@article{Wawrzynski_2024, author = {Wawrzynski, Wojciech}, title = {The Second Trim Correction in Draught Survey Procedure – Accuracy Analysis}, journal = {TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {695-703}, year = {2024}, url = {./Article_The_Second_Trim_Correction_in_Draught_Wawrzynski,71,1445.html}, abstract = {The basic method for determining the mass of dry bulk cargo, loaded on the ship or unloaded from the ship, is the Draught Survey procedure. This procedure is quite simple, however is highly susceptible to mistakes and accidental errors. Moreover, it is also affected by some systematic errors. The difference between the mas of cargo at the loading and discharging port (cargo shortage) bigger than 0.5% then such cargo shortage generally becomes the subject of a Cargo Claim. In this study the systematic error that concerns the formula of second trim correction in Draught Survey procedure is discussed. The results of calculations performed with the commonly used the second trim correction formula are compared with the results obtained during calculations with the use of Bonjean Scale. The calculations carried out with the use of Bonjean Scale, have been validated based on the ship’s documentation. For the purpose of this study the small bulk carrier was selected. The results of performed calculations shows the significance of the systematic error of the second trim correction for a ship with higher trim values.}, doi = {10.12716/1001.18.03.25}, issn = {2083-6473}, publisher = {Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation}, keywords = {Accuracy Analysis, Ship Stability, Trim, Draught Survey Procedure, Electronic Quality Shipping Information System (EQUASIS), Draught at Midship, Bonjean Scale, Hydrostatic Table} }