@article{MĂzller-Plath_Lehleitner_Maier_Silva-LĂsbling_Zhang_Zhang_Zhou_2023, author = {MĂzller-Plath, Gisela and Lehleitner, Johannes and Maier, Julian and Silva-LĂsbling, Jannes and Zhang, Hao and Zhang, XiaoXiao and Zhou, Shiqing}, title = {How Does Maritime Situation Awareness Depend on Navigation Automation and Mental Workload? A Sea Simulator Experiment}, journal = {TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {963-969}, year = {2023}, url = {./Article_How_Does_Maritime_Situation_Awareness_MĂzller-Plath,68,1368.html}, abstract = {A good situation awareness (SA) of the navigator is essential for the safety of the ship, especially in coastal areas. In this study, the Unity 3D engine was used to simulate the navigation of a coastal trading vessel along predefined routes in the Baltic Sea. The SA of the helmsman, who was either Chinese or European, was assessed several times with the SAGAT test (Endsley, 1995b, 20-21) and compared between low and high workload conditions and between manual and autopilot navigation. High workload and automated navigation both reduced SA significantly and in an additive manner. No difference was found between Chinese and European participants. In contrast to previous accident analyses of SA, we found that SA level 3 (projection of future states) was most strongly affected by both factors, while SA levels 1 (perception of relevant information) and 2 (comprehension of the current situation) suffered to a lesser extent. Further research is needed to establish specific relationships between types of automation on ships, types of workload, and SA problems in order to design countermeasures.}, doi = {10.12716/1001.17.04.23}, issn = {2083-6473}, publisher = {Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation}, keywords = {Mental Workload (MWL), Autopilot, Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT), Situation Awareness (SA), Simulation Experiment, Autoroute Navigation, Ironies of Automation, Maritime Human Factors} }