classification and
discrimination, we will focus on analyzing the
processed level-1 high resolution ground range
detected (GRDH) interferometric wide (IW) swath
images with 16 bit grey levels. The titles above Figs. 1-
5 are the filenames [1] that describe the data set (S1A-
IW-GRD-polarization-date and time).
We analyze 30 S1 images covering several parts of
Denmark and Greenland. These images are
convenient for classification because objects are
abundant and relatively easy to identify at sea. In
Denmark the objects are ships, wind turbines, islands,
and wakes whereas in Greenland there can be
abundant icebergs and floes, some islands but few
ships all depending on region, weather, time of year
and day. The S1 images analyzed here are recorded in
2018 from north of Denmark (Skagerak) down to the
southeast and the Baltic Sea, and along the west coast
of Greenland from Nuuk and up to the Disko Bay.
The S1 images contain polarimetric SAR
backscatter for horizontal (H) and vertical (V)
polarizations transmitted and reflected. The dual
direct polarized backscatter images are HH and HV in
Arctic regions with abundant sea ice, but VV and VH
in sub-Arctic regions because sea and wave reflect
stronger in VV than in HH. The cross polarizations
VH and HV are very similar.
Figure 1. The Disko Bay, Greenland (July 30th, 2018, 10:00
a.m. UTC). The title is the filename (see text). The box is an
iceberg ROI around the iceflow from the Ilulissat Icefjord,
one of the worlds fastest flowing glaciers.
Figure 2. Copernicus Sentinel-1A image [August 21
, 2018 at
05:32 a.m. UTC] covering Skagen, the northern tip of
Denmark. The added numbers refer to the list of objects
found by the classification algorithm, where white numbers
are ships and red numbers are mostly wakes, sidelobes, and
harbor piers.
2.2 Sentinel-1 SAR Images
S1 carries the C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar all-
weather day-and-night imager [1]. As we are
interested in small object classification and
discrimination, we will focus on analyzing the
processed level-1 high resolution ground range
detected (GRDH) interferometric wide (IW) swath
images with 16 bit grey levels. The titles above Figs. 1-
5 are the filenames [1] that describe the data set (S1A-
IW-GRD-polarization-date and time).
We analyze 30 S1 images covering several parts of
Denmark and Greenland. These images are
convenient for classification because objects are
abundant and relatively easy to identify at sea. In
Denmark the objects are ships, wind turbines, islands,
and wakes whereas in Greenland there can be
abundant icebergs and floes, some islands but few
ships all depending on region, weather, time of year
and day. The S1 images analyzed here are recorded in
2018 from north of Denmark (Skagerak) down to the
southeast and the Baltic Sea, and along the west coast
of Greenland from Nuuk and up to the Disko Bay.
The S1 images contain polarimetric SAR
backscatter for horizontal (H) and vertical (V)
polarizations transmitted and reflected. The dual
direct polarized backscatter images are HH and HV in
Arctic regions with abundant sea ice, but VV and VH
in sub-Arctic regions because sea and wave reflect
stronger in VV than in HH. The cross polarizations
VH and HV are very similar.
The spatial coordinates (x,y) are the pixel
coordinates (i,j) multiplied by the pixel resolution l =
10m for the S1 high resolution Ground Range
Detected (GRDH) images. The total vertical
backscatter is
and analogously for the horizontal backscatter
H=HH+HV. Examples are shown in Figs. 1-3.
2.3 Object detection from Background
To detect an object, its backscatter must deviate from
the sea background which varies with satellite
viewing (incidence) angle, wind and waves. Ship, ice,
sea turbines, oil rigs, islands, and other objects
generally reflect more. The next step is to select a
region-of-interest (ROI) and mask large areas of land
and sea ice by a simple algorithm which detects and
connects segments [13] above a given area. Choosing
the ROI such that the sea covers more than half of the
image after land removal, the median backscatter
value for each ROI image provides an accurate and
robust value for the background. The detection
threshold T
B is determined from the cumulative
distribution for the ROI image such that the constant
false alarm rate is 10
. If the ROI has megapixel size,
this can lead to a large number of false alarms
mostly single pixels. Therefore, we filter objects larger
than three pixels only, which effectively removes
most false alarms from noise. The false alarm rate is at
the same time sufficiently large that most if not all
large and medium size ships are detected.
The total backscatter image V(i,j) or H(i,j) has the
highest resolution and is therefore optimal for object
search and detection. Treating these as matrices (see
[13]), we construct a connectivity matrix in which
pixels with total backscatter above and below the
threshold T
B are assigned 1 and 0 respectively. In this
connectivity matrix, all neighboring entries with value
1 are then connected as a segment (s), and listed s =
1,..., N
s, where Ns is the total number of separate
segments found in the image. Each segment has an
observed area corresponding to the sum over the
pixels in the segment
, (2)
in units of the pixel area (l
). The cumulated
backscatter of that segment is found by summing over
its pixels
( ) ( )
Xs X ,
ij s
for the co-polarized X=VV or HH, cross polarization
X=VH or HV, or total backscatter X=V or H. We define
the average backscatters
( ) (
) ( )
s /V V s As=
( ) ( ) ( )
s /H Hs As=
, (4)
and the cross polarization ratios
( ) ( ) ( )
C s VH /s Vs=
( ) (
) ( )
C s HV /s Hs=
, (5)
which are very useful classifiers as will be shown
Figure 3. Top: S1 SAR image of the container ship Ivar
Reefer in Fig.2. Ship dimensions are 164x26m but show
strong sidelobes. Bottom: sidelobes have been removed. Red
bars show the resulting and improved ship length, breadth
and direction.
2.4 Sidelobe removal
Sidelobes are often encountered in radar backscatter
images. In particular ships and oil rigs, with large
metal areas or corner reflectors can be very bright and
produce strong sidelobes both along (i-direction) and
transverse (j-direction) to the satellite swath direction.
In Fig. 3 we show a typical SAR image of a container
ship (Ivar Reefer) with strong sidelobes. These make
classification difficult and corrupt the automatic
determination of ship length, breadth and orientation.
Therefore we apply a phenomenological correction
algorithm which we have adjusted such that it
effectively removes the sidelobes. Whenever a pixel
(i,j) value is so bright that it exceeds a sidelobe
threshold T
S, the algorithm subtracts a value given by
a simple sidelobe correction function
) ( )
', ' V ,
1 | | / 1 | | /
S i j S ij
ii j j
= +
+− +
, (6)
for pixels in the x-direction and y-direction separately
relative to the bright pixel (i,j). The magnitude
parameter S
0=0.1 is low such that the nearby pixels are
not strongly suppressed such that the ship pixels
remain, otherwise ships may be broken into separate
segments. The sidelobe range parameters
are chosen such that the long range
sidelobes are sufficiently suppressed. More precise
modeling of the radiation pattern is difficult due to
the finite pixel resolution, which is comparable to the
oscillation length and implicitly the range parameters
λ. They differ because the sidelobes in S1 images are
stronger in the y-direction along swath. The
Kronecker delta’s
insure suppression
of one row and one column respectively in the image
matrix which cross at pixel (i,j). When several pixels
(i,j) exceed the threshold, stripes are suppressed in the
image as seen in Fig. 3.
The oscillating nature of sidelobes often leads to
separate segments nearby a strongly reflecting object.
Such “collaterals” are automatically picked up in the
search and segment detection algorithm and can be
classified as sidelobe remnant segments.
For all segments their position, length, width, area,
total backscatter and cross polarization are calculated
and listed. The classification scheme will as explained
below identify the segment as an object such as a ship,
iceberg or ice floe, wake, sidelobe, or a stationary
object as an island, wind turbine, or oil rig. Each
segment is assigned a number referring to a list with
details on the calculated spatial and backscattering
parameters. The numbers are plotted at the segment
coordinates as shown in Fig. 2 with a color
classification code.
3.1 Icebergs
Fig. 1 shows a S1 image from the Disko Bay in
Greenland with thousands of icebergs and ice floes
from several glaciers. As icebergs can come in many
sizes and shapes, spatial parameters as area and
length are not good classifiers. Instead the
H classification parameters are useful for ice floe and
iceberg classification as can be seen in Fig. 5. Most
icebergs have low
and CH, and are situated below
the dashed line which therefore can be used for
separating into classes by the k-nearest neighbor
3.2 Ships
Ships are identified from AIS ship coordinates and
correlated with their positions in the satellite images.
Fig. 2 shows a S1 image where a number of ships are
anchored in the tranquil sea east of Skagen, the
northern tip of Denmark. Our detection and
classification algorithm finds almost all ships
recorded by AIS.
Figure 4. Scatter plots of all segments (mainly icebergs)
found in the Disko Bay ROI of Fig.1. Backscatter
distribution C
H vs.
, where size is proportional to area A
and shading to B/L. This gives a visual view of the four
classification parameters. Vertical line is the threshold T
Almost one thousand icebergs and ice floes are correctly
classified below the dashed line. According to AIS there are
two ships present of which the large cruise ship Ocean
Diamond is clearly separated on the right whereas a smaller
trawler is not identified.
As described in [12-13], one can for each object
calculate the center of mass coordinates, length (L),
width or breadth (B), orientation angle as well as a
number of other spatial parameters for the segment.
In the multispectral S2 images, these parameters were
exploited for spatial classification of the segments as
objects as ships are elongated and generally have
small breadth to length ratio, B/L. As will be
discussed in Sec. IV, the S1 IW SAR images have
poorer resolution 20x22m. Also ship wakes are
fragmented and not nearly as visible as for the S2
multispectral ship wakes. We therefore find that B/L
is not as useful for a ship classification parameter for
S1 images.
Figure 5. As Fig. 4 but for all segments (mainly ships,
sidelobes and wakes) found in Fig. 2 of Skagen. Dashed line
is the k-nearest-neighbor (kNN) classification decision
The remaining classification possibilities are the
two backscatter polarizations. We find that the
average object backscatter
and the cross
polarization C
V are good classifiers as shown in Fig. 5.
Ships reflect much stronger than wakes and ice floes,
i.e. their radar cross sections are much larger due to
metal and flat surfaces and possible corner reflectors,
in particular for VH. Therefore large ships show up
on the right in Fig. 5, whereas wakes, sidelobe
segments and unfortunately also some small ships
show up on the left.
In Fig. 2 ships are denoted white numbers,
whereas objects classified as wakes, sidelobes, harbor
quay and a few small ships are denoted other colors.
This allows for a quick identification of objects in the
images with reference to the identification list with
position, size, size after sidelobe correction, length,
breadth, orientation, backscatter, etc.
3.3 Islands, sea turbines, oil rigs
Stationary objects such as islands and wind turbines
are separated by change detection. By comparing to
earlier S1 image(s) of the same region, and checking
whether an object was present at the same place
within a few pixels, we can remove most stationary
objects as islands, sea turbines, oil rigs, harbor quays,
etc. We choose a 5 pixel radius corresponding to 50m,
which is large enough to be robust towards noise and
some change in backscatter with time, but small
enough that accidental position overlap between two
moving objects is improbable.
3.4 Classification Accuracy and Comparison to AIS
The above object classifications indicate that the
backscatter parameters
and C are much
more useful than spatial classification parameters A
and B/L when it comes to discriminating ships from
icebergs in S1 IW images. As shown in Fig. 4+5 large
ships and icebergs can to a large degree be separated
in both
vs CH and
vs. CV plots by the dashed
Smaller ships and boats as well as sidelobes and
wakes, however, tend to be widely spread into the
iceberg classification region - leading to mis-
identification. These results for S1 SAR ship and
iceberg classification are compatible with earlier
analyses based on dual cross polarisations from
RadarSAT, TerraSAR and other satellite data [2].
Note that almost all the Arctic S1 IW images are
HH whereas non-Arctic are VV, which complicates
the classification because there are few ships in HH
and few icebergs in VV. We therefore use the same
dashed line for classification in Figs. 4+5 for lack of
data. A differentiated classification should exploit that
the sea background has more than double reflection
in VV than HH. This will, however, require more
ships with AIS records in the Arctic and records of
icebergs drifting south.
Santamaria et al. [9] have analyzed more than two
thousand S1 extra wide swath (EW) images with
50x50m resolution in the Arctic in which they have
detected 13,312 objects all believed to be ships. On
average 84% of these were correlated to AIS ships.
The detection probability was 80-100% for ship
lengths above 150m but dropped to 60-70% for ship
lengths around the S1 EW resolution of 90m, and
below 20% for ships shorter than 20m. This gave an
average detection of 52% of the AIS ships in the S1
EW images.
We have performed a similar analysis for about 30
S1 IW images which contain about 200 ships in total.
Although our statistics are limited, the about 5 times
better resolution in the IW than EW images clearly
improves the detection probability of large ships. We
find almost 100% correlation between S1 IW and AIS
for ships longer than 100m. For smaller ships,
however, the detection probability drops rapidly to
zero as for S1 EW.
For comparison, the high resolution multispectral
S2 images had a detection probability of almost 100%
even for small ships of length 20m [12-13]. Also, a
greater number of small ships were detected which
did not transmit AIS, probably because AIS reporting
is only required by law for ships above 25m.
For each connected segment in the images we can
calculate its position, heading angle, length and
breadth as described in detail in the ship model
algorithm of [12]. The image processing techniques
are general and apply to both S1 and S2 images.
However, the different backgrounds, noise, speckle
and resolution affect the results. The resulting ship
lengths and breadths are plotted in Figs. 6+7 vs. their
ground truth values as given by AIS. We find that it is
important to correct for sidelobes as they corrupt the
ship images considerably and result in erroneous ship
orientations, exaggerated lengths and breadths. The
sidelobe corrected ship lengths and breadths from S1
data are closer to the ground truth numbers from AIS.
The S1 ship lengths and breadths do, however,
overestimate the ground truth dimensions by a
constant offset of 36m and 26m respectively as shown
in Fig. 6+7. The discrepancy is due to the limited S1
GRDH resolution of 20x22m and less importantly the
pixel resolution of 10m. Correcting for this off-set, the
standard deviation σ defined as the root mean square
average of the difference between the S1 satellite data
and the AIS ground truth (L
S1 +B/2− LGT) is σ = 24m for
the ship lengths and σ(B
S1 BGT) = 9m for the ship
breadths. Note that one can observe the effect of the
ship sterns which extends the ship length by of order
half the ship width as explained in [12].
In Fig.6+7 the S2 optical data ship lengths and
breadths from [12] are also shown for comparison.
These agree much better with ground truth AIS
values because the resolution is only the pixel length
l=10m and there are four high resolution bands. Also
the background noise is less and no sidelobes are
present. The resulting standard deviations were
S2+B/2 LGT) = 10 m and σ(BS2 BGT) = 4 m and a
very small offset of order 2m between S2 and AIS ship
lengths and breadths.
As described above the ship images are corrected
for sidelobes, and the resulting ship lengths and
breadths calculated depend on the parameters
, , )
. The stronger the correction, the smaller
the length and width, but at the same time the off-set
decreases. The resulting offset corrected ship lengths
and breadths are found to be robust, i.e. almost
independent of the sidelobe parameters within a
reasonable range around the parameters chosen.
Figure 6. Ship lengths. Squares and circles are from S1 and
S2 data respectively vs ground truth lengths and breadths
from AIS ship records. Blue lines indicate best off-set fit to
S1 data and dashed blue line to S2 data, see text.
Figure 7. As Fig. 6 but for ship breadths.
Brusch et al. [5] have performed a similar analysis of
ship lengths for TerraSAR satellite images, which
have resolution down to 3-4m. They find a good
linear correlation for ship lengths between 50-300m
with a standard deviation of 22m and an offset
(negative bias) of 7m. The offset is smaller due to the
better resolution as could be expected, and is
comparable to the resolution as is also the case for our
Sentinel-1 data. Surprisingly, the standard deviation
in TerraSAR ship lengths is much larger than the
resolution and comparable to that found in the S1
analysis above. Part of the reason could be the
sidelobe reduction performed on the S1 data. We also
suspect that the higher detail in TerraSAR resolves
high and low reflective parts of the ships, which
complicates the spatial analysis and dimension
determination. Therefore, the S1 images are useful for
ship detection and they also cover larger areas and
thus allow for faster wide area search.
Bentes et al. [4] have analyzed a wide range of
TerraSAR-X modes and found relations between
resolution and minimum ship length detection. At
wide incidence angle and low wind speed they are
similar, but at low incidence angle and/or higher
wind speed the large backscatter from the sea makes
detection more difficult and the minimum detection
length can increase by an order of magnitude
compared to the resolution. Extrapolating to the
resolution and inclination angles in our S2 data, we
find that our ship length off-set and standard
deviation are compatible with their ship size
detectability lengths.
Stasolla and Greidanus [10] have analysed 127
ships in S1 GRDH images from the Panama Canal.
Their method exploits the topology information of the
ship backscatter geometry to place a rectangle for ship
length and width estimates. Their methodology
avoids an off-set. Comparing to AIS data they find an
absolute error of 30m and 11m respectively. Both are
compatible with the standard deviations found in this
Hajduch et al. [11] analyse a large number of ships
in Envisat ASAR/WSM/VV images. Besides
geometrical information they also exploit the ship
normalized radar cross section to improve their ship
length and width estimates. Their methodology seems
to remove off-set lengths. A comparison to AIS data
shown in a plot seems to have a variation as in Fig. 6
but no standard deviation is given.
Sentinel-1 SAR data was analyzed in detail including
search and detection of objects above sea background
with masking of land and sea ice. An algorithm for
suppressing sidelobes from strongly reflecting objects
such as large ships was found very useful for
determining ship lengths and breadths more
accurately. As result good comparison to AIS ground
truth numbers was found, however, with a large
offset of around 30m due to the corresponding
resolution of the S1 data. The standard deviation
between ship lengths from AIS and satellite data was
of similar size 24m and surprisingly similar to earlier
TerraSAR-X [5] analyses although this data has much
better resolution. In comparison Sentinel-2
multispectral analysis could determine ship lengths
and breadths much better [12].
For classification a change detection algorithm
proved very useful for identifying stationary objects
such as sea turbines, islands, piers, etc. by comparing
object positions from different satellite overpass. This
simplified the classification of the remaining changing
objects such as ships and icebergs. However, it was
found that for the S1 SAR data as opposed to S2
multispectral data [13], the spatial information such
as area, length and width was not very useful for
classifying ships in Greenland when icebergs are
abundant because they can have very different form
and sizes and the resolution is limited. Instead, the
average and cross radar polarization backscatter were
significantly larger for large ships and allowed for
correct classification of large ships vs. icebergs using a
simple k-nearest-neighbor method. However, smaller
ships and wakes proved very difficult to separate
from icebergs.
Neural networks show promising results for
discriminating smaller ships from icebergs [14-15].
Correlating to AIS data will be important for better
determination of true/false positive/negative alarms,
and finding dark ships. The detection of ships vs.
icebergs in all weather day and night SAR data will be
useful in ice infested arctic seas for surveillance,
monitoring navigation, rescue service, etc.
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